Dr Rita Nathan, Acting CEO of Universitas Hospital,
Prof Willem Kruger, Acting Head of the
School of Medicine, and Prof Jan van Zyl,
Head of Department of Internal Medicine.
Photo: Nonsindiso Qwabe
The departments of Surgery and Internal Medicine at the University of Free State launched the newly upgraded Gastroenterology Unit of the Universitas Academic Hospital on 8 November 2016. Realising the need to provide state-of-the-art equipment that caters for various health needs, the unit has acquired new pieces of equipment worth R7 million. Through the equipment, a move towards the digital revolution, the unit hopes to bring about a transformative impact on healthcare service delivery in central South Africa and its surrounds.
Upgraded unit will make a difference on burden of diseases
Dr Rita Nathan, Acting CEO of the Universitas Hospital, said the increase in the number of scopes, and the improvement in technology, will facilitate improved service delivery to the community of the Free State and beyond. “This upgrade will enable the unit to make a tremendous dent in the burden of diseases in the communities we serve.”
Unit a unique feature in central South Africa
Serving a population from the Free State, Northern Cape, Eastern Cape and Lesotho; the growing demand of health services has led to an increase in the number of patients treated by the unit. This unit is unique in central South Africa as the only one providing endoscopic intervention for cases like gastrointestinal bleeding. It is also the only 24-hour gastroscopic service available in the state sector.
Improved service delivery linked to enhanced training platforms
Prof Willem Kruger, acting head of the School of Medicine, said that the upgrading of equipment will have an immense impact on not only service delivery, but also on training platforms in the latest technologies. “It important, as a university, that our doctors have the latest technology at their disposal to facilitate training. If training improves, service delivery improves. The two on inextricably linked.” he said.