Once again, Kovsies will showcase its most talented students at the Sand du Plessis Theatre in the annual Kovsie Extravaganza on 21st and 22nd September 2011. With guest artists, Vusi ‘The Voice’ Mahlasela and Die Heuwels Fantasties, it promises to be a first-class production. Expect music styles as diverse as hip-hop and pantsula dancers, a student string quartet, jazz band, various vocal groups and the winners of the campus serenade competition.
While it will certainly be a night to remember, this year will also benefit a cause you will find hard to forget. R25 of every ticket sold will go towards the No Student Hungry campaign (NSH), currently feeding just over a hundred Kovsie students on a daily basis. This means that the donation from each ticket bought will effectively buy one student food for one day.
Hunger on the Kovsie campus is an invisible problem that few ever consider, yet it affects an estimated 10% of the 31 000 students at Kovsies. ‘The problem with hunger at a learning institution is that it hampers talent. A hungry person can never achieve their full potential,’ says Grace Jansen, patroness of NSH.
To help alleviate this situation, you can buy a ticket for R75 at the PACOFS ticket office and join us on the 21st or 22nd September at the Sand du Plessis Theatre. Not only will it be a great night out, but you'll be doing your bit to invest in talent. Watch the press over the next two weeks for more information on this initiative.
If you'd like to know more about this topic or to schedule an interview with Cornelia Faasen, please contact her on 051 401 2819 or e-mail faasenc@ufs.ac.za.