In February 2014, the JBM Hertzog residence community initiated a process of renewal. The review and reassessment of university symbols and traditions is nothing new; it takes place on a regular basis through the institution.
This means that various conversations take place to consult students on the evaluation of their residence’s values, symbols, systems and traditions in a changing South Africa. The university is deeply committed to continuously renewing its residence cultures through focused conversations in order to be more inspiring and welcoming to all students. The involvement of students in co-creating such spaces remains paramount.
The university regrets the deliberate and misleading information in the media on the process underway in JBM. The importance of student involvement consequently calls for the distribution of accurate information in order to avoid uncertainties, misunderstandings and incorrect perceptions.
It is therefore important to state the following regarding the current renewal process in JBM Hertzog:
1. No memorabilia or photos have been removed, and no final decisions have been taken in this regard. These decisions form an integral part of the consultation process described above.
2. The name of the residence (among other symbols) is part of the consultation process. It is also important to note that all suggested name changes at the UFS are subject to the approval of the institutional Naming Committee and the University Council.
3. The perception that this process is being used to eliminate certain unique cultural identities is incorrect. However, what this process aims to achieve is a more inclusive and welcoming residence culture, and throughout this will be done in consultation with all students.
All current residents of JBM Hertzog are invited to form part of this renewal process. In conclusion, the UFS wishes to convey its appreciation to the Residence Committee members and the residents for their positive attitude and continuous support during this very important process.
Prof Jonathan Jansen
Vice-Chancellor and Rector
University of the Free State
Issued by: Lacea Loader (Director: Communication and Brand Management)
Telephone: +27(0)51 401 2584 or +27 (0) 83 645 2454
Fax: +27 (0) 51 444 6393