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Academic leads a group of South Africans during a visit to Australia
Prof. Doreen Atkinson, research associate from the Centre for Development Support at the University of the Free State (UFS), recently lead a group of South Africans that attended the Desert Knowledge Symposium in Alice Springs, Australia. Prof. Atkinson, leader of the group and part of the centre's programme for arid areas, received funding from the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) to take the group to the symposium.
Here are, from the left: Mr Jerry Aries, Department of Agriculture in Elsenburg, Western Cape, Ms Sue Taylor, research associate from the Centre for Development Support at the UFS, Prof. Atkinson, Ms Leonie Fouchè, Camdeboo District Municipality in Graaff-Reinet, Ms Deidré van Rooyen, researcher from the Centre for Development Support at the UFS, and Mr Stefanus Jooste, Central Karoo District Municipality, Beaufort West; back: Mr Jaco Mostert, Northern Cape Provincial Government, Mr Mark Ingle, research associate from the Centre for Development Support at the UFS, and Mr Peter Myles, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University.
Photo: Supplied