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17 April 2024 | Story André Damons | Photo Kaleidoscope
Women Advancement Programme launch 2024
Distinguished guests and esteemed speakers gathered for the launch of the Women’s Academic Advancement Programme on 5 April 2024 on the Bloemfontein Campus.

A new initiative by the University of the Free State (UFS) is set to ensure that women academics at the university have equal opportunities for advancement. It will focus, amongst other things, on challenging long standing systemic biases – both explicit and implicit – that have historically disadvantaged women in higher education.

The Women’s Academic Advancement Programme was launched on Friday (5 April) during an event which was attended by Prof Francis Petersen, Vice-Chancellor and principal of the UFS; Prof Vasu Reddy, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Research and Internationalisation; Prof Anthea Rhoda, Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Academic; and Dr Molapo Qhobela, Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Institutional Change, Strategic Partnerships and Societal Impact. Prof Relebohile Moletsane, professor and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Social Cohesion) at the University of KwaZulu-Natal who holds the JL Dube Chair Rural Education in the university’s School of Education was the guest speaker.

Celebrating women’s contribution

In welcoming the guests, Prof Petersen said the launch of this commendable programme marks a celebration of the contribution of women colleagues to the scholarly excellence at the university and that the programme will impact on the career progression of women academics and raise the profile of women, especially women academics at the UFS.

“An advantage of the programme is that it requires us as an institution to reflect on the socio-economic, the structural, and the workplace obstacles women so often encounter. This programme is a significant indicator of our institutional commitment to support women academics who often navigate a combination of challenging demands and commitments in their professional and personal lives.

“In addressing the challenges to women academic advancement, we will contribute to the creation of a more conducive work environment and institutional culture for all of us. Indeed, it is about the rising tide lifts all boats – that is the idea of this programme. By providing mentorship, networking opportunities and professional development, this programme aims to empower women academics to thrive in their academic careers,

leading to a more inclusive, innovative academic environment for everyone,” said Prof Petersen.

According to him, by increasing the representation of women in academia at all levels of management, and in the academic hierarchy, the diversity of perspectives, ideas and approaches in research, teaching and leadership will be enhanced. It also increases the pool of female academics both in the university and Higher Education sector.

The diversity, Prof Petersen continued, will foster innovation and creativity, and will result in more robust scholarship and academic outcomes. Importantly, women who succeed in academia, serve as role models and mentors for future generations of scholars, as well as inspiring and supporting other women in pursuing academic careers. This mentorship is essential for overcoming barriers and for navigating the challenges that women might face in the academic context.

According to Prof Petersen, women advancement programmes such as these will help address this imbalance and will aid in retaining talented women researchers and lecturers in academic careers. He said prioritising women advancement in academia is not only a matter of social justice and equality, two of the guiding principles of the UFS Vision 130, but it is also essential for driving progress, innovation, and excellence in higher education and beyond.

Prof Petersen also pledged the collective support of the executive management of the rectorate for the programme and to increase the research productivity, impact, and influence of women academics participating in this programme.

“Let us remember that collective directed efforts do matter. By championing diversity, equity and inclusivity, we not only empower women to thrive in academia, but we will also enrich our institution. Together let’s continue to break barriers, shatter stereotypes and pave the way for the future where every academic regardless of their gender has the opportunity to achieve their full potential.”

The Vice-Chancellor implored all deans, senior members of staff, and heads of department to encourage their emerging and promising colleagues to apply to be part of a truly important initiative and to become part of this first cohort. The call for participation was already opened in March.

High attrition rate of black women in higher education

Prof Moletsane talked about coloniality and the legacy of the British empire and what it left us with. “Not only in terms of racial inequality but with gender inequality as well. As well as other inequalities. This legacy endures even today, post-1994”

She encouraged everybody to look at the enduring legacy of apartheid in the higher education system everywhere in the country and world by asking what historical and cultural events brought us here. It is true, she said, that the number of women has increased, and in particular the number of black women in academia, but she highlighted the high attrition rate of black women in higher education. She wondered if academic leaders, vice-chancellors and deans are turning a blind eye to the fact that black women are leaving academia after staying for short periods of time. “Why is that we are not asking the right questions?” she said.

Prof Moletsane also talked about various interventions to assist early-career scholars at institutions that are not always coherent and well-coordinated. She emphasised the importance of sustainable support for programmes to ensure a lasting impact on the capacity of early-career scholars.

She discussed a case study of a sustainable, impactful intervention for female academics at UKZN, called The Neoliberalism, Gender and Curriculum Transformation in Higher Education: Feminist Decoloniality as Care (FemDAC). The programme involved collaboration between colleagues from UKZN (PI); DUT; Stellenbosch. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (PI) and University of New Mexico which was funded by the Andrew Mellon Foundation over a period of six years.

Prof Moletsane’s lecture was followed by a presentation by Prof Liezel Lues, the Project Manager of the Women’s Academic Advancement Programme. She said the purpose of the programme is to address the significant underrepresentation of female colleagues amongst the UFS professoriate and rated researchers through deliberate, personalised academic mentoring interventions to increase the pipeline of female scholars who are research productive and have impact as leading scholars to contribute to a UFS research culture of excellence and impact. The target group of the Women’s Academic Advancement Programme is women in the mid-career stage of their careers who want to improve their scholarly impact and professional excellence.

Milestone and turning point

Prof Reddy, closed the event by emphasising that the initiative is a milestone and a turning point which will help the university to drive not just Vision 130, but also a social justice project within the broader context of the university.

“This is about how we create a real equitable workforce that brings people together. The Women’s Academic Advancements Programme is really about providing those deeper opportunities, but I think also deepening the experience to play a leading role in academic leadership. It’s going to be critical, not just for NRF rating and the career trajectory of the individuals but also for the broader academic leadership of the university,” he said.

Prof Reddy concluded by saying it is important that the programme is not about an adjective project, but about a deep integration and recognising that women are not afterthoughts.

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Power interruptions: Information for internal communication

As part of the UFS’s commitment to address load shedding, the management would like to communicate the following:

The UFS mainly deals with the power interruptions by way of (a) the possible installation of equipment (e.g. generators) and (b) operational arrangements to ensure the functioning of the UFS in spite of power interruptions.

During the past week progress was made on both fronts. The information that follows resulted from a meeting of a task team of Physical Resources led by Mr Nico Janse van Rensburg, which took place on Monday 28 January (this task team naturally focuses on physical solutions) and a discussion by Exco on Wednesday 30 January 2008. Exco discussed the recommendations of the mentioned task team in respect of physical aspects, as well as the operational arrangements proposed by faculties.

Physical solutions

A Main Campus

1. New emergency power installations already approved:

Last week Exco gave its approval for the design and installation of emergency power equipment in all the large lecture-hall complexes to proceed immediately.

In all these cases

  • load surveys have been completed and a start has been made with the ordering of equipment and the process of appointing contractors. (Exco approved the adjustment of normal tender procedures in an attempt to expedite completion.)
  • generators with 20-30% more capacity than required for the current load are being ordered.
  • provision is being made for the connection of lights and at least one wall plug to the emergency power.
  • the expected construction time is 16 weeks (except in the case of the Flippie Groenewoud Building where it is 6 weeks).

The above-mentioned concerns lecture halls/ venues in the following buildings: Examination Centre, Flippie Groenewoud Building, Stabilis, Genmin and the Agriculture Building.

As far as the Agriculture Building is concerned, a larger generator (larger than required for lecture venues only) is being ordered in view of simultaneously providing essential research equipment (refrigerators, ovens, glasshouses) with emergency power within 16 weeks.

2. Investigation into the optimal utilisation of present emergency power installations

All the emergency power systems are being investigated on the basis of a list compiled in 2006 to determine whether excess capacity is available and whether it is possible to connect additional essential equipment or lights to it.

The electrical engineer warns as follows:
“Staff members must under no circumstances overload present emergency power points.

A typical example of this is a laboratory with 10 power points of which 2 points are emergency power outlets. Normally a fridge and freezer would, for example, be plugged into the two emergency power points, but now, with long load-shedding interruptions, a considerably larger number of appliances are being plugged into the power point by means of multi-sockets and extension cords. In the end the effect of such connections will accumulate at the emergency generator, which will then create a greater danger of it being overloaded and tripping, in other words, no emergency power will then be available.”

3. Requests and needs addressed directly to Physical Resources or reported to Exco via the line managers.

All the physical needs and requests addressed directly to Physical Resources or submitted to Exco via the line managers are being listed, classified and considered technically in view of their being discussed by the task team on Monday 11 February.
The information will (a) lead to recommendations to Exco regarding possible additional urgent emergency power installations, and (b) be used in the comprehensive investigation into the UFS’s preparedness for and management of long power interruptions.

Requests that can easily be complied with immediately and that fit into the general strategy will indeed be dealt with as soon as possible.

4. Purchase of loose-standing equipment: light, small, loose-standing generators, UPSs as solutions to/ aids during power interruptions

Exco approved that

a) faculties and support services accept responsibility themselves for the funding and purchase of loose equipment such as, for example battery lights, should they regard these as essential.
b) UPSs (uninterruptible power supplies) that faculties and support services wish to purchase to combat the detrimental effect of unexpected power interruptions on computer equipment) can (as at present) be purchased from own funds via Computer Services.
c) UPSs (uninterruptible power supplies) that faculties and support services wish to purchase to combat the detrimental effect of unexpected power interruptions on other types of equipment can normally be purchased from own funds with the consent of the line manager concerned.
Note: Please just make sure of the appropriateness of the equipment for a specific situation: it is not a power supply that can bridge a two-hour power interruption.)
d) small, loose-standing generators can be purchased from own funds via Physical Resources and installed under their supervision.
e) laptop computers can , where necessary, be purchased from own budgets. The availability of second-hand laptop computers must be taken into account.

B Vista

No major problems have been reported to date. The situation is being monitored and will be managed according to need. The same guidelines that apply to the Main Campus will naturally also apply to the Vista Campus.

C Qwaqwa

The situation is receiving attentions and solutions have already been found for most problems.

D General

1. All-inclusive project
A comprehensive investigation into the UFS’s preparedness for and management of long power interruptions will be launched as soon as possible. Available capacity will be utilised first to alleviate the immediate need. The needs assessment to which all faculties and support services have already contributed is already an important building block of the larger project.

2. Building and construction projects currently in the planning and implementation phase
The need for emergency power for projects such as the new Computer Laboratory is being investigated proactively and will be addressed in a suitable manner.

3. Liaison with Centlec
Attempts at direct and continuous liaison are continuing in an attempt to accommodate the unique needs of the UFS.

4. HESA meeting and liaison with other universities
A representative of the UFS will attend a meeting of all higher education institutions on 11 February. The meeting is being arranged by HESA (Higher Education South Africa) to discuss the implications for the sector, the management of risks and the sector’s response to government.

5. Internal communication
It is the intention to communicate internally after every meeting of the task team, which will take place on Mondays. Strategic Communication will assist in this regard.


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