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31 May 2023 | Story Sieraaj Ahmed | Photo Sonia Small

The University of the Free State (UFS) Chancellor, Prof Bonang Mohale, and UFS Rector and Vice-Chancellor, Prof Francis Petersen, recently hosted the UFS’s 38 th UFS Chancellor’s Distinguished Alumni Awards (CDAA) Dinner. The event took place in the Callie Human Centre on the UFS Bloemfontein Campus and honoured 10 outstanding UFS alumni for their achievements in both their personal and professional capacities.

“The UFS’s CDAA Awards are important to help represent those without a voice, thereby releasing better humans who care deeply for each other and are meaningfully connected, incredibly constructive citizens who are catalysts of change – to change us from humankind to kind humans, simply because kindness is the highest form of intelligence. To change us from important people to persons of significance – from taking to giving, as a new form of transformative philanthropy,” Prof Mohale told awardees and other UFS alumni who attended the dinner.

UFS alumni excelling in their various fields

Gerda Steyn, who recently made history by becoming the first woman to win the Two Oceans Marathon four consecutive times, was recognised as the Chancellor’s Distinguished Alumnus of the Year award winner. This is the highest honour bestowed upon an alumnus and celebrates someone who serves to inspire fellow alumni, current students, and the community at large. Steyn’s parents, Pieter and Trudie Steyn accepted the award on her behalf. (A full list of awardees can be found at the end of this story).

Prof Petersen applauded all the winners as well as UFS alumni everywhere who excel in their various fields. “Excellence is part of our DNA, and our valued alumni across the globe are the products of this. We believe the impact our alumni are making at every level should be continuously encouraged for the greater good, through recognition and celebration of achievements. This is why the Chancellor’s Distinguished Alumni Awards Ceremony has shed light on the impact of our exceptional alumni for the past 38 years and will continue to do so.”

He urged all alumni to learn more about Vision 130, an elaboration of the UFS’s strategic intent to reposition the institution ahead of 2034, when UFS will commemorate its 130th anniversary. “Vision 130 is centred around the pillars of academic excellence, quality, and impact; creating maximum societal impact with sustainable relationships; and establishing a diverse, inclusive, and equitable university. The alumni honoured this year are an embodiment of our Vision 130, and we congratulate them and look forward to the great achievements that are on the horizon for you and the rest of the UFS community.”


Dr Maryam Amra Jordaan - Cum Laude Award. Rene Images Uyleta Nel-Marias - Kovies Ambassador Award
Cum Laude Award winner, Dr Maryam Amra Jordaan, with Prof Francis Petersen, UFS Rector and Vice-Chancellor, and Prof Bonang Mohale, UFS Chancellor, at the 38th Chancellor’s Distinguished Alumni Awards Dinner. Kovsie Ambassador Award winner, Uyleta Nel-Marais, with Prof Francis Petersen, UFS Rector and Vice-Chancellor, and Prof Bonang Mohale, UFS Chancellor, at the 38th Chancellor’s Distinguished Alumni Awards Dinner.

38th Chancellor’s Distinguished Alumni Awards (CDAA) winners – 20 May 2023

Chancellor’s Distinguished Alumnus of the Year



Young Alumnus of the Year



Executive Management Award




Cum Laude Award





Kovsie Ambassador Award





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UFS’ position on student politics

The University of the Free State (UFS) welcomes politics on its campus. It especially invites students to participate in all the political activities on campus, ranging from seminars and debates on national and provincial politics, and organization within party political structures. Earlier the year, in the run-up to the Local Government Elections, a programme was run on campus with all political parties participating in public and radio debates with students on political issues.

A university must be a place for all kinds of ideas and organizations---social, cultural, religious, academic and, yes, political. The perception that the UFS has “banned” politics is simply not true, nor is it possible within a constitutional democracy.
The University of the Free State once again invites SASCO and any other political groupings that have not yet registered to participate in campus life, to do so as soon as possible. It is important to the UFS that all student bodies enjoy full participation in campus life, and that there exists a vibrant and exciting political life on the campus alongside academic, social, cultural and religious life.
The Student Representative Council (SRC) Elections at the UFS has been constituted on independent candidacy and non-party-political basis. This is a decision crafted and recommended by the Broad Student Transformation Forum, whose members are elected by students, and approved for implementation by the highest authority of the university, the Council. The decisions of the Student Forum entails that all students can nominate individuals for a variety of student leadership positions, which includes nomination for elective portfolios in the SRC elections, but also within nine sub-councils that hold ex-officio seats on the SRC.
The old system which restricted student leadership to representation on a party-political basis only (DA, ANC, Freedom Front Plus etc) no longer exists.
This decision of the Student Forum ensures that the rights of all students to directly elect their representatives are protected, and that the SRC in fact represents the student body as a whole and not particular interest groups alone. This decision enables ALL students to stand for and participate in campus politics in the SRC elections, though not on a party political ticket. In the 2011 SRC Elections, for example, SASCO members were indeed mandated by its local branch to stand as candidates for various elected positions, as did other political parties such as the DA Student Organisation, a development which the university welcomes. 
Most importantly, the UFS insists that all students participate in university life with respect for the rights of all students, irrespective of their social beliefs or political commitments. The UFS insists that no student or student grouping acts to disrupt campus life or insult university staff or denigrate fellow students on grounds of race, religion, language, gender, etc. This is very important to the UFS as it works to build a non-racial culture that respects our common humanity. Our students must learn that democracy and decency go hand in hand, and that part of learning at a university, is to learn to differ without resorting to a language of derision.
In short, the University of the Free State warmly welcomes full participation in politics, as in other spheres of student life, on all three its campuses.
Statement by Prof. Jonathan Jansen, UFS Vice-Chancellor and Rector.

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