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18 August 2021 | Story ANDRÉ DAMONS | Photo ANDRÉ DAMONS
Dr Osayande Evbuomwan, a Senior Lecturer and Medical Specialist in the Department of Nuclear Medicine, always wanted to specialise in an area of medicine that was novel, innovative, intriguing and involved a lot of opportunities for groundbreaking research

Dr Osayande Evbuomwan, Senior Lecturer and Medical Specialist in the Department of Nuclear Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, at the University of the Free State (UFS) always wanted to specialize in an area of medicine that was novel, innovative, intriguing and involved many opportunities for groundbreaking research.

This passionate medical man, who joined the UFS in 2019, is behind his department using Lutetium 177 PSMA (Lu-177 PSMA) therapy to treatment metastatic castrate resistant prostate cancer (MCRPC) – an advanced stage prostate cancer. 
The UFS and the Free State province can now join other South African universities, like the University of Pretoria, University of the Witwatersrand, and other provinces in using this method to treat MCRPC patients. 

Built for this job

Dr Evbuomwan explains nuclear medicine is a medical specialty that involves the use of unsealed sources of radiation in the form of radioisotopes for the diagnosis and treatment of various disease conditions including cancers.
“It’s novelty and opportunity for research and ability to diagnose and treat disease conditions in one specialty attracted me to this field. I always wanted to be a doctor. I see it as a calling. It was also something my mum discovered while I was growing up as a child. In my next life, I would choose to be a medical doctor again,” he says.

“I was built for this job and it is always my joy to have the opportunity to carry out my work. We have been well-trained for this; we support all our skills with prayers. We try to give our patients the very best,” says Dr Evbuomwan, who is originally from Benin City, Edo state, Nigeria. 

After graduating as a nuclear medicine specialist from Wits University, Dr Evbuomwan moved to the City of Roses after a work opportunity opened. He saw it as an opportunity to showcase his talents.

“I have been privileged to receive training in this treatment during my residency training at Wits. I treated a few of these patients during my training and the results were amazing. The University of Pretoria has also been involved with this treatment, with some amazing results that are recognised worldwide. 

“This was enough to convince me to push for our department to also join the powerhouses and offer this treatment to patients who need it. With the influence of a very understanding head of department, Dr Gerrit Engelbrecht, we have been successful in pushing for the commencement of this treatment at our facility,” says Dr Evbuomwan.

Important treatment
According to him, the availability and expertise of Lutetium 177 PSMA (Lu-177 PSMA) therapy to treat MCRPC is very important for the Free State and the UFS, as it is able to offer an option for patients who do not qualify for available conventional treatment and/or who have failed the first line of conventional treatment. 

“In the majority of patients this treatment offers improved quality of life, disease-free progression and improved overall survival. It also alleviates the constant bone pains these patients have to go through daily. To be able to offer this treatment puts the university and the province on the map alongside other top institutions in and outside the country. It also offers opportunity for research,” says Dr Evbuomwan.

He believes with a PET/CT camera for proper staging of these patients with cancer the UFS would be able to expand the treatment of patients suffering from this deadly illness. Currently the university does not possess such a camera and has to use lesser methods in identifying the right patients for this therapy.

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Verslag: SA studente atletiek (Afrikaans)

SA studente atletiekkampioenskap - 22 en 23 April 2005 Johannesburg Universiteit


Weereens baie goed!!! Dit is hoe ons die Kovsieatlete se vertonings op en af van die baan af kan beskryf. Die 22 medaljes vanjaar teenoor die 25 van 2004, die 14 van 2003 en die 10 van 2002 spreek boekdele, veral as ons in ag neem dat ons in die laaste week 4 van ons top atlete weens beserings verloor het (Antonie Rossouw, Nico Oosthuizen, Jaco Claasen en Renè Kalmer).

Ons het op 20 April om 09:00 vanaf Pelliespark per bus na Johannesburg vertrek en tuisgegaan in die Randburg Road Lodge hotel.

'n Totaal van 43 atlete – 18 vroue en 25 mans het die Kovsies verteenwoordig (spanlys aangeheg).

Die bestuurspan het bestaan uit Danie Cronjé bestuurder mans, Sarina Cronjé bestuurder vroue, Bertus Pretorius afrigter mans, Ans Botha afrigter vroue, Hendrik Cronjé (Video), Jan du Toit, Sidney van Biljon, DB Prinsloo sportbestuurder.

Die mediese span het bestaan uit Dr. Org Strauss en Daleen Lamprecht(bio).

Die volgende lede van die ABSA KOVSIESPAN het medaljes verwerf.

Jan vd Merwe  400   46,37
Johan Cronjé    1500 mans   3:50.20
Boy Soke  10000   30:23,40
Charlene Henning   Driesprong vroue  12.62m
Francois Potgieter      Tienkamp  6862 punte
Magdel Venter    Diskusgooi vroue     46.94m
Kovsiespan mans   4x400 Aflos  3:10,17
(Dirk Roets, Francois Lötter, Johan Cronjé, Jan van der Merwe)
Charlene Henning  Verspring vroue    6,16m
Magdel Venter  Gewigstoot vroue  13,21m
Sanè du Preez   Hamergooi vroue     44,71m
Boy Soke     5000m    14:36,60
Francois Potgieter  110 Hekkies mans    14,00sek
Christine Kalmer  1500m vroue    4:35,40
Cobus Marais    3000m hindernis   9:32,80
Gustav Kukkuk     110 Hekkies mans    14.00sek
Mariana Banting    Driesprong vroue  12.36m
Helen-Joan Lombaard   Sewekamp vroue    3354 punte
Clive Wessels   Paalspring   4,05m
Johan Cronjé  800m  1:52,01
Kovsiespan vroue   4x100 Aflos    47,56
(Denise Polson, Elmie Hugo, Carlene Henning, Minette Albertse)
Kovsiespan mans    4x100 Aflos   42,21
( Tiaan Pretorius, Gustav Kukkuk, Marno Meyer, Wiaan Kriel)
Kovsies wat ook onder die eerste 8 geëindig het sien as volg daaruit:
4de Plek    
Mariana Banting   Hoogspring vroue  1.70m
Stefan van Heerden   Driesprong  15,12m
Elmie Hugo   200m   24,12sek
Ronè Reynecke     400m  57,31sek
5de Plek    
Jackie Kriel    100 Hekkies    13,90sek
Jackie Kriel     400 Hekkies   65,40sek
Riana Rossouw    Gewigstoot    10,59m   
Kenny Jooste   Verspring   7,23m
Elmie Hugo    100m  11,86sek
Helen-Joan Lombard  Paalspring    3,25m
Ronè Reynecke     800m   2:17,58
Christine Kalmer   5000m      17:38,32
6de Plek    
Tiaan Pretorius  Verspring   7,21m
Francois Pretorius    800m     1:52,67
Riana Rossouw   Spiesgooi      38,12m
Kovsiespan vroue   4x400 Aflos  4:06,56
(Ronè Reynecke, Denise Polson, Lise du Toit, Elmie Hugo)
7de Plek    
Gerda Rust    Hamergooi   36,37m
Schalk Roestoff     1500m      3:55,80
Francois Lotter    400m       47,94
Pienaar j v Rensburg    10000m   32:12,21
Kovsie mans  ”A”  en  B span  4x400     3:15,44
8ste Plek    
Charles le Roux   Verspring   7,06m
Tiaan Pretorius  Driesprong  14,06m

In die spankompetisie het die Vroue 4de geëindig en die mans 4de. In die algehele kompetisie het die Kovsies ook die 4de plek behaal (aangeheg).

Die gees en gedrag van die toergroep was uitstekend en was die atlete goeie ambassadeurs vir die Kovsies.

Danie Cronjé     Sarina Cronjé
Spanbestuurder  Mans   Spanbestuurder Vroue

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