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UFS101 students learn from the masters


Letsetja Kganyago (second from the left) and Dr Francois Strydom (on the right, next to him, Director of the Centre for Teaching and Learning, in discussion with third-year students.
Photo: Stefan Lotter
01 September 2013


Huge effort is employed to expose first-year students through the UFS101 programme to the largest possible landscapes of South African politicals, economics and other fields. The lecture that Letsetja Kganyago, Deputy Governor of the South African Reserve Bank, delivered in August 2013, was no exception.

About 4 000 students attended the lecture at the Bloemfontein Campus, of which 150 students on the Qwaqwa Campus shared in the proceedings via live streaming. Kganyago discussed the impact of the international financial crisis on South Africa, as well as on the man in the street.

Third-year and postgraduate students also had an opportunity to talk to him during his visit.

The UFS101 programme was bolstered earlier this year through lectures delivered by a judge from the Free State Supreme Court, as well as Prof Jonathan Jansen, Vice-Chancellor and Rector.

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