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07 December 2023 | Story Leonie Bolleurs | Photo Charl Devenish
Dr Michelle Goliath
Dr Michelle Goliath received her PhD, providing significantly useful insights into artisanal mining. She says it is the prospect of contributing to positive change and advancing understanding in the field that has been the most exciting and fulfilling aspect of completing this research.

Dr Michelle Goliath completed her PhD in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning at the University of the Free State (UFS) and received her qualification during the December graduations. 

The PhD, which she began in 2018 under supervision of Prof Malene Campbell, is titled Urban Pacification Strategies and Solutions: Towards a Contested Space Theory of Artisanal Mining.

The focus of her thesis was on finding strategies to address informal mining in urban areas. “It considers the formalisation of informal miners, adapted land use management, risk management solutions, and action research to solve complex problems. In addition, it also looks at the social, economic, and environmental dimensions of the challenge and proposes a unique practical methodology on how to solve similar complex problems and challenges that urban planners and policy makers face daily,” explains Dr Goliath. 

A foundation for informed decision making

She is of the opinion that her research provides a foundation for informed decision making by town planners who seek to proactively address and mitigate challenges around artisanal mining.

Dr Goliath’s thesis introduces innovative strategies for managing land use specifically designed for the challenges of artisanal mining. She believes that recognising the importance of flexible and innovative land-use policies demonstrates a deep understanding of the spatial aspects involved in effectively accommodating and regulating artisanal mining activities. As reported by Dr Goliath, this customised approach ensures that the rules fit the unique characteristics of artisanal mining, promoting sustainable urban development.

Moreover, by integrating action research methodologies into the thesis, a dynamic and collaborative element is introduced into the decision-making process. She says that engaging in practical, on-the-ground research in collaboration with practitioners – in this instance a community of women artisanal miners in Kimberley – advocates for evidence-based decision making in urban planning. “This approach not only enriches the theoretical foundation of the thesis, but also ensures that the proposed solutions are rooted in the practical realities of the South African context,” she states.

Furthermore, the thesis offers both theoretical insights and practical policy recommendations, ensuring that its research findings extend beyond academia. These insights are directly applicable to the challenges confronted by town planners in South Africa and policy planners in other SADEC countries who are still navigating the policy process for similar challenges. “The incorporation of global trends in artisanal mining allows for a comparative approach, enhancing the relevance and transferability of the recommendations both locally and internationally,” remarks Dr Goliath.

The impact of empowerment

She says it is fulfilling to witness the transformative impact of empowerment. “Engaging with and supporting women in the artisanal mining sector has not only enhanced their economic opportunities but has also contributed to broader social and community development. It is the empowerment of these women, their resilience, and the tangible positive shifts in their lives that stand out as the most rewarding and impactful outcomes of my work in Kimberley.”

Besides the opportunity to help this group of women, she was also excited about the chance to contribute new knowledge and insights to the field. “The process of delving into unexplored aspects of artisanal mining in Kimberley, conducting thorough investigations, and analysing longitudinal data has been intellectually stimulating,” she states.

“The prospect of offering novel perspectives, innovative solutions, and evidence-based recommendations through my research is particularly thrilling. Witnessing the potential for this work to make a meaningful impact on policies, practices, and the lives of individuals involved in artisanal mining adds a sense of purpose and excitement to the research journey,” concludes Dr Goliath.

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Qwaqwa Campus opens: Prof. PA Mbati's speech

Official welcome speech by Prof. PA Mbati for 2005 first year students held on Saturday 22nd January 2005. Program Director, The Chief Director Operations Rev. Kiepi Jaftha, Dean of Students Dr. Natie Luyt, Program Head of the Faculty of Humanities, Dr. Elias Malete, Program Head of Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, Prof. Riaan Luyt, Acting Program Head of the Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences Prof. Andries Venter, Deputy Director Student Affairs Mr. Teboho Manchu, Coordinator Finance: Mrs. Elizabeth Nchapi, Senior Librarian Mr. Stoffel Kok, Senior Magistrate Mr Saul Mohosho, SRC President Mr. Tello Motloung, members of staff, invited guests, parents, guardians, my dear students, ladies and gentlemen.

It is indeed my pleasure to welcome you to the official welcoming ceremony of the UFS-Qwaqwa Campus 2005 first year students. Our Rector and Vice Chancellor Professor Frederick has requested me to pass to you his warmest wishes and regards on this special occasion. I am confident that the orientation exercise in which you have participated has achieved the desired effect of introducing you to your new way of life here on campus, and that you are now sufficiently prepared to get on with the rigors of being a student at this University.

Following the restructuring of the higher education landscape, the Qwaqwa campus was incorporated into the University of the Free State with effect from January 1 2003 . As a consequence, Management was faced with a whole complex series of challenges including, primarily making the campus financially viable, but also ensuring that it remains relevant in it’s core business as a satellite campus of the University of the Free State in terms of its teaching, learning, research and community service responsibilities.

A whole series of strategic planning workshops were conducted last year with both internal and external stakeholders. Various important strategic objectives were flagged out, and the next level of consultation will take place soon. I know that there is a lot of eagerness, sometimes to the level of impatience to see this process completed as quickly as possible. But again on the other hand, due to the far reaching consequences of any hasty decisions, plus the need for a carefully planned process, we need to be a little more patient before the implementation of the strategic objectives is implemented. You will be kept informed as this important and critical aspect in the evolution of our campus takes place.

As a response to the need for a more effective governance model on the Qwaqwa campus, a review of the governance structure was completed towards the end of 2004 and will soon serve before the Executive of the Executive Management for approval.

Due to the importance that top management attaches to the development of an effective governance on the Qwaqwa campus, the process was facilitated by an internationally acclaimed consultant. Again the contents of the revised governance model will be made known to the campus and the broader community once it is approved.

I am glad to report that in recognition of the need to improve the infrastructure on campus to provide a conducive learning atmosphere to our students, a total of 8.2 million rands was made available towards the end of 2004 for recapitalization of specifically our student residences and lecture venues. The first phase of the residence renovation is completed and residences C, D and E have now been officially handed over to the University by the Contractor. Among the features of the renovated residences is that they will now computer rooms, kitchenettes for cooking, and a redesigned TV room. The rooms have even been fitted with heaters. Our challenge will now be to maintain our newly acquired facilities and to ensure that they do not again deteriorate to an un-acceptable level. The second phase of renovation will start soon.

As indicated in my address during the orientation week, our obligation to you as a campus is to offer you quality training to the best of our ability, and to disseminate this knowledge to you within a conducive atmosphere worthy of good learning. On the other hand, our students have to take advantage of this opportunity to acquire the necessary skills and training in the various academic programs that we offer on campus.

We have a very simple agenda on this campus – our vision is to continuously strive to build and develop the Qwaqwa campus of University of the Free State into a truly quality institution of higher learning in our country. To develop a tradition and culture in which we are proud of who we are, and constantly and tirelessly working towards excellence in our academic programs, and other non-academic but core and important aspects in your growth and development such as sport and community service. To nurture young conscientious citizens who are aware of their duties and responsibilities. Ultimately to produce hard working young people who fully exploit their potentials, and who will serve this country with diligence when unleashed into the real world in effectively managing their roles and responsibilities in society, whether in private or government civil service.

I would like to encourage that the various stake holders of this campus, the students, academic, administrative and support staff, and our broader community, to work together in harmony for the well being of our campus. For this campus to continue to be relevant in the environment that we find ourselves, there is a need for continuous engagement of its various stake holders, and genuinely listening to each other. We must continuously and regularly keep our feelers on alert in order that we can remain relevant.

I am particularly inviting our parents and guardians, the alumni of this campus, and leaders from our community to join hands with us in seeking solutions to the various challenges that we continue to face on campus. I am open for frank and honest discourse on the best way forward for our campus.

The University of the Free State is committed in making tertiary education accessible to as many students as possible. In this regard, students who do not have the required ‘M’ score to gain entry into main stream classes are given an opportunity to study in the highly successful ‘bridging program’ in which learners are integrated with main stream students but with fewer courses to tackle in order to ensure success. This is done on the premise that such students have the potential to pursue a degree course, and that therefore within a well structured program, they can make a success of their lives.

The University is conscious of the fact that in many instances several academically deserving students fail to be admitted into university due to financial reasons. For students who are academically deserving but who because of reasons of poverty cannot pay the requisite fees, the university is able to assist such students through the National Financial Aid Scheme – commonly known as NSFAS, and University Merit Awards. Other incentives such as Sports bursaries are also available.

Please remember that it is important to balance your life on campus and the phrase ‘a healthy mind in a healthy body’ aptly describes this statement. Ensure that you participate in sport and cultural activities of this campus so that you can develop and strengthen the various God-given talents that you have been blessed with.

A second major ingredient for your success on campus is discipline and respect for rules, policies and procedures that govern the University of the Free State , and respect for your fellow students. Good discipline is a major contributory factor to success in life, and more so in your formative academic life at University. This means for example that you must attend all your lectures, complete your assignments on-time and visit the library frequently. Please manage your time wisely and responsibly. Remember that as a university student, you are basically the master and architect of your own destiny.

Think very carefully when you are confronted with difficult situations, be they negative peer pressure, or temptations to indulge in intoxicating drugs, and make the right choice.

The University has well trained personnel including a social worker, a psychologist and counselor, and members of the student affairs division under the leadership of Mr. Teboho Manchu, Deputy Director Student Affairs, who are available to assist whenever you require their help.

Today is also a special day because we have officially inaugurated the SRC President and the rest of the SRC leadership. I am sure that you all join me in congratulating the SRC for being elected to their leadership roles for 2005. Mr. SRC president and your team, please remember that you now have a huge responsibility in carrying out the aspirations of the student body on campus. I want to wish you luck and success as you champion the rights of your constituents, which I believe and trust will be compatible with management’s expectations with regard to quality teaching and learning on campus. As you are aware, Management values the input that the student leadership makes in the operational management of the affairs of this campus, and we look forward to a cordial, non-confrontational working relationship with a view of rendering un-paralleled service on campus.

Mr. Program Director, allow me to wish everyone here a successful and prosperous year. May the good Lord give us the strength and courage to overcome any obstacle that may be placed in our way in the course of our work in 2005.

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