2. Maximum societal impact with sustainable relationships
The UFS’ ultimate intent is to be acknowledged as a University that impactfully supports societal development.
Aspiring for maximum societal impact is thus a defining characteristic of the University. The UFS is embedded in broader society – be it locally, nationally, regionally, or globally – through scholarship and academic thought leadership. The measure of the impact of our scholarship, research, learning and teaching, will be informed by the extent to which we contribute to the development of the Free State and South Africa. For this purpose, our aspirations should speak to pressing local societal needs and dilemmas. Beyond our commitment to aspire for maximum societal impact, we will embark on an institution-wide process to identify and confirm our unique and distinctive focus that will distinguish the UFS from other universities.
We also intend to ensure that our knowledge contributes to the development of the African continent and the Global South. We will thus foster relationships with universities and other partners to advance this. It will require an emphasis on expanding research networks to include scholars from across the world, including the African continent. The exposure to a wide diversity of approaches and cutting-edge thinking will contribute to an improvement of the work that our scholars deliver.
Our commitment to societal impact will require a purpose-driven focus on relevant and cutting-edge research, as well as preparing globally competitive graduates who understand the local context, with appropriate attributes, skills, and knowledge to enable them to stand out, enter the economy, shape society, as well as become good citizens, future leaders, and stewards of the environment.
In terms of knowledge generation, we therefore aim to emphasise advancing knowledge that has a positive impact on society. For this reason, our knowledge production, comprising teaching, learning, and research, will add to society across various spheres, including social, economic, and environmental. We intend to use the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a primary lens for assessing such societal impact.
Global research is increasingly characterised by strong and large research collaborations. This includes inter-, multi-, and transdisciplinary teams working on new and important areas of research. It encompasses work across departments and faculties, as well as with other national and international research groups, to produce research outputs with internationally benchmarked knowledge and societal impact and recognition, resulting in subject-field international leadership.
The cross-disciplinary research excellence will be complemented by the provision of high-quality undergraduate and postgraduate degree studies, which provide meaningful pathways for personal and societal development. In this context, the UFS will be a selection University of choice, meaning that admission to all programmes will be based on merit selection beyond the minimum threshold and specific targeted selection of excellent University entrants.
The above requires sustainable institutional planning and structuring, including the University’s size and shape, based on the best possible resource allocation.