The three beneficiaries of the Carl and Emily Fuchs
Foundation’s Prestige Prize in Architecture were from
the left: Madeli Beyers (UFS), Diana Kuhn (UCT),
and Benjamin Kollenberg (Wits).
Each received a bursary of R50 000.
Photo: Supplied
A feather in the cap for the Department of Architecture at the University of the Free State was when Madeli Beyers (BArchHons), was announced as one of three recipients of the 10th Annual Carl and Emily Fuchs Foundation Prestige Prize in Architecture.
According to Jako Olivier, Programme Director of the Department of Architecture, the top graduate students of eight national Architectural Learning Sites are adjudicated on their undergraduate portfolios, their full academic record and a 24-hour En Loge project.
This year, the En Loge project was conceptualised by the department, and investigated the forgotten voices in science, and the magical realism stories of the Free State landscape and the cosmos. The project was presented at the Boyden Observatory and science education centre.
The adjudicating panel was assembled from a list of 23 practitioners and academics proposed by the SA Institute of Architects.