2019 2018
News Items
So, What’s New?

Playwright: Fatima Dike
Director: Karabelo Lekalake
Venue: Scaena Theatre

Dates and times:
8 May 2012 19h30
9 May 2012 19h30
10 May 2012 19h30
11 May 2012 19h30

R30 for adults
R20 for pensioners
R20 for scholars and students

Bookings: Computicket (Mimosa Mall and Checkers)
Bookings for block bookings of 10 or more people can be done with Thys Heydenrych (072 235 3191)

The year is 1992; the play takes place in Soweto, South Africa. It was during this time the pitched battle broke out between the ANC supporters and the rival Zulu based Inkatha party. Some houses were firebombed; while guns, knives and sticks were used by Zulu’s to get control of townships in the east of Johannesburg. Ironically, it is the imaginary world of soapies that brings hope to what seemed to be a doomed South Africa.

So, What’s New? is a comedy based on three vivacious women and one rather inquisitive teenage girl. Here, the audience witness conversations that take place in a household that “appears to make people forget about their troubles”. Fatima Dike lays bare the souls of these women. Their fears, worries and stories of successes can easily resonate with anyone from any part of the world.

This hilarious play is a reminder that life still has to go on even during the darkest times.

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