Unlocking the secret to good time
management is vital to ensure a
successful academic year.
Photo: Pixabay
“If the first thing you do each morning is to eat a live frog, you can go through the day with the satisfaction of knowing that that is probably the worst thing that is going to happen to you all day long.” – Mark Twain
Tackling your most important task first
The biggest, most important task which you tend to avoid because you do not know how to start, is known as your ‘frog’. As a student, it is vital that you get into the habit of tackling your most important task first thing in the morning to achieve high performance and productivity levels.
As exercise is to a diet, so is ‘eating your frog’ to your daily routine. Make it a priority without spending too much time thinking about it.
Time management apps
The Academic Reboot Pack 2.0 is aimed at helping students take control and get them moving towards successfully completing the 2016 academic year. The pack builds on Academic Reboot Pack 1.0 and provides helpful time management apps to help students manage their time more effectively.
The Any.do App allows you to organise your day by allowing you to create reminders, to-do lists, and notes which is saved on Any.do’s user-friendly interface. MyHomework, with its reliability and simplicity, helps you manage your academic life through its modern design and easy use.
Get your copy of the Academic Reboot Pack 2.0 on Blackboardunder announcements or click here to download it.
Also see the first Academic Reboot Pack.
If students have any question or queries regarding the Academic Reboot Pack, they can send an email to: advising@ufs.ac.za.