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31 May 2023 | Story Sieraaj Ahmed | Photo Sonia Small

The University of the Free State (UFS) Chancellor, Prof Bonang Mohale, and UFS Rector and Vice-Chancellor, Prof Francis Petersen, recently hosted the UFS’s 38 th UFS Chancellor’s Distinguished Alumni Awards (CDAA) Dinner. The event took place in the Callie Human Centre on the UFS Bloemfontein Campus and honoured 10 outstanding UFS alumni for their achievements in both their personal and professional capacities.

“The UFS’s CDAA Awards are important to help represent those without a voice, thereby releasing better humans who care deeply for each other and are meaningfully connected, incredibly constructive citizens who are catalysts of change – to change us from humankind to kind humans, simply because kindness is the highest form of intelligence. To change us from important people to persons of significance – from taking to giving, as a new form of transformative philanthropy,” Prof Mohale told awardees and other UFS alumni who attended the dinner.

UFS alumni excelling in their various fields

Gerda Steyn, who recently made history by becoming the first woman to win the Two Oceans Marathon four consecutive times, was recognised as the Chancellor’s Distinguished Alumnus of the Year award winner. This is the highest honour bestowed upon an alumnus and celebrates someone who serves to inspire fellow alumni, current students, and the community at large. Steyn’s parents, Pieter and Trudie Steyn accepted the award on her behalf. (A full list of awardees can be found at the end of this story).

Prof Petersen applauded all the winners as well as UFS alumni everywhere who excel in their various fields. “Excellence is part of our DNA, and our valued alumni across the globe are the products of this. We believe the impact our alumni are making at every level should be continuously encouraged for the greater good, through recognition and celebration of achievements. This is why the Chancellor’s Distinguished Alumni Awards Ceremony has shed light on the impact of our exceptional alumni for the past 38 years and will continue to do so.”

He urged all alumni to learn more about Vision 130, an elaboration of the UFS’s strategic intent to reposition the institution ahead of 2034, when UFS will commemorate its 130th anniversary. “Vision 130 is centred around the pillars of academic excellence, quality, and impact; creating maximum societal impact with sustainable relationships; and establishing a diverse, inclusive, and equitable university. The alumni honoured this year are an embodiment of our Vision 130, and we congratulate them and look forward to the great achievements that are on the horizon for you and the rest of the UFS community.”


Dr Maryam Amra Jordaan - Cum Laude Award. Rene Images Uyleta Nel-Marias - Kovies Ambassador Award
Cum Laude Award winner, Dr Maryam Amra Jordaan, with Prof Francis Petersen, UFS Rector and Vice-Chancellor, and Prof Bonang Mohale, UFS Chancellor, at the 38th Chancellor’s Distinguished Alumni Awards Dinner. Kovsie Ambassador Award winner, Uyleta Nel-Marais, with Prof Francis Petersen, UFS Rector and Vice-Chancellor, and Prof Bonang Mohale, UFS Chancellor, at the 38th Chancellor’s Distinguished Alumni Awards Dinner.

38th Chancellor’s Distinguished Alumni Awards (CDAA) winners – 20 May 2023

Chancellor’s Distinguished Alumnus of the Year



Young Alumnus of the Year



Executive Management Award




Cum Laude Award





Kovsie Ambassador Award





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New Rector and Chancellor inaugurated at UFS


 Newly inaugurated Rector and Vice-Chancellor of the University of the Free State, Prof Frederick Fourie, has recommitted the university to the service of the broader community, through the pursuit of academic excellence and contributing to building a non-racial, democratic and just South Africa.

To make this a reality Prof Fourie proposed a social contract or accord between university constituencies and the community to chart the way forward to establishing a university that can meet the challenges of a developing democracy.

Prof Fourie was speaking at his inauguration ceremony on the Bloemfontein campus, where the former Ambassador to the United States, Dr Franklin Sonn, was also inaugurated as Chancellor of the UFS.

The twin inauguration ceremony – the first in the history of the UFS - was attended by former President Nelson Mandela, Education Minister, Kader Asmal, Free State Premier Winki Direko, and the executive mayor of Mangaung, Mr Pappie Mokoena, who all endorsed the appointments as evidence of the transformation of the UFS.

According to Prof Fourie, the greatest contribution that any university could make to social and economic development in South Africa was by being an excellent university that encouraged critical inquiry, scientific knowledge as well as community service.

“So whilst we cherish and foster the continuity of the university as part of the ageold international tradition of universities, this University embraces its particular role in this country now, embraces the changes in the form and scope of its role in this crucial period of our history. We are committed to making a real difference to the new nation,” he said.

His vision for the UFS was “to be a university of excellence, equity and innovation – a leader in research, teaching, community service, adult learning, transformation, non-racialism, non-sexism, multi-culturality and multilingualism – a contributor to our country and our continent’s growth and development – a truly South African university”.

Prof Fourie said the recent incorporation of the Qwaqwa campus of the University of the North into the University of the Free State, which is the first such incorporation to take place, would contribute to broadening access for poor communities to higher education. Introducing an innovation to the inauguration ceremony, Prof Fourie and the UFS staff pledged to their commitment to excellence and justice, quality and equity. Fourie is the 13th Rector of the University of the Free State, succeeding Prof. Stef Coetzee, and Dr Sonn is the 6th Chancellor, succeeding Ms Winkie Direko, Premier of the Free State.

In his inaugural address, Dr Sonn said the significance of today’s ceremony was that the UFS - as a former institution of the Afrikaner – had chosen to walk the path of justice and not merely survival. “This university has seemingly liberated itself. It is inclusively South African.

He said the academic community must play its role of vigilance and not indifference”. Referring to the stature of former president Mandela in international affairs, Dr Sonn said: “We must bring the weight ot science and critical analysis and interpretation to bear in support of Madiba and other moral giants.”


Inauguration Speech by Prof. Frederick C.v.N. Fourie  (PDF format)

Inauguration Speech by Dr Franklin A. Sonn (PDF format)

Statement by the Minister of Education, Professor Kader Asmal (PDF format)

Speech by Prof. Viljoen (PDF format)

Speech by Executive Mayor Mokoena - Mangaung Local Municipality (PDF format)




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