2019 2018

Production: Yerma
Text: Fredrico Garcia Lorca
Directed by: Stephanie Brink
Venue: Wynand Mouton Theater
Date: 26 - 29 May 2009
Time: 19h30
Bookings: Computicket (Mimosa Mall en Checkers Money Markets)
R 30.00 Adults
R 25.00 Pensioners, scholars & students
R 25.00 Blockbooking 10+
R 15.00 Club Theatron members

Yerma embodies every woman’s desire to have a child of her own. As a wife in a conservative society with strict traditions and values, gossiping townswomen who loves to talk about others pain and a man who puts all his effort into his lands and do not recognize the urge of his wife for a child. Fredrico Garcia Lorca’s Yerma, has all the elements of a Greek tragedy. Yerma, a young wife filled with expectations, wants above all else a child. To such an extent that she only sees her husband as a fertility instrument. The husband, Juan, believes that he provides in everything that Yerma needs. His views are based on the moral standards and suffocating aspirations towards honour and pride in a society that lives from the earth. Yerma’s encompassing urge to be fertile becomes madness, her only motivation, and this is laid bare like a naked nerve ending. Stephanie Brink, known for her colourful and risky productions, (The Maids; Deathwatch, Die Van Aardes van Grootoor; Bloodwedding), takes this play and its many facets of poetic language, dream scenes and barren surrealism on. Original choreography by Godfrey Manenye and newly composed music by Erika Ludic en Angelo Mockie. Song and dance, ritual depictions and passionate scenes together with the talents of Ilne Fourie (Impi, Die Begrafnis), DeBeer Cloete (Zollie; Deathwatch) and a group of second year Drama students will leave you an unforgettable theatre experience.

- 26, 27, 28, and 29 May at 19h30 in the Wynand Mouton theatre. The duration of the show is 90 min. and age restriction of 13. Bookings at Computicket.

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