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01 July 2022 | Story Marcus Maphile | Photo Supplied

The University of the Free State Library and Information Services (UFSLIS) hosted stakeholders from SABC Lesedi FM, the Free State Department of Sport, Arts, and Culture, the Pan South African Language Board (PanSALB), and delegates from the National Library for the launch of the first-ever African Languages University Press in South Africa and Africa.  The launch, which took place on 24 May, deliberately coincided with the Africa Month commemorations – as the UFS’ answer to the United Nations General Assembly (Resolution A/RES/74/135) proclamation of the period between 2022 and 2032 as the International Decade of Indigenous Languages.  

This proclamation aims to draw global attention to the critical situation of many indigenous languages, and to mobilise stakeholders and resources for their preservation, revitalisation, and promotion. The University of the Free State Department of African Languages aims to be a publisher of high-quality original African language monographs and research in order to promote access, preservation, and use of marginalised African languages.  

In his opening remarks, Marcus Maphile, Assistant Director: Library Services, said, “As a broad academic publisher, the African Languages Press will be working across a number of markets, all presenting challenges and opportunities for established and engaged university presses. One of the opportunities will be to challenge the mainstream book publishers to re-enter the indigenous language publishing market.” He further said that this was done to make writing and reading in African indigenous languages fashionable, for other nations to envy our rich multilingual cultural heritage. 

The guest speaker for the launch was the UFS honorary Doctor of Letters (DLitt) recipient, Dr Jerry Mofokeng wa Makhetha, who applauded the University of the Free State for taking such a bold step towards enriching and developing African indigenous languages. 

The launch offered the UFS the opportunity to reach out and engage the international community on potential partnerships and collaborations towards developing African languages. The Library Director, Ms Jeanette Molopyane, provided insight into the challenges faced by libraries due to the shortage of books in African languages, while positioning the University of the Free State Library as a trendsetter and a leader in the development of best practices in the field of libraries.  

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Verklaring - Afsterwe van student

Afsterwe van eerstejaarstudent - Verklaring deur Die Rektor en Visekanselier van die UV, Prof Frederick Fourie

Die bestuur van die UV is diep ontsteld oor die tragiese dood van een van ons studente, Hannes van Rensburg, die afgelope naweek. Ons het reeds met die ouers geskakel en ons innige simpatie aan hulle oorgedra.

“Ek is ook erg bekommerd oor die aard van die bewerings oor drankgebruik en -misbruik, en neem elkeen van die bewerings ernstig op.” Die UV-bestuur is, net soos besture by ander universiteite, uiters bekommerd oor die drinkkultuur onder studente, veral ook die element daarvan wat met gewaande manlikheid te doen het. Ook ander elemente van koshuiskultuur en –gesagsverhoudinge hou dalk hiermee verband.

“Ek is ook ten sterkste gekant teen praktyke wat studente dwing tot sekere gedrag soos byvoorbeeld gedwonge drankgebruik”.

Iets soos ‘n “pa-seun” aand is ‘n verskynsel wat by verskeie universiteite voorkom. By die UV is dit geensins deel van die oriënteringsfase van eerstejaars nie. Dit vind juis etlike weke na die ontheffing van die eerstejaars plaas. Dit is ‘n normale funksie waarin seniors en eerstejaars saam sosiaal verkeer in die seniorbonde van koshuise.

Die UV-bestuur het streng beheermaatreëls in plek om drankgebruik te reguleer en dit binne perke te hou. Baie word gedoen om die verantwoordelike gebruik van alkohol aan te moedig. Dit is egter nie altyd moontlik om die individuele gedrag van studente te reguleer nie.

Ek kondig dus die volgende stappe aan, wat onmiddellik van krag is:

  • Die reg van alle seniorbonde op die UV kampus om alkoholiese drank te bedien word onmiddellik teruggetrek, tot verdere kennisgewing.
  • ‘n Indringende ondersoek onder leiding van dr Ezekiel Moraka, Viserektor: Studentesake, na die omstandighede rondom hierdie tragiese gebeurtenis is reeds geloods.
  • ‘n Breër ondersoek na die drinkkultuur en verwante elemente van koshuistradisies sal deel van hierdie ondersoek wees.

Dissiplinêre stappe sal geneem word teen persone wat skuldig bevind word aan wangedrag met betrekking tot hierdie tragiese voorval.

Uitgereik deur: Lacea Loader
Tel: (051) 401-2584
Sel: 083 645 2454
7 Maart 2005

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