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What's On

Viennese Serenade 24 Oct 2024


Date:  Thursday 24 October 2024
Venu: Odeion Auditorium

Avigail Bushakevitz, Ernst-Martin Schmidt and Constance Ricard founded the Franz Trio in 2017, shortly after playing their first concert together in France with works of Franz Schubert and of Gideon Klein. These two composers have continued to be of great importance to them: they named their ensemble after Schubert and have explored the classical Viennese repertoire but also take an ever-growing interest in the Theresienstadt composers such as Schulhoff, Klein and Krasa, as well as Jewish composers of the twentieth century. Their shared interest in literature, history and languages, as well as their backgrounds from South Africa, Germany and France respectively, have allowed them to build a uniquely personal trio language and they have spent the last few years furthering their interest for the works of lesser-known composers such as Jean Cras and Dick Kattenburg. As soloists, chamber musicians and orchestral players, they have performed in halls such as the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, Berlin Philharmonie, Royal Albert Hall in London and the Carnegie Hall in New York. Their Alma Mater Universities are in Paris, Berlin, Leipzig, New York and Tel Aviv. Having a total of 6 young children among them, they have so far mostly concentrated their concert activity in and around Berlin, with concerts at the Konzerthaus Berlin, the Deutsches Historische Museum, at the Berlin Philharmonic lunch concert series and at the Leo-Baeck award ceremony. In the upcoming season, their programme of music from Theresienstadt will be presented in several synagogues, and the Franz Trio will be performing all over Germany. 

About the programme: Beethoven and Dohnányi were fiery 26-year-olds when they wrote their serenades for string trio. Hugo Riemann, the 19th century music historian, said of this piece: "A short festive march marks the entrance; then begins a slow piece of pleasing, urgently ingratiating expression in the second theme; especially here, the violin and cello indulge in exquisite solo parts; longing lament is also expressed, and the paused ending seems to wait for a response; this is then expressed in a cheerful minuet movement with an animated trio and the humorous coda. A gently lamenting songlike Adagio (D minor) seems to be about fading hope, but it is interrupted twice again by a lively interlude. The players regain their courage to show their art; a lively polonaise resounds and captivates the audience. Another Andante with variations follows, over which all the charm is now poured out... The variations lead back to the introductory march, with which the singers depart."  Beethoven's Op. 8 Serenade for string trio became the model for the elaborate Serenade by the Hungarian post-Romanticist Ernst von Dohnányi. The similarities in form are uncanny. Both pieces open with lively marches, customary of many 18th-century serenades, marches symbolising the entrance of the royal beneficiary of the evening’s concert, and both have an extensive theme and variations movement. The harmonic worlds, though, couldn’t be more different, Beethoven still a pure classicist, and Dohnanyi a true romantic abiding in the early 20th century. And let’s not forget Vienna. Both serenades were composed in The City of Music, where the 20-year-old Schubert also wrote his string trio D 581 in 1817. Very classical in form, this exquisite piece speaks to the soul with the delicate, translucent pathos of the young Schubert.  All in all, an evening unveiling three of the greatest string trios, each inspired by the other, all under the Viennese sky.


Ernst von Dohnányi (1877 – 1960) Serenade in C major, Op. 10 

Franz Schubert (1797 – 1828) String Trio in B-flat major, D 581 

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 – 1827) Serenade in D major, Op. 8

Ninette Pretorius 
+27 51 401 2504 

What you have missed in 2024

Ecovation 10 Oct 2024

EVOCATION with Ané van Staden (violin) and Misha Melck (piano)

Date:  Thursday 10 October 2024
Venu: Odeion Auditorium

Evocation refers to the act of evoking feelings, images, or memories through art or performance. This programme evokes a rich tapestry of musical expression through the interplay of violin and piano, showcasing a dynamic and cohesive exploration of diverse musical landscapes.

Ané van Staden is a lecturer in violin and ensemble studies at the University of Pretoria (UP). She obtained her MMus (cum laude) in Violin Performance from the University of Pretoria in 2015. She is currently working towards a DMus. Since 2008, Ané has been active as chamber musician and soloist. During her studies, she had lessons with Johanna Roos and Irene Tsoniff, and was awarded numerous prizes. This enabled her to further her music education in the UK with Natalia Lomeiko and Corina Belcea. In 2009 she was chosen as concertmaster of the Miagi Orchestra. Ané is a founding member of the Evolution of 4 String Quartet. She was appointed as the concertmaster of the Gauteng Philharmonic Orchestra in 2015. In 2016, she was invited to spend a month as a guest postgraduate student at the University for Music and Performing Arts (Vienna). She acted as the Head of Strings for the Gauteng Chamber Music Festival from 2014-2018, and founded the Gauteng Music Initiative in 2017. 

Misha Melck made her debut as soloist with the JPO at the age of seven. In 2002 she won the SANLAM National Music Competition. In 2006 she was one of 21 performing artists chosen to attend the Piano Texas International Academy & Festival, representing South Africa in Fort Worth (Dallas). Misha has performed with various orchestras in South Africa and abroad. Misha studied with Pascal Nemirovski at the Royal Academy of Music (London). In 2012 she won the UNISA Licentiate Overseas Scholarship Competition and travelled to London, Austria, Germany and Switzerland for masterclasses. She obtained her BMus from the UP. She was accepted to take part in the DECODA Institute South Africa with her two trios, where they were mentored by the affiliate ensemble of Carnegie Hall. Misha has received masterclasses from José Feghali, Joseph Banowetz, Jan Kadlubiski, Andrew Bonatta, Harold Martini, Yakov Kasman, Sergio Perticaroli, Jean-Paul Sevilla, Mazzola Patrizio, Ian Jones, Gordon Fergus-Thompson, Leon McCawley, John Blakely, Florian Hoelscher, Antonio Pompa-Baldi and Jura Margulis to name but a few. She completed her MMus degree under Prof. Joseph Stanford at the UP. Following a successful audition at the Musik und Kunst Privatuniversität in Vienna (Austria), she studied with Prof. Jura Margulis. Misha continued as collaborative pianist at the UP, along with teaching chamber music and a Western Art Song class. In 2020 she commenced her doctorate studies with Dr. Ben Schoeman and Prof. Amanda du Preez.


Manuel De Falla (1876 – 1946): Suite Populaires Espagnole

Claude Debussy (1862 – 1918): Violin Sonata in G minor

Johannes Brahms (1833 – 1897): Violin Sonata No. 3 in D minor, Op. 108

Ninette Pretorius 
+27 51 401 2504 



Date:  Thursday 12 September 2024
Venu: Odeion Auditorium

Join us for an exquisite evening with the most beautiful English Songs with mezzo-soprano Teresa de Wit with pianist, Lesley-Ann Mathews.

Teresa obtained the UNISA Performers Licentiate with distinction in 2000 and started her opera training as a member of the Cape Town Opera Studio, and member of Mimi Coertse’s Black Tie Ensemble. On two occasions she received masterclasses at the Mozarteum Sommerakademie in Salzburg, Austria. Teresa regularly performs in operas, concerts and oratorios in various theaters and concert halls in South Africa. Performances include parts in Carmen, The Barber of Seville, The Marriage of Figaro, Rigoletto, Die Fledermaus, The Merry Widow, Handel’s Messiah, Mozart’s Requiem, Bach’s B Minor Mass and Karl Jenkin’s Feel the Spirit. Since relocating to Kimberley, she obtained the degrees BMus, BMus Hons and MMus (all cum Laude) from the UFS.

Lesley-Ann Mathews was awarded a BMus in piano performance at the North-West University in 2002. Here she acted as repetiteur for opera productions and various scholarships were awarded to her during this study. In 2004 she moved to Bloemfontein and obtained an MMus in chamber music under the guidance of Albie van Schalkwyk. In 2007 she obtained a Licentiate (UNISA) in vocal accompaniment cum laude. She was appointed as accompanist at the UFS in 2005. Here, she acted as accompanist and repetiteur for various productions and festivals. Lesley-Ann is a certified NLP practitioner and has a special interest in the mind-body relationship and how it influences performance. She believes that healthy practice methods and routines can develop the individual’s natural abilities.


Roger Quilter (1877 – 1953): (7 Elizabethan lyrics, Op. 12)
  Weep you no more
  By a fountainside
  Fair house of joy

Gerald Finzi (1901 – 1956): (Let us Garlands bring, Op. 18)
  Come away, come away Death
  Fear no more the heat of the sun

John Ireland (1879 – 1962): Sea Fever: I must go down to the sea again
  The Vagabond
  Sea fever
  If there were dreams to sell

Edward Elgar (1857 – 1934): Sea Pictures, Op. 37
  In haven
  Sabbath morning at sea
  Where corals lie
  The swimmer

Gerald Finzi (1901 – 1956)
  Come away Death
  Fear no more the Heat o’ the Sun

Traditional: Blow the wind southerly
  Drink to me only with thine eyes
  The Sally gardens

Ninette Pretorius 
+27 51 401 2504 

Louis Nel Piano Recital 25 July 2025


Date:  Thursday 25 July 2024
Venu: Odeion Auditorium

Join us for an exhilarating piano recital with Louis Nel! Louis started playing the piano at the age of 8 with Claudine van Breda, and is currently a pupil of Prof Joseph Stanford. In 2016 he was the overall winner of the Hennie Joubert National Piano Competition in Stellenbosch, and in 2017 of the Atterbury National Piano Competition. In October 2018 he was winner of the piano category as well as the overall winner during the National Youth Music Competition in Cape Town. In 2019 he was invited to perform as a soloist with the Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra during the Len van Zyl Conductor’s Competition, and won the UNISA Music Scholarship Competition. Since then, he has completed an Honours degree in mathematics at the University of Pretoria and has continued to perform on the side, a highlight being performing as pianist for Beethoven’s Choral Fantasy in 2023.


J.S. Bach: Partita No. 2 in C minor BWV 826

S. Rachmaninoff: Piano Sonata No. 2 in B-flat minor, Op. 36

A. Johnson: Jazz Impromptu 2

R. Muczynski: Desperate Measures (Paganini Variations)

A. Johnson: Jazz Impromptu 3

F. Liszt: Hungarian Rhapsody No. 12

Ninette Pretorius 
+27 51 401 2504 



Date:  8 June 2024
Venu: Odeion Auditorium
Admission: FREE

The international press has described Jan Bartoš as “one of the finest European pianists” and “an emotional and sophisticated interpreter.” He has appeared in solo recitals, with major orchestras and in chamber music concerts worldwide and enjoys a prolific recording career as an exclusive artist on the Supraphon label. His recordings of the music of Janáček, Mozart, Beethoven and Novák have earned international critical praise from critics at Gramophone, Diapason, BBC Music Magazine, The Times, American Record Guide and The Guardian among other outlets.

In the current season, Jan Bartoš returned to tour the US with performances and masterclasses at the San Francisco International Piano Festival and in New York City. In October 2023 he gave concerts and masterclasses in Cleveland, Madison, New York, and Brown University. He gave a recital at the virtual edition of the Hong Kong Arts Festival and the Prague Spring Festival with the Prokofiev Piano Concerto No. 1. In the previous seasons, Bartoš gave a solo recital at the Rudolf Firkušný Piano Festival in Prague, performed the complete Janáček piano works at the International Festival Janáček Brno, and joined the Prague Philharmonia in Martinů’s Double Concerto. He has appeared regularly with the Czech Philharmonic.

His CD release from 2020 is the first studio recording of Vítězslav Novák’s Piano Concerto, which the Guardian voted Classical Album of the Week. In 2019, Bartoš recorded solo piano works of Leoš Janáček for Supraphon to great critical acclaim. The NPR (National Public Radio) included the recording in “10 Classical Albums To Usher In The Next Decade.” His other notable CDs on Supraphon include a double album of Beethoven's solo piano works and Mozart Concertos. On Alfred Brendel's invitation, Jan appears as a solo performer on the 2021 Supraphon DVD My Musical Life that celebrates the piano legend.
He has been the recipient of several awards and scholarships, among them the 1st prize at Zaslavsky-Koch Competition (New York), the Peter S. Reed Foundation Award (New York), the International Mieczyslaw Munz Award (New York), the Rotary Musikförderpreis (Germany), the Rucorva Trust Award (the Netherlands), and the Schimmel Prize (Germany). He holds a Professional Studies Diploma from the Manhattan School of Music (New York), and a doctorate from the Academy of Performing Arts (Prague). He was the last pupil of the legendary pianist Ivan Moravec and continued to study abroad with Alfred Brendel, Leon Fleisher, James Tocco, and Zenon Fishbein. He is the Artistic Director of the Music is festival and the Ivan Moravec Academy. Jan teaches piano and chamber music at the Academy of Performing Arts (Prague). 


Ludwig van Beethoven: 32 Variations in C minor on an Original Theme, WoO 80
Leoš Janáček: 1.X. 1905
Leoš Janáček: In the Mists
Bedřich Smetana: Dreams. Six Characteristic Pieces for Piano


Ninette Pretorius 
+27 51 401 2504




Date:  13 June 2024
Venu: Odeion Auditorium
Admission: FREE

Moonlight, Musicals and More is a unique programme of beloved Musicals, sung by popular South African baritone Niël Rademan, accompanied by Elna van der Merwe (piano) and the beloved Bloemfontein viola player Jeanne-Louise Moolman. Solo works for viola and piano will also be performed. 

Niël Rademan is a highly acclaimed South African singer of cabaret, folksong, lied and operatic music. He has worked with artists such as Lynelle Kenned, Pumeza Matshikiza, Zanne Stapelberg, Pauline Malefane, Minette du Toit Pearce, Jolenne McClelland, Beverly Chiat, Barend van der Westhuizen and Clint Lesch. He sang in two productions on the West End (Londen) and performed all over Europe the past few years. He is a theatre practitioner with a master’s degree in Drama (focusing on the human voice), from the Stellenbosch University. He directed productions of West Side Story (Bernstein), Sound of Music (Rodgers & Hammerstein) and co-directed La Boheme (Puccini), The Pearl Fishers (Bizet) at the Artscape Operahouse. He was the founder and director of several award-winning groups and productions such as: The South African Sopranos, a children's musical; Wilde Willemietjie and 5MAESTROS! He was nominated for best FIESTA TV presenter in 2013, he was part of a cast that won a KANNA-award for best children's production, won a FIESTA award for his opera group "The South African Sopranos", and brought out a vocal album. He is currently the head of his own arts festival the "Hessequa Harmonie".

Jeanne-Louise Moolman was appointed as violist of the Odeion String Quartet and Senior Lecturer at the Odeion School of Music in 2008. She studied under Alan Solomon at the University of Pretoria, where she obtained the BMus and BMus Hons degrees with distinction, and also studied in Salzburg under Thomas Riebl. She won the ATKV Forté and Oude Meester competitions. In 1985, she won the University of Natal 75th Anniversary Prize. She regularly performs with some of our country's foremost musicians and has given numerous solo performances in South Africa and Zimbabwe. In 2012, she was invited to perform at the International Viola Congress in Rochester (New York).

Elna van der Merwe was a full-time accompanist and part-time Piano Lecturer at the Conservatory of Stellenbosch University until 2001. Since then, she has been an ad hoc pianist and sought-after collaborative artist for local and international artists. She studied piano and organ at Stellenbosch University and has won several awards, stipends and competitions. She performed as soloist with various national orchestras. As an accompanist, she has appeared in all the UNISA International Singing, Strings (since 1990) and recently the Flute and Clarinet Competitions. She has also recorded many CDs and DVDs. 

Fauré: Apres un Reve (viola)
Kreisler: Liebesleid (viola)
Velazquez: Besame Mucho (piano)
Lieder and songs from musical theatre


Ninette Pretorius 
+27 51 401 2504



The Romantic Soul

Date:  30 May 2024
Venu: Odeion Auditorium
Admission: FREE

The Romantic Soul is a program of German Lied consisting of two sets of art songs by some of the most significant Lied composers of the Romantic era. Robert Schumann’s Liederkreis Op. 39 typically depicts the sympathy and interrelatedness of nature with the human soul, whereas the subjective intimacy of Gustav Mahler’s Rückert–Lieder Op. 44 address the familiar Romantic theme of withdrawal into a secluded world of love, art, and nature.

Dr Albertus Engelbrecht was appointed in opera houses of Nürnberg and Passau (Germany) for a total of seventeen years where he sang a diversity of leading roles such as Orfeo in Monteverdi's L'Orfeo, Ulisse in Monteverdi’s Il Ritorno d’Ulisse in Patria, Nerone in Monteverdi’s L’incorronazione di Poppea, Ramiro in Rossini's La Cenerentola, Duca in Verdi's Rigoletto, and Belmonte in Mozart's Die Entführung aus dem Serail. Guest contracts have taken him to Luzern (Switzerland) and Los Angeles (USA).  As concert singer, he performed regularly in Berlin, Frankfurt, Mainz and Vienna. A highlight of his career was concerts of Medelssohn's Walpurgisnacht in the Teatro San Carlo (Naples, Italy).  Albertus is lecturer in singing at the OSM since 2016 and obtained his PhD at the OSM in 2023.

Albie van Schalkwyk has established himself as performer in a number of fields over the past 30 years. One of the leading chamber musicians and vocal accompanists in South Africa, he has also performed as soloist with SA orchestras, performed solo recitals, given masterclasses, worked as a music producer for the SABC, and arranged music, including Broadway musicals and operas for two pianos and orchestral pieces for three to eight pianos. He completed his PhD at the UFS in 2012. His interest in vocal music and the art song in particular, has led to many partnerships with singers, culminating in the formation in 1994 of The Songmakers’ Guild.  This Cape Town based organisation has been providing a regular platform to performers in the field of the art song for 25 years. He has presented workshops and classes for singers and accompanists at several SA universities and spent his 2002/3 sabbatical working as coach in the Vocal Department of the Mozarteum Music University in Salzburg (Austria). Albie retired from his post as Associate Professor in Piano and Chamber Music at the SA College of Music, University of Cape Town, at the end of 2017 to his own private studio, the Musicumbrella Piano Studio. Apart from continuing his performance career as collaborative pianist, he plans a wide range of activities including individual piano teaching, masterclasses in piano, chamber music and art songs, vocal coaching and arrangements for multiple pianos.


Robert Schumann (1810 – 1856): Liederkreis Op. 39

Gustav Mahler (1860 – 1911): Rückert Lieder Op. 44


Ninette Pretorius 
+27 51 401 2504




Date:  25 April 2024
Venu: Odeion Auditorium
Admission: FREE

Since their inauguration in 2012 the Wits Trio has become well-known throughout South Africa. In 2016 the Trio performed the complete trios of Johannes Brahms at the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown.  At the Vryfees in Bloemfontein they received an award for the Best Performance of a new chamber concert programme. In 2017 they were featured at a SAMRO concert at the University of Pretoria where they performed the Wits Trio Tribute – a composition specially composed for them by the South African composer, Jeanne Zaidel-Rudolph. The Trio has toured extensively throughout the Western Cape and the Karoo intending to bring live classical music performances to venues outside of the major metropolitan areas. In 2018 Susan Mouton joined the Wits Trio as they undertook their performances of the piano trios of Franz Schubert. Since 2020 they have performed Beethoven trios in online concerts as part of the Beethoven celebration year as well as the Mendelssohn and Piazzolla works for piano trio.

Zanta Hofmeyr graduated from the Juilliard School of Music (New York) as student of Dorothy Delay and Hyo Kang. After her New York debut in Carnegie Recital Hall, she returned to SA in 1985 and currently teaches violin in Johannesburg and at Wits University. She often acts as string coach for youth orchestras and has been on the Faculty of Chamber Music Festivals in the USA and Stellenbosch. She performs regularly as soloist with symphony orchestras in South Africa. She has several recordings with different artists, the latest are French sonatas and three Beethoven sonatas.

Susan Mouton studied at the University of Pretoria under Professor Gerard van de Geest. During the course of her studies at the University of Pretoria, she was the recipient of the Pretorium Trust bursary. After graduating, she joined the National Symphony Orchestra (1983), and was appointed Principal Cellist (1987). She has performed as Principal Cellist of the Johannesburg Philharmonic Orchestra since 2000. In 2001, she was on the jury for the National String Competition. In 2010 she was chosen as String Specialist on the jury for the International String Competition.

Malcolm Nay is one of the finest chamber pianists and accompanists in South Africa. After graduating with a BMus (Wits University), he studied with Pauline Nossel and Isabella Stenge. While studying with Bela Siki in the United Statesi, Malcolm was the recipient of numerous prizes at several international piano competitions. As a soloist, he has appeared with most of South Africa's major orchestras. He is also sought after as an adjudicator at prestigious music competitions and he continues to perform extensively at the larger festivals in South Africa. He is currently Associate Professor at WitsMusic, Wits School of Arts (WSOA).


Mozart: Trio in E major, K.542
Babajanian: Piano Trio in F-sharp minor
Brahms: Trio in C major, Op. 87


Ninette Pretorius 
+27 51 401 2504



Cape Town Baroque Trio
Ralitza Macheva (Baroque violin), Annien Shaw (Baroque violin) and Rosamund Ender (viola da gamba)

Date:  19 April 2024
Venu: Odeion Auditorium
Admission: FREE

Join us for a truly unique experience with artists Ralitza Macheva, Annien Shaw and Rosamund Ender performing on period instruments: two baroque violins and the viola da gamba. 

Bulgarian violinist, Ralitza Macheva is a graduate of the Pancho Vladigerov Music Academy (Sofia), and the Conservatorium van de Enschede, The Netherlands. Her primary teachers were Prof. Alexander Kramarov and Prof. Boyan Lechev. In several prestigious national Violin and Chamber Music competitions such as the “N. Simeonova”, “The Golden Diana” and “Béla Bartók” competitons, she was awarded the First Prizes. Working for a brief period as Principal Violinist in the Chamber Music Ensemble, “Amadeus”, in Seoul (South Korea), she subsequently returned to Bulgaria where she held the position of associate concertmaster of the Pleven Philharmonic Orchestra. Since her relocation to South Africa in 2000, she was the co-principal second violinist of the KZN Philharmonic Orchestra. From 2023 she joined Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra as principal second violin. She was appointed Leader of the Durban-based orchestra, Baroque 2000. 

Annien Shaw is a soloist, chamber musician, baroque violinist and teacher. She studied with Suzanne Martens, Jan Repko, Farida Bacharova and Louis van der Watt. She holds a PhD in Performance Practice (University of Cape Town), a PGDip and FRSM in solo performance (Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester UK), and a Masters in Chamber Music (University of Stellenbosch). She has extensive orchestral experience through her former employment with the Jeunesses Musicales World Orchestra, KZN Philharmonic and the CPO. She is a member of the Cape Consort and a guest concert master and soloist of Cape Town Baroque (CTB). During her studies at RNCM, she took baroque violin lessons with Pauline Nobes. She has lectured at Rhodes University and University of Cape Town and is currently a part-time lecture at Stellenbosch University.

Rosamund Ender obtained her BMus from the University of Stellenbosch. During her studies she played with professional orchestras like the CPO and the KZNPO regularly as an ad hoc player. Her studies next took her to Zürich, Switzerland where she studied in the class of Prof. Roel Dieltiens. She obtained a master’s in music Pedagogy, as well as a masters in Transdisciplinary Studies (Zürcher Hochschule der Künste). She was co-principal cellist with the Zürcher Kammerphilharmonie for six years. She started playing the viola da gamba after discovering a great passion for early music, and took private lessons with Paolo Pandolfo in Basel. In 2022 she returned to Cape Town to play full-time with the CPO, and to focus on a career as a performer on the cello, the baroque cello, and the viola da gamba.


Vivaldi: La Follia for Two Baroque violins and Basso Continuo in d minor 

Corelli: Trio Sonata, op 3 no 1 in F major

Telemann: Intrada for Two Violins: Guiliver’s Travel 

Schonken: A Day in the life of musical conversation with ChatGPT for two Baroque violins and Viola da Gamba

Biber: Harmonia Artificiosa – Ariosa, Partia 5 in D minor for two scordatura Baroque violins and Basso Continuo

Listen to the inverview of Yolanda Maartens of OFM with Annien Shaw

Ninette Pretorius 
+27 51 401 2504


Recorder Symposium Feb 2024 poster

with Carin van Heerden, Magdalena Rath, Michaela Vaught, Domenika Thanner and Veronica Traxler

Date:  15 February 2024
Venu: Odeion Auditorium
Admission: FREE

The mouth is our speaking, our singing, our kissing organ.

We devour, detect, taste, stutter, cluck, whistle, slurp, shout, bitch, pout, seduce, 

chatter, lie, love, kiss…. flirt, and play the recorder…

In this programme we examine all activities by the mouth, its sensuality, its triviality, its skill. A composition by the Austrian composer Helmut Schmidinger serves as common thread through the programme and is interrupted by Renaissance pieces describing the art and craft of wicked tongues. "Element of Prime" is an Austrian five-part recorder consort consisting of Carin van Heerden, Magdalena Rath, Domenika Thanner, Veronika Traxler and Michaela Vaught. The diversity of the recorder family and the resonance of the instruments when played in a consort represents the crowning glory ("prime") of music-making for the five musicians. They share a fervent love of the “Flaute dolce” and founded the ensemble in 2015 at the Anton Bruckner Private University in Linz. Since then, the ensemble has performed at the Brucknerhaus in Linz, Porgy & Bess Vienna, the Danube Festival in Strudengau and has appeared on Austrian national radio (Ö1). In 2019/2020 Element of Prime toured Austria as part of the Jeunesse education programme. The ensemble will also tour South Africa in February 2024. In their concert programmes they combine Renaissance music with contemporary works, often with close collaboration with these composers. 



A programme of Renaissance music interspersed with a contemporary composition by the Austrian composer Helmut Schmidinger, celebrating and describing various activities of the mouth and tongue, e.g. dringing, kissing, laughing etc.


Ninette Pretorius 
+27 51 401 2504


courage thumbnail


A Tail of Courage

Written by: Nic Beukes
Directed by: 
Nic Beukes


Dates: 26 - 28 March 2024
11:00 and 18:00 (click Read more for specific dates and times)
Rehearsal Room, Scaena Theatre Complex

Carl Is a small mouse with a big heart, but because he is cautious and thoughtful all his friends believe him to be a coward who is afraid of his own shadow. Come join Carl and his friends on their adventure as they explore the true meaning of what it means to be brave.

Read more

Karen Combrinck 
+27 51 401 2160




Date:  14 March 2024
Venu: Odeion Auditorium
Admission: FREE

The OSM Concert Series kicks off with a dive into the past, with The Diabelli Project: this programme recreates the editor Antonio Diabelli’s own biggest project, the publishing of several variations on his own Waltz that led Beethoven to compose his magnificent set of Variations Op. 120. The theme becomes here the very centre of the recital, and during the performance we meet several well-known composers in different stages of their life, from the young Liszt to the then very famous Hummel and Czerny, finishing with the masterwork of the late Beethoven.
Danilo Mascetti is an Italian pianist and fortepianist known for his intense performances and original programming, combining traditional repertoire with lesser-known piano works. Equally at home with classical piano and fortepiano, since his debut with Pomeriggi Musicali Orchestra in the prestigious Sala Verdi (Milan), Danilo regularly performs all over Europe. From 2014 he performed in China and Japan, debuted in London at Steinway Hall, in New York at Merkin Hall, Wallenstein Palace in Prague, Warsaw Philharmonic Chamber Hall, Conciliazione Auditorium in Rome, Russia, South Africa and Morocco. Recent performance highlights include concerts in Turkey at the Bodrum Gümüşlük Müzik Festivali; in Cambridge, with Brahms Concerto No. 1, at the West Road Concert Hall, and performances of newly written piano concertos by E. Karlidag and E. Sener with the Talent Unlimited Orchestra. In 2022 he presented a tour with the new programme Contemplations (Liszt and Messiaen. In 2023 he performed concertos by Mozart, CPE Bach and Chopin with historical orchestras in The Netherlands and Czechia and Italy, XIXth century performances of Brahms Quintet and Rachmaninoff solo works for De Witte Society, as well as the Dialogues tour in England, recitals for Concentus Moravie, and various chamber music concerts. Danilo is originally from Lake Como and is currently based in The Hague (NL) and Brno (CZ). He has worked since 2015 with non-profit organizations of Lombardy becoming co-founder and Artistic Director of Arte Solidale Festival (Lake Como)


Anton Diabelli (1781 – 1858): Vaterlandischer Kunstleverein, selected variations on the Diabelli waltz by various composers involved in the project (Schubert, Liszt, Moscheles, Hummel, Kalbrenner, Vorisek) and one or more newly composed variations.
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 – 1827): 33 Variations on a Theme by Diabelli Op. 120


Ninette Pretorius 
+27 51 401 2504


Past Events 2023

Opera 12 Nov 2023

The Magic of Opera

Date:  12 November 2023
Venu: Odeion Auditorium
Admission: FREE

You are cordially invited you to an afternoon concert with excerpts from the most beautiful and well-known operas. The production THE MAGIC OF OPERA is semi-staged and will include opera choruses, duets and arias from operas such as Verdi’s Il Trovatore, Nabucco, Puccini’s Madama Butterfly, Donizetti’s L’elisir d’amore and Mozart’s Magic Flute.

There are many highlights in the programme, but the audience can expect hits like the aria of the Queen of the Night, The Flower Duet, and the famous tenor aria, Dein ist mein ganzes Herz. All the singers are vocal students from the Odeion School of Music and will be accompanied by an orchestra consisting of students from OSM and professional players. It will take place on the stage of the Odeion Auditorium and will be hosted by a narrator who will give some background to the various musical items.

The Magic of Opera is an educational project whereby our vocal students have the opportunity to perform with an orchestra, and also, the students who play orchestral instruments get the chance to perform with professional players. It also offers the people of Bloemfontein the opportunity to experience beautiful opera music.

The whole program is about an hour long and I really believe it will be an afternoon that the whole family will enjoy.


Ninette Pretorius 
+27 51 401 2504


Ida Pelliccioli finaal


Date:  9 November 2023
Venu: Odeion Auditorium
Admission: FREE

Join us for an evening of exquisite music with Italo-Croatian pianist, Ida Pelliccioli. Prepare to be wowed by this thought-provoking piano recital!

Ida Pelliccioli was born in Bergamo, Italy. She studied at the Nice Conservatoire de Région and at the Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris - Alfred Cortot in the class of Serguei Markarov, Unesco Artist for Peace. During her studies, Ida was awarded several scholarships, amongst which, one from the Zygmunt Zaleski Foundation and one from Fondation Albert Roussel.

Ida participated in a number of masterclasses, among others with Jean-Claude Pennetier, Gerard Wyss and received a double diploma in interpretation and pedagogy, at the École Normale in Paris. She received artistic guidance from Norma Fisher who teaches at the Royal College of Music in London, Stephen Gutman, and she is one of  the rare pianists to have received guidance from  the cuban concert pianist, Jorge Luis Prats. Ida chose to avoid the international competition circuit and, before becoming a full-time pianist, received a double masters diploma at the Sorbonne University - in Italian Literature and in Ancient Greek History, specializing for the latter in the practice of music during the Hellenistic period. Ida has been performing throughout Europe and Canada.  During the 2021/22 Season, she made her debut in Serbia, Luxembourg, Ireland and Romania. She will also debut in Switzerland in 2023 and Malta in 2024. In February 2018, she gave a solo recital in Milan under the patronage of Yamaha Italy. Ida shows a great interest in contemporary music and she will premiere works from the following composers in 2023  – Raffaele Bellafronte and Jean-Luc Gillet.

Ida has always been open to other forms of art and collaborations. She appeared on screen, playing the role of a pianist, for the American TV Series “Find me in Paris” – Season 1 and 2 (2017/2018) and the French series “Munch” (2018). In 2019, she has been cast to double the role of the pianist in the short movie ”Quand on ne sait pas voler” directed by Thomas Keumurian and produced by FILMO. In September 2022, she started performing chamber music with a quintet programme. In 2021 Ida also took up a teaching position at Paris Conservatoire du 8ème arrondissement. As of 2022/2023 her class comprises 36 students.


Debussy and influences

This programme aims to create echoes between the music of Debussy and the music of two composers that influenced him. On one hand, Rameau, which Debussy described as the pinnacle of the French tradition. On the other hand, Albeniz, as an example of how Debussy found an important source of inspiration in reimagining the music of foreign lands.

Rameau - Suite in A minor from the “Nouvelles Suites pour clavecin”

Debussy - Hommage à Rameau (Images – Book 1, L.110)

Albeniz  - La Vega – Suite of the Alhambra No. 1

Debussy - La Puerta del Vino – from Préludes, Book II

                - Evening in Granada – Estampes, L.100

                - Masques, L.105

Albeniz – Asturias – Leyenda or Prelude, from Cantos de España, Op.. 232


Ninette Pretorius 
+27 51 401 2504


Nicolene Gibbons piano recital 19 Oct 2023


Date:  19 October 2023
Venu: Odeion Auditorium
Admission: FREE

The Odeion School of Music invites you to an exciting piano recital with alumnus Nicolene Gibbons. Come and enjoy exquisite compositions together with a photo montage compiled by well-known photographer Felix Meyburgh.

Alumnus Nicolene Gibbons was born in Bloemfontein. She studied piano at the University of the Free State with Catharina Struthers while also taking composition classes with Prof Johann Potgieter. Nicolene played on radio and television, especially her own compositions, from a very young age.  She obtained her BAMus qualification at the UFS with Nettie Immelman as piano lecturer.  She also won the overseas study bursaries of SAMRO, UNISA and ABRSM. Nicolene obtained a BMusHons cum laude at the University of Cape Town under the tutelage of Lamar Crowson.  She then studied at the Royal College of Music (London) where she received her master’s degree in piano as well as a master’s degree in composition from the University of Cambridge. Nicolene has worked for almost 30 years as pianist, composer and teacher in England, including the University of Cambridge and the Uppingham School. Later she specialized in chamber music and lied accompaniment. She has worked as pianist, composer and teacher in England for almost thirty years at the University of Cambridge and the renowned Uppingham School. Later she specialised in chamber music and lied accompaniment.  She moved back to South Africa five years ago and is now working and staying in Philippolis. She is currently teaching piano at the Odeion School of Music.  She recently took part in the Klein Karoo Klassique with cellist Anmari van der Westhuizen. Her solo concert in Bloemfontein as part of the Vrystaat Klank & Klassik was met with great enthusiasm.

"Photo montage compiled by Felix Meyburgh".


Evard Grieg - Holberg Suite
Ludwig van Beethoven - Sonata Op. 57 (Appassionata)
Jacobus Kloppers - Reflections


Ninette Pretorius 
+27 51 401 2504


NIght Music 12 Oct 2023 finaal[1]


Date:  12 October 2023
Venu: Odeion Auditorium
Admission: FREE

With artists Danré Strydom (clarinet), Anmari van der Westhuizen (cello) & Ben Schoeman (piano)

The Odeion School of Music proudly presents a rare and unforgettable concert of fascinating music for clarinet trio with artists Ben Schoeman (piano), Danré Strydom (clarinet), and Anmari van der Westhuizen (cello). The programme features trios by Mikhail Glinka, John Ireland, Jörg Widmann, and Nino Rota, who is best known for writing the soundtrack to the incomparable Godfather films.

International Buffet Crampon artist, Dr Danré Strydom, has established herself as one of South Africa’s premier solo, chamber and orchestral musicians. After attending the Interlochen Arts Camp, USA, she began her formal studies at the University of the Free State. She furthered her studies at Indiana University’s Jacobs School of Music, where she worked with renowned clarinettists Eli Eban and Eric Hoeprich. She holds separate Master’s Degrees in Clarinet, early Clarinet – and Bass Clarinet Performance from the Royal Conservatory at Ghent University and completed her PhD at the University of the Free State. After playing clarinet/bass clarinet for the award-winning Brussels Philharmonic from 2009 to 2013, she accepted a position as woodwind lecturer at the UF’s Odeion School of Music. She is currently principal clarinettist of the Free State Symphony Orchestra, continental chairperson of the International Clarinet Association, chairperson of the Free State Eisteddfod, Vice President (FS) of the South African Society of Music teachers, and initiator and chairperson of the ZA International Woodwind Competition. Strydom organises the International Clarinet Extravaganza where international guests come to present masterclasses and concerts for all ZA clarinet players. Her clarinet and saxophone scholars and students have won numerous awards and scholarships, both nationally and internationally.

Prof. Anmari van der Westhuizen is Head of the Odeion String Quartet and adjunct professor in violoncello at the University of the Free State. She graduated from the University of Stellenbosch (BMus cum laude and BMusHons cum laude with full academic and cultural honorary colours), from the Mozarteum, Salzburg (Grosses Diplom cum laude), and from the Hochschule für Musik, Cologne, under the tutelage of Prof. Maria Kliegel (Konzertexamen). She also holds Licentiate Diplomas in Performing and Teaching from UNISA (cum laude). In 2013, Anmari received her PhD in Music Performance from the University of Pretoria and awarded full academic honorary.

Anmari has won prestigious competitions in South Africa including the ATKV Forte Competition, the SABC Competition, the Oude Meester Competition and the University of Natal 75th Anniversary Prize. As a young cellist, she was selected to participate in the International Youth Music Festival in Interlochen, USA. She received extensive chamber music training with specific emphasis on string quartet playing by members of the world's best string quartets, namely the Alban Berg String Quartet, the Amadeus String Quartet, the Borodin String Quartet, the Brodsky String Quartet, and the Hagen String Quartet, and with Hatto Beyerle, Györgi Kurtág and Professor Nikolaus Harnoncourt (Historic Performance Practice). Anmari has performed as soloist with all the major orchestras in South Africa. While living in Europe she appeared in numerous solo and chamber music performances, inter alia with Viennese ensembles Music-on-Line and the Wiener Streichorchester, and was a member of the Koehne String Quartet, Wien. She performed as a chamber musician and soloist in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Faroe Islands, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Poland, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, USA, Zambia and Zimbabwe. During 2015, Anmari received the “Vryfees” award for the Best Classical Performer at the Arts Festival and the “Rose” award from “Radio Rosestad” for her remarkable contribution towards arts and culture. In 2019, the Odeion String Quartet received the prestigious Huberte Rupert prize from the SA  Academy for Science and Art for their contribution towards arts and culture in South Africa. In addition, Anmari has performed several world premieres of cello compositions. In 2007 the Austrian Composers Union invited her to give a solo recital of contemporary solo cello works in Vienna, Austria, which included the world premiere of South African composer Roelof Temmingh's Variations, which was dedicated to her. She also gave the first performances of solo cello works by Austrian composers Wolfgang Nening and Hannes Heher, as well as works dedicated to her by Hubert Du Plessis and Hendrik Hofmeyr. During 2019 she played a concert at the international Schubertiade Festival at the Chateau de Coppet in Geneva, Switzerland. She was the conductor/ director of the UCT String Ensemble for ten years and is currently the conductor of the Odeion Sinfonia, OSM Camerata and conductor of the Free State Youth Orchestra.

Dr Ben Schoeman is a senior lecturer in piano and musicology at the University of Pretoria. He was awarded the first prize in the 11th UNISA International Piano Competition, the gold medal in the Royal Over-Seas League Music Competition in London, the contemporary music prize at the Cleveland International Piano Competition, and the Huberte Rupert Prize from the Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns. He has performed at the Wigmore, Barbican, Cadogan and Queen Elizabeth Halls in London, Carnegie Hall in New York, the Konzerthaus in Berlin, the Gulbenkian Auditorium in Lisbon, Teatro Vittoria in Turin, the Romanian Athenaeum in Bucharest, and has appeared at the City of London, Edinburgh Fringe, Enescu, Grahamstown and Ottawa Music Festivals.

As a concerto soloist, he has collaborated with several conductors, including Wolfram Christ, Nicholas Cleobury, Bernhard Gueller, Carlos Izcaray, James Judd, Gérard Korsten, Theodore Kuchar, Diego Masson, En Shao, Yasuo Shinozaki, Arjan Tien and Conrad van Alphen.

Schoeman studied the piano under Prof Joseph Stanford at UP. After receiving both the PJ Lemmer and DJ Roode Overseas Scholarships from UNISA and the SAMRO Overseas Scholarship, he went on to postgraduate studies at the Accademia Pianistica ‘Incontri col Maestro’ in Imola, the Scuola di Musica di Fiesole near Florence and the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London with renowned professors including Louis Lortie, Michel Dalberto, Boris Petrushansky, Ronan O’Hora and Eliso Virsaladze.

In 2016, he obtained a doctorate on the piano music of Stefans Grové from City, University of London and the Guildhall School of Music & Drama. Schoeman's solo album, featuring works of Franz Liszt, is available under the TwoPianists label. In collaboration with pianist Tessa Uys, he is currently recording all Beethoven’s Symphonies transcribed for piano duet by Xaver Scharwenka for SOMM Recordings in London – the first three volumes have been released and elicited critical acclaim in the BBC Music, Gramophone and the International Piano Magazines as well as on BBC Radio3. Dr Schoeman is a Steinway Artist.



Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka (1804 - 1857)
Trio Pathétique in D minor for Clarinet, Cello and Piano (1832)

John Ireland (1879 - 1962)
Trio in D minor for Clarinet, Cello and Piano (1913)

Jörg Widmann (Born 1973)
Nachtstück for Clarinet, Cello and Piano (1998)

Nino Rota (1911 - 1979)
Trio for Clarinet, Cello and Piano (1973)


Ninette Pretorius 
+27 51 401 2504




Date:  1 October 2023
Venu: Odeion Auditorium
Admission: FREE

A brother-sister duo - making music together since ages 4 and 11 presents this exciting and unique programme with repertoire from the 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st centuries – a union of old and new.

International Buffet Crampon artist, DANRÉ STRYDOM has established herself as one of South Africa’s premier solo, chamber and orchestral musicians. After attending the Interlochen Arts Camp, USA, she began her formal studies at the University of the Free State. She furthered her studies at Indiana University’s Jacobs School of Music, where she worked with renowned clarinetists Eli Eban and Eric Hoeprich. She holds separate Master’s Degrees in Clarinet, early Clarinet – and Bass Clarinet Performance from the Royal Conservatory at Ghent University and completed her PhD at the University of the Free State. After playing clarinet/bass clarinet for the award-winning Brussels a union of Philharmonic from 2009 to 2013, she accepted a position as woodwind lecturer at the UF’s Odeion School of Music. She is currently principal clarinetist of the Free State Symphony Orchestra, continental chairperson of the International Clarinet Association, chairperson of the Free State Eisteddfod, Vice President (FS) of the South African Society of Music Teachers, and initiator and chairperson of the ZA International Woodwind Competition. Strydom organizes the International Clarinet Extravaganza where international guests come to present masterclasses and concerts for all ZA clarinet players. Her clarinet and saxophone scholars and students have won numerous awards and scholarships, both nationally and internationally.

Cezarre Strydom began piano lessons with Valerie van Biljon at the College of the Arts in Namibia. After lessons with Nettie Immelman in Bloemfontein, he furthered his musical studies in the U.S.A. at the Interlochen Arts Academy and the University of Michigan. His teachers have included Prof. Logan Skelton, Arthur Greene, Dr. TJ Lymenstull, Michael Coonrod, and Derison Duarte, and he has performed across the US, Mexico, Germany, and Belgium. Upon returning to South Africa, Cezarre worked as a staff accompanist at the University of the Free State. He is currently Head of Music at Paul Roos Gymnasium in Stellenbosch, where his piano students regularly compete in national and international competitions.


Ferdinand Ries (1784 – 1838)
Clarinet Sonata, Op. 29

Ernest Chausson (1855 – 1899)
Andante et Allegro for Clarinet and Piano Op. 129

Charles Villiers Stanford (1852 - 1924)
Sonata for Clarinet and Piano

Krzysztof Penderecki (1933 – 2020)
Three Miniatures for Clarinet and Piano

Andile Khumalo (Born 1978)
Wade Through Water

Göran Fröst (Born 1974)
Klezmer Dance No. 3
“Let’s be happy”

Ninette Pretorius 
+27 51 401 2504


Most Beautiful Schubert Songs 7 Sep 2023


Date:  7 September 2023
Venu: Odeion Auditorium
Admission: FREE

Join us for an evening with celebrated mezzo-soprano Teresa de Wit and pianist Lesley-Ann Mathews bringing you a programme with the Most Beautiful Schubert Songs.

Teresa de Wit (mezzo-soprano) obtained the UNISA Performers Licentiate with distinction in 2000 and started her opera training as a member of the Cape Town Opera Studio, as well as a member of Mimi Coertse’s Black Tie Ensemble. Teresa regularly performs in operas, concerts and oratorios in various theatres and concert halls in South Africa. Operas and operettas she has performed leading roles in  Carmen, The Barber of Seville, Le Nozze di FigaroMadama ButterflyRigolettoCavalleria RusticanaMarthaLa TraviataDie FledermausDie lustige Witwe and Wiener Blut. Religious works include Handel’s Messiah, Vivaldi’s Gloria and Lauda Jerusalem, Mozart’s C Minor Mass,Requiem and Kronungsmesse, Rossini’s Petite Messe Solenelle, Haydn’s Nelson Mass, Bach’s Easter Oratorio and B Minor Mass, Karl Jenkin’s Feel the SpiritStella Natalis and The Armed Man and Saint Saens’ Christmas Oratoria. Since relocating to Kimberley, she has obtained a BMus, BMusHons and MMus cum laude from the UFS. Lesley-Ann Mathews obtained a BMus degree in piano performance at the Potchefstroom University for CHE (2002) cum laude. Here she acted as repetiteur for opera productions and received various scholarships. She obtained an MMus in chamber music under the guidance of Albie van Schalkwyk at the UFS in 2005 and was appointed as accompanist at the UFS in the same year. In 2007 she obtained a Licentiate in Vocal accompaniment from UNISA in 2007 (cum laude). Lesley-Ann has acted as accompanist and repetiteur for various productions, festivals and competitions in the Free State.


1.    Gretchen am Spinnrade Op 2

2.    Mignon Lieder
2.1.  Heiss mich nicht reden Op 62 No 2
       2.2.  So lasst mich scheinen Op 62 No 3
       2.3.  Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt Op 62 No 4
       2.4.  Kennst du das Land? D321

3.    Die Forelle Op 32

4.    Auf dem Wasser zu singen Op 72

5.    Der Tod und das Mädchen Op 7 No 5

6.    Die junge Nonne Op 43 No 1

7.    Ave Maria Op 52 No 6

8.    Der Musensohn Op 92 No 1

9.    Du bist die Ruh Op 39 No 3

10.  Ständchen (Leise flehen) DV 957

Ninette Pretorius 
+27 51 401 2504




Date:  10 August 2023
Venu: Odeion Auditorium
Admission: FREE

An exciting inclusion on the concert calendar for 2023 is an enjoyable concert with all of your favourite songs from musicals by Bernstein, Gershwin, Bricusse, Kern, Arlen and Rogers. 

Sandile Mabaso is an opera singer and teacher based in Durban, South Africa. He began his musical training at the Drakensberg Boys’ Choir School under the direction of Christian Ashley-Botha. He obtained his Bachelor of Music degree from the University of Pretoria. As a student in Pretoria, he sang the roles of Tamino in The Magic Flute (Mozart), and Alfredo in Die Fledermaus (Strauss). In 2009, he began private studies and was also selected to participate in The International Baroque Symposium, held at the North West University during this time. In 2010, he sang in the student production of Acis in Acis and Galatea (Handel) under Kobie van Rensburg’s direction. In 2013, he was a finalist in the Mimi Coertse Singing Competition.  His first professional engagement in opera was in 2006 for Opera Africa’s touring production of Princess Magogo (Khumalo).  He sang the role of iNkosi Mathole. After this tour, he was appointed as a Cape Town Opera Vocal Ensemble member. With this ensemble, he toured Germany, France and Sweden in the productions of Showboat (Kern) and Porgy and Bess (Gershwin). In 2012 he sang the role of Puck in The Fairy Queen (Purcell) for Umculo Cape Festival. In 2014, he made his solo debut with the KwaZulu-Natal Philharmonic Orchestra under the direction of Jeremy Silver.  In 2018, he sang his first role in a Pantomime for Durban’s Kickstart Theatre Company. He sang the role of The Genie of the Seven Seas for their annual Pantomime, Sinbad the Sailor. The German art-song genre has been his focus along with his operatic endeavours. He has presented a variety of lieder recitals at various venues and festivals across South Africa. In 2012, he was invited to perform Dichterliebe (Schumann) at UNISA's annual An die Musik recital. He presented other programmes at the Wakkerstroom Arts Festival, Woordfees Festival and the Hilton Arts Festival. In 2015, Baroque music became another focal area  after he was invited to tour South Africa’s garden route with a programme of Baroque music with harpsichordist Andrew Cruickshank. In 2018, He made his debut with Durban’s Baroque 2000. In 2019, he curated and presented a programme of Songs and Arias from this era.

Lynelle Kenned, a graduate of the UCT Opera School under the tutelage of Prof Virginia Davids, is a Multidisciplinary Performing Artist, TV Presenter, Corporate MC, Actress and Media Personality. Her list of awards includes the Kunste Onbeperk YOUNG VOICE 2019, a 2018 Naledi Award, a Fiësta Award in 2017, a Fleur du Cap Award in 2016, and 2022, a Woordtrofee along with being a recipient of the Global Spotlight Honoree Award. Performances include Maria in West Side Story, Maria in The Sound of Music, Mattie Allen in Orpheus in Africa, Musetta in La Boheme, Julie in Showboat, Cherubino in Le Nozze di Figaro, and Grace in the world premiére of Calling Me Home. Classical performances as soprano soloist include The Messiah, Easter Oratorio, St Matthew Passion, Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen, Brahms' Requiem, Faure Requiem, Les nuits d'été, Handel's Gloria and the Gloria by Vivaldi. Since 2012, she has been a television presenter on Pasella, and subsequently hosted Jý Geld, 123 Fixit, and Uit die Spens on KykNET and VIA. Films include A Christmas Chorus, Wonderlus, Playboyz and Twee Grade van Moord. A few memorable career highlights are the FNB/RMB Starlight Classics, live Dancing with the Stars broadcasts and the KykNET Fiëstas, performing with Welsh crossover superstar Katherine Jenkins, and receiving masterclasses with Juilliard’s Brian Zeger. Lynelle can be seen in the Media24 drama thriller series Minder as Niks She is also the head adjudicator in the singing category for the Huisgenoot Eisteddfod 2022.

Virgil Matrass is a professional jazz pianist, composer and arranger who seeks to inspire young, aspiring musicians to reach their full potential. He has extensive knowledge and experience in jazz and contemporary music. As a singer, he has performed with the renowned vocal a cappella group, The Creed, who released their debut album in November 2019. In 2011 He worked as an entertainer at the MARRIOT ASSOCIA HOTEL, in NAGOYA, JAPAN. Virgil completed his BMus studies at Nelson Mandela University, Gqeberha, Eastern Cape. He currently works as a music teacher, and accompanist to professional musicians and young up-and-coming music students at schools and tertiary institutions.


Harold Arlen (1905 – 1986)
Wizard of Oz
Over the Rainbow

Jerome Kern (1885 – 1945)
Where’s the mate for me?
Make Believe
Can’t help loving dat man.
You are Love.

George Gershwin (1898 – 1937)
Porgy and Bess
It ain’t necessarily so

Leonard Bernstein (1918 – 1990)
West Side Story
I feel Pretty.
One Hand, One Heart

Richard Rogers (1902 – 1979)
The Sound of Music
Sixteen going on seventeen
So long Farewell
Climb ev’ry mountain

Leslie Bricusse (1931 – 2021)
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Pure Imagination

Ninette Pretorius 
+27 51 401 2504


CoR 18 Aug 2023

City of Roses Jazz Ensemble

Date:  18 August 2023
Venu: Odeion Auditorium
Admission: FREE

The City of Roses (CoR) Jazz Ensemble will present its second concert on 18 August 2023 at 19:00 in the Odeion Auditorium. Entrance to the concert will be free. The programme for this concert will include:

St Thomas (Sonny Rollins)
Moanin' (Bobby Timmons)
Footprints (Wayne Shorter)
My Funny Valentine (Richard Rodgers)
Sidewinder (Lee Morgan)


So What (Miles Davis)
The Song of Delilah (Victor Young)
Alice in Wonderland (Sammy Fain)
Blue Train (John Coltrane)
Dat Dere (Bobby Timmons)

The founding of the City of Roses (CoR) Jazz Ensemble was inspired by the recently appointed Dr Joseph Kunnuji at the Odeion School of Music. Kunnuji’s profound knowledge and experience of jazz as a trumpeter and arranger opened the way for establishing a quality jazz ensemble, thereby renewing the quest for jazz at the OSM.

The ensemble’s focus for this concert will be on mainstream jazz as represented by the so-called Classical or Bebop period in its history (the mid-1940s to mid-1960s) characterised by the music of prominent figures of the time such as Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, Dizzy Gillespie and John Coltrane.  The ensemble consists of five versatile and seasoned musicians, namely Joseph Kunnuji (trumpet), Claire Röntsch (saxophone) Nicol Viljoen (piano and keyboard), Marc Röntsch (bass; also newly appointed at the OSM) and John Smit (drums).

JOSEPH KUNNUJI (PhD, University of Cape Town) is a Senior Lecturer in Ethnomusicology and African Musics at the Odeion School of Music. With a background in jazz studies, the orthodox church hymn-singing tradition and a few cosmopolitan African genres, Kunnuji’s teaching, research, compositions and performances reflect the inherent intersection of different worlds.

MARC RÖNTSCH is a musicologist, guitarist and bassist originally from Cape Town, and was recently appointed as a Senior Lecturer in Musicology at the Odeion School of Music, University of the Free State. Marc has performed with bands such as Black Moscow, The Hot Club of Cape Town and Tape Hiss and Sparkle, and has appeared as a soloist with the University of Stellenbosch Symphonic Orchestra and the Stellenbosch University Jazz Band.

CLAIRE RÖNTSCH (neè de Kock) is a saxophonist, session musician, composer, arranger, music lecturer and educator. She graduated with a BMus in Jazz Performance at the South African College of Music (SACM) in 2014 with distinction and has recently received her master’s degree in Jazz Composition from SACM under the tutelage of renowned local composers Dr Mike Campbell and Professor Amanda Tiffin.  In 2015, Claire won the Fine Music Radio Jazz Performance competition and has performed internationally in Europe and locally at the Cape Town International Jazz Festival. She is currently performing with The Swing Collective, The Lady Day Big Band and her own progressive jazz quartet (who perform her own compositions). Claire has recently been appointed as a conductor and arranger for the Free State Youth Wind Ensemble at the Odeion School of Music. 

JOHN SMIT has been involved in the music industry since 1994. Through the years he has recorded, sessions as kit-drummer/bassist and audio mixed numerous national and international music productions ranging from classical to rock, traditional to jazz recordings and live performances. For the past seventeen years, he has been lecturing in Music Technology at the Odeion School of Music.

NICOL VILJOEN is a Professor Emeritus and a Research Fellow at the Odeion School of Music. Viljoen’s versatile activities include those of a music theorist, concert pianist, chamber musician, jazz pianist, and church organist. Viljoen’s research during the past decades has focused on theoretical Schenker studies and their application within musical performance practice.

Ninette Pretorius 
+27 51 401 2504




 24 August 2023
Venu: Odeion Auditorium
Admission: FREE

A two-piano concert is also a highlight in a concert season. The inclusion of a two-piano concert in the 2023 season was long overdue. Two celebrated and seasoned SA pianists have been invited to perform on the Odeion stage. 

Mathilda Hornsveld graduated with a BMus from the University of Pretoria. She joined Pact (Performing Arts Council of the Transvaal)/State Theatre as a pianist in 1980 with the inception of its Permanent Opera Chorus. In this capacity, and subsequently, as repetiteur, coach, backstage conductor and chorus master, she worked on all major opera productions for the State Theatre until 1993. She returned as chorus master on an ad hoc basis from 1997 until the closure of the State Theatre in 2000. During her tenure as Chorus Master, she was assistant conductor for many musicals. From 1993 - 2018 she worked as an accompanist at Pretoria Boys High School and conducted their bi-annual musical productions. She also worked nationally as a freelance coach, chorus master and adjudicator of choral competitions. Mathilda retired from fulltime accompaniment and now lives in Port Elizabeth.

Albie van Schalkwyk has established himself as performer in a number of fields over the past 30 years. One of the leading chamber musicians and vocal accompanists in South Africa, he has also performed as soloist with SA orchestras, performed solo recitals, given master classes for singers and accompanists, worked as a music producer for the SABC, and arranged music for various combinations, including Broadway musicals and operas for two pianos and orchestral pieces for 3 to 8 pianos. He completed his PhD at the UFS in 2012. His interest in vocal music, particularly the art song, has led to many fulfilling concert partnerships with singers, culminating in the formation in 1994 of The Songmakers’ Guild.  This Cape Town based organisation has been providing a regular platform to performers in the field of the art song for 25 years. He has presented workshops and classes for singers and accompanists at several SA universities and spent his 2002/3 sabbatical working as coach in the Vocal Department of the Mozarteum Music University in Salzburg (Austria). Albie retired from his post as Associate Professor in Piano and Chamber Music at the SA College of Music, University of Cape Town, at the end of 2017 to his own private studio, the Musicumbrella Piano Studio. Apart from continuing his performance career as collaborative pianist, he plans a wide range of activities including individual piano teaching, masterclasses in piano, chamber music and art songs, vocal coaching and arrangements for multiple pianos.


Favourites for Four Hands - Substance and frivolity at one and two pianos

Franz Schubert: Fantasie in F minor
Dmitri Shostakovich: Concertino
Francis Poulenc: Two pieces for piano duo
Richard Strauss arr. Singer/Van Schalkwyk: Waltzes from Der Rosenkavalier
Arnold van Wyk: Rumba
Grant McLachlan: Mbira and Shingalana
Richard Rodney Bennett: Four Piece Suite


Ninette Pretorius 
+27 51 401 2504



The Last Firefly

Written by: Naomi Iizuka 
Directed by: DeBeer Cloete & Barend Kriel
Language: English

Dates: 31 August - 2 September 2023
Time: 11:00 and 18:00 (click Read more for specific dates and times)
Venue: Rehearsal Room, Scaena Theatre Complex
R25.00 General Admission
R20.00 Group bookings of 5+

Age recommendation: 10+PG (V, PPS)
Runtime: 70min

Tickets available on Ticket will also be available at the door.  

This production is produced through special arrangement with Plays for New Audiences

Read more


huishou image



Written by: Philip Rademeyer 
Directed by: Thys Heydenrych
Language: Afrikaans

Dates: 6 - 8 September 2023
Time: 18:00
Venue: Wynand Mouton Theatre
R40.00 Adults
R30.00 Scholars and Students
R25.00 Pensioners and group bookings of 10+

Age restriction: PG13 (B)
Runtime: 60min

Tickets will soon be available on webticket; watch this space. Tickets will also be available at the door.  

While adopting a child, two women find that their marriage is tested. Each one desperately clings to her principles, but what do you do when you realise you have vastly different dreams and ambitions?
Save the date—more information to follow.


Jan Beukes Organ Recital 20 July 2023


Date:  20 June 2023
Venu: Odeion Auditorium
Admission: FREE

Join us for an exciting free organ recital with Jan Beukes on 20 July at 19:00 in the Odeion Auditorium.

Jan Beukes obtained the degrees BMus, BMusHons, MMus, and PhD (Music) from the UFS and a Licentiate in Organ Performance (UNISA). He completed a BMus degree in piano and organ as main instruments under the tutelage of Nettie Immelman and Leonore Kloppers; a BMusHons in Church Music and an MMus performance under Leonore Kloppers. In 2013 he obtained a PhD under the tutelage of Martina and Nicol Viljoen. He took part in masterclasses with Ludger Lohmann (Germany), Ewald Kooman (The Netherlands), Wolfgang Rubsam (USA) and Jacques van Oortmerssen (The Netherlands). Since 2002 he has been lecturing organ and organ method at the OSM and he joined the permanent staff in 2010. He frequently gives solo organ recitals and is actively involved in departmental concerts, especially as chamber musician. In 1998 Jan received an award from UNISA for outstanding music tuition, and since his appointment in 2002, his students have won various awards and competitions. Jan is currently Artistic and Operational Head of the Odeion School of Music.


DIETRICH BUXTEHUDE (c. 1637 – 1707)
Toccata in d BuxWV155
Vater unser in Himmelreich, BuwWV 207
Prealudium in C major BuxWV 137

JOHANN PACHELBEL (1653 – 1706)
Choral partita on Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan

Choral prelude on Alle menschen müssen sterben

Prelude and fugue in C minor

Ninette Pretorius 
+27 51 401 2504


Nicol Viljoen Mazurkas


Date:  18 July 2023
Venu: Odeion Auditorium
Admission: FREE

Join us for an exciting range of Lunch Hour Concerts featuring CHOPIN MAZURKAS performed by pianist Nicol Viljoen. Between 1827 and 1849 Frédéric Chopin wrote some 69 mazurkas for solo piano, 58 of which were published and constitute the most famous collection of works in this genre. In the available discographies of Chopin’s mazurkas, 51 are recorded and regarded as the official representation of the genre. These 51 mazurkas will be performed over four lunch-hour concerts during July until September this year. These lunch-hour concerts mark the first time in which they are performed in full at the UFS’ Odeion School of Music, as well as in the country. Normally, only selected mazurkas are presented by pianists as part of a particular concert recital.

Although the Mazurka (emanating as a dance form from folk songs which originated in the Polish province of Mazovia), had existed as a genre since the late 16th century, it first came to be recognised as a serious and noteworthy musical art form ‘through Chopin’s eyes’ as it were. While readily incorporating elements of the traditional forms – such as often repeated patterns and sequences, rhythmic ostinati, modal inflections, folk chromaticism and drones – he nevertheless arrives at extremely concentrated and unified compositions with highly developed tonal structures, rich in musical content, expression, emotional depth and colouristic effects. Infusing his personal compositional idiom with a perception of folk music in the prevailing 19th-century tonal language, he forged a uniquely personal and nuanced genre, almost synonymously linking his name to that of the Mazurka.


18 July 2023 – 13:10

Mazurka in F# minor, Op. 6/1
Mazurka in C# minor, Op. 6/2
Mazurka in E major, Op. 6/3
Mazurka in Eb minor, Op. 6/4
Mazurka in Bb major, Op. 7/1
Mazurka in A minor, Op. 7/2
Mazurka in F minor, Op. 7/3
Mazurka in Ab major, Op 7/4
Mazurka in C major, Op 7/5
Mazurka in Bb major, Op. 17/1
Mazurka in E minor, Op. 17/2
Mazurka in Ab major, Op. 17/3
Mazurka in A minor, Op. 17/4

1 August 2023 – 13:10

Mazurka in G minor, Op. 24/1
Mazurka in C major, Op. 24/2
Mazurka in Ab major, Op. 24/3
Mazurka in Bb minor, Op. 24/4
Mazurka in C minor, OP. 30/1
Mazurka in B/F# minor, Op. 30/2
Mazurka in Db major, Op. 30/3
Mazurka in C# minor, Op. 30/4
Mazurka In G# minor, Op. 33/1
Mazurka in D major, Op. 33/2
Mazurka in C major, Op. 33/3
Mazurka in B minor, Op. 33/4
15 August 2023 – 13:10

Mazurka in C# minor, Op. 41/1
Mazurka in E minor, Op. 41/2
Mazurka in B major, Op. 41/3
Mazurka in Ab major, Op. 41/4
Mazurka in G major, Op. 50/1
Mazurka in Ab major, Op. 51/2
Mazurka in C# minor, Op. 51/3
Mazurka in B major, Op. 56/1
Mazurka in C major, Op. 56/2
Mazurka in C minor, Op. 56/3
5 September 2023 – 13:10

Mazurka in A minor, OP. 59/1
Mazurka in Ab major, Op. 59/2
Mazurka in F# minor, Op. 59/3
Mazurka in B major, Op. 63/1
Mazurka in F minor, Op. 63/2
Mazurka in C# minor, Op. 63/3
Mazurka in A minor, KKII/5
Mazurka in A minor, KKII/4
Mazurka in G major, Op 67/1
Mazurka in G minor, Op. 67/2
Mazurka in C major, Op. 67/3
Mazurka in A minor, Op. 67/4
Mazurka in C major, Op. 68/1
Mazurka in A minor, Op. 68/2
Mazurka in F major, Op. 68/3
Mazurka in F minor, Op. 68/4

Ninette Pretorius 
+27 51 401 2504 


Trio du Cap Classique


Date:  22 June 2023
Venu: Odeion
Admission: FREE

Join us for an evening of exquisite music with celebrated South African musicians Liesl Stoltz (flute), David Pinoit (cello) and Elna van der Merwe (piano).

South African flutist Liesl Stoltz began studying the flute with Éva Tamássy and furthered her studies in France at the École Normale de Musique de Paris under Shigenori Kudo. There she also studied with Pierre-Yves Artaud, Jean Ferrandis and Chantal Debushy and at the Accademia Internazionale Superiore di Musica: Lorenzo Perosi under Peter-Lukas Graf. Back in South Africa, she obtained the degrees MMus and DMus from UCT. Liesl won awards in various international competitions including first prize in the 12th Friedrich Kuhlau International Flute Competition in Germany. Local prizes include the ATKV Forté Music prize and the Huguenot Music Competition, to name a few. Her solo career of more than 27 years includes several concert tours in South Africa and Europe. She is a founding member of The Rainbow Exchange NPC and a Yamaha South Africa Artist.

David Pinoit began the cello in the class of Christian Wolf at the National Conservatory of the Dijon Region. After completing hisDiplome d'Etudes Musicales he went to study in Lausanne (Switzerland). He obtained his Master of Arts in Music in 2014. David regularly performs at various festivals, including those in France, Belgium, Switzerland and South Africa. In 2006, he won the first prize for chamber music in the Avallon Trio Piano Competition. In 2014 after he completed his Master of Arts in Music Performance under cellist Francois Salque, he moved to Durban and worked for the KZNPO until September 2017. He then moved to Cape Town where he joined the Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra 2020. 

Acknowledged as one of South Africa’s leading concert pianists and musicians, Elna van der Merwe was a full-time accompanist and part-time Piano Lecturer at the Conservatory of Stellenbosch University until 2001. Since then, she has been an ad hoc pianist and sought-after collaborative artist for local and international artists. She studied piano and organ at Stellenbosch University and has won several awards, stipends and competitions. She performed as soloist with various national orchestras. As an accompanist, she has appeared in all the UNISA International Singing, Strings (since 1990) and recently the Flute and Clarinet Competitions. She has also recorded many CDs and DVDs.

Louise Farrenc (1804 – 1875): Trio Op. 45
Claude Debussy (1862 – 1918): Sonata No. 1
Hendrik Hofmeyr (Born 1957): It takes two…
Philippe Gaubert (1879 – 1941): Trois Aquarelles

Ninette Pretorius 
+27 51 401 2504


Yeon-Min Park 16 June 2023


Date:  16 June 2023
Venu: Odeion
Admission: FREE

Yeon-Min Park achieved her triumph as the 1st prize winner of the prestigious George Enescu International Music Competition in May 2021 as well as a “Special Mention” for the best interpretation of George Enescu’s composition. She performed Rachmaninoff Concerto No. 3 in the Final round with the George Enescu Philharmonic Orchestra under the baton of John Axelrod. In spite of various hardships which she has faced in her life, she always follows a personal motto “It’s not over till it’s over”.

She discovered the indescribable passion of becoming a concert pianist with her first solo recital at the age of 23 and immediately embarked on a breathtaking progress on her instrument. During the intervening years, Yeon-Min Park won the 1st prize and audience prize of the Lyon International Piano Competition in 2019, 1st prize of the Suzhou Jinji Lake International Piano Competition in 2017, 1st prize of the 40th Palma d’Oro International Piano Competition, 1st prize of the Hanoi International Piano Competition in 2015, 1st prize of the International Piano Competition in Mayenne in 2016, top prize of the Seoul International Music Competition in 2017 and top prize as well as Chamber Music prize of the Darmstadt Chopin Competition.

In 2021/22, Yeon-Min Park appeared as the soloist in Stravinsky Concerto for Piano and Wind Instruments for her debut with theRundfunk Sinfonieorchester Berlin under Vladimir Jurowski, Tchaikovsky Concerto No. 1 with Korean Coop Orchestra at Seoul Arts Center and Beethoven Triple Concerto with the Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra at the Golden hall in the Musikverein Vienna as well as solo recitals in Düsseldorf, Seoul, Palermo etc. and will appear in the Grafenegg Festival, Sand Chopin Festival, Vevey Spring Classic.

With her immense repertoire, which covers works from the Baroque to the Contemporary periods, Yeon-Min Park has given performances in South Korea, China, Italy, Germany, Israel, France, Romania, Portugal, Poland etc, in various forms such as  solo, chamber and orchestral concerts. She has collaborated with various orchestras such as Südwestdeutscher Philharmonie Konstanz, Philharmonisches Kammerorchester Wernigerode, Russian Chamber Philharmonic St. Petersburg, Korean Symphony Orchestra, Hanoi Philharmonic Orchestra, Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra, Busan Philharmonic, Bucheon Philharmonic, Suzhou Symphony Orchestra, Israel Symphony Orchestra Rishon LeZion etc.

Born in Mokpo, South Korea, Yeon-Min Park earned her Bachelor of Music degree from the Seoul National University under the tutelage of Prof. Aviram Reichert and completed her Masters degree at the University of Music, Drama and Media Hanover in 2017 in the class of Prof. Bernd Goetzke. She is currently continuing her “Soloklasse” study at the same institution.


SCHUBERT-LISZT: FrühlingslaubeAuf dem Wasser zu Singen
LISZT: Ballade No. 2; Totentanz for piano solo; Piano Sonata in B minor

Ninette Pretorius 
+27 51 401 2504




Date:  4 June 2023
Venu: Odeion
Admission: FREE

The OSMC will present its second concert for the year on the 4th of June 2023 at 15:30 in the Odeion Concert Hall. The campus of the University of the Free State Eentrance to the concert will be free.  The programme for this concert will include:

Double Concerto for Violin & Cello
Antonio Vivaldi
Soloists: Pieter Joubert [Violin] & Willie Naudé [cello]

Violin Sonata in G minor [Devil’s Trill]
Giuseppe Tartini
Soloist: Pieter Joubert [Violin]

Cello Concerto in A minor, H432
Carl Phillip Emanuel Bach
Soloist: Ashlin Grobbelaar [Cello]

Serenade for Strings in E minor
Edward Elgar

Prof Anmari van der Westhuizen was appointed as the principal conductor and artistic director of the OSMC in 2022. Under her guidance, the ensemble undertook two national concert tours. More recently, the ensemble was selected to participate at the SA National String Convention in March 2023, hosted by the Nelson Mandela University, and curated by Dr Mariechen Meyer.

The OSMC was founded by Marius Coetzee in 2012 as a flagship chamber orchestra. The main objective of this strategy was to create a catalyst for excellence. From a pedagogical perspective, the OSMC serves as a feasible incubator for nurturing fully-rounded musicians who are thoroughly prepared for the demands of their trade as orchestral musicians, soloists and conductors.

The OSMC has a professional internship agreement with the Cape Philharmonic Orchestra to solidify and advance the skills of young orchestral musicians. 



Pieter Joubert hails from Bloemfontein, where he studied the violin at age six under Francois Henkins. In 2020 he won the Human-Naudé Bursary Competition. He was a semi-finalist in the 2019 and 2021 National Youth Music Competition in Parow, and in 2021 he won the second prize in the strings category. In 2022 Pieter was chosen as the overall winner of the inaugural UCT Strings Competition, with additional prizes such as "Best performance of a South African work" and "Top-placed 1st or 2nd-year student."

As a soloist, he has performed with the Free State Symphony Orchestra, the UCT Symphony Orchestra and the Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra. 

Joubert received masterclasses from internationally acclaimed violinists such as Gérard Korsten (Austria), Pieter Schoeman (UK), Daniel Auer (Austria) and Andrej Bielow (Ukraine). 

Since 2021, he has continued his studies full-time under Professor Farida Bacharova at the University of Cape Town.


Ashlin Grobbelaar started his musical journey as part of the Mangaung String Programme in Bloemfontein and is currently studying with Graham du Plessis at the University of Cape Town. They lead the cello section of the UCT Symphony Orchestra and are the current principal cellist of the MIAGI Youth Orchestra and the South African National Youth Orchestra. Ashlin plays regularly as an ad-hoc cellist with the Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra. They recently participated in the UCT Strings Competition, where they were placed as a runners-up. In addition to being an active chamber and orchestral musician, Ashlin strives to create opportunities to make music education more accessible to those of a similar background.


"Cellist Willie Naudé is a studious & enthusiastic chamber musician. I am observing his progress with interest."

Charlotte Potgieter Principal Second Violin Section Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra

Cellist Willie Naudé (21) is a third-year music student at the Odeion School of Music [OSM] from the University of the Free State, where he is studying under the tutelage of Prof. Anmari van der Westhuizen. 

Naudé recently interned at the Cape Philharmonic Orchestra [CPO].In 2022, Naudé won the National Victoria K. Bennet competition and progressed to the final round of the annual Human Naudé bursary competition 2022. He was selected as a musician for the first YOUNG VIRTUOSI CHAMBER COLLECTIVE. He received coaching under the guidance of revered South African Violinist Charlotte Potgieter, principal of the second violin section of the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra in the Netherlands.

Naudé received masterclasses with international visiting cellists, the likes of Ben Capps, Thomas Carrol, Alexander Buslov, and Gerard Korsten, to name a few. At the OSM, he is the principal of the cello section of the Free State Youth Orchestra and often plays under the mentorship of Prof Anmari van der Westhuizen in the Free State Symphony Orchestra.

Ninette Pretorius 
+27 51 401 2504

Pieter joubert 2

Devotion 8 Jun 2023 No 3


Date:  8 June 2023
Venu: Odeion
Admission: FREE

The choice of the programme stems from Albertus’ affinity for the 19th-century German Lied, because of the manifold possibilities for the application of different vocal colours and fine nuances which this genre offers. Robert Schumann’s song cycle, Dichterliebe, is one of the most well-known art song cycles and arguably one of the most ample examples of this genre. The sixteen songs from this cycle depict a wide palette of different emotions, which the singer can vocally express through the colouration of the voice or rather different vocal registrations. For the second half of this programme, he chose a selection of Richard Strauss songs that were composed later than those of Schumann at the turn of the 20th century. From his personal experience, he finds that they not only indicate a difference in musical style, but also a different vocal approach to that of the mid-19th century art song. Strauss’ songs in his opinion are more operatic in nature and the long, sustained vocal lines necessitate in many instances a more intense and heroic vocal production. Therefore, they form an interesting contrast with the generally more intimate songs from Schumann. The title for this concert signifies his devotion to Lied but also the underlying message of all chosen songs, namely expression of great love.

Albertus Engelbrecht was appointed in opera houses of Nürnberg and Passau (Germany) for a total of seventeen years where he sang a diversity of leading roles such as Orfeo in Monteverdi's L'Orfeo, Ulisse in Monteverdi’s Il Ritorno d’Ulisse in Patria, Nerone in Monteverdi’s L’incorronazione di Poppea, Ramiro in Rossini's La Cenerentola, Duca in Verdi's Rigoletto, and Belmonte in Mozart's Die Entführung aus dem Serail. Guest contracts have taken him to Luzern (Switzerland) and Los Angeles (USA).  As concert singer, he performed regularly in Berlin, Frankfurt, Mainz and Vienna. A highlight of his career was concerts of Medelssohn's Walpurgisnacht in the Teatro San Carlo (Naples, Italy).  Albertus is lecturer in singing at the OSM since 2016. 

Albie van Schalkwyk has established himself as performer in a number of fields over the past 30 years. One of the leading chamber musicians and vocal accompanists in South Africa, he has also performed as soloist with SA orchestras, performed solo recitals, given master classes for singers and accompanists, worked as a music producer for the SABC, and arranged music for various combinations, including Broadway musicals and operas for two pianos and orchestral pieces for three to eight pianos. He completed his PhD at the UFS in 2012. His interest in vocal music and the art song in particular, has led to many fulfilling concert partnerships with singers, culminating in the formation in 1994 of The Songmakers’ Guild.  This Cape Town based organisation has been providing a regular platform to performers in the field of the art song for 25 years. He has presented workshops and classes for singers and accompanists at several SA universities and spent his 2002/3 sabbatical working as coach in the Vocal Department of the Mozarteum Music University in Salzburg (Austria). Albie retired from his post as Associate Professor in Piano and Chamber Music at the SA College of Music, University of Cape Town, at the end of 2017 to his own private studio, the Musicumbrella Piano Studio. Apart from continuing his performance career as collaborative pianist, he plans a wide range of activities including individual piano teaching, masterclasses in piano, chamber music and art songs, vocal coaching and arrangements for multiple pianos.


Robert Schumann (1810 - 1856): Dichterliebe Op. 48

Richard Strauss (1864 - 1949): Befreit Op. 39; Zueignung Op. 10 No. 1; Die Nacht Op. 10 No. 3; AllerseelenOp. 10 No. 8; Ruhemeine Seele Op. 27 No. 1; Cäcilie Op. 27 No. 2; Heimliche Aufforderung Op. 27 No. 3

Ninette Pretorius 
+27 51 401 2504


Devised by: Marijda Kamper & Walter Strydom
Language: English
Directed by: Marijda Kamper & Walter Strydom
Assistant Director: Amira van Biljon

Dates: 25 - 27 May 2023
Times: 11:00 and 18:00 (click Read more for specific dates and times)
Venue: Rehearsal Room, Scaena Theatre Complex 
R25.00 General Admission
R20.00 Group bookings of 5+
Tickets are available at or at the door. 

Theatre for young audiences as you’ve never seen before! Acclaimed theatre artists, Marijda Kamper and Walter Strydom, bring you a highly entertaining, fast-paced, and innovative theatre experience for all ages.

Read more


Charl du Plessis Trio 4 May 2023 finaal


50 ways to leave your lover.

The Charl du Plessis Trio is one of the most recognizable instrumental groups in South Africa. They have released nine albums, won four SAMA awards and regularly perform in Europe and Eastern Asia. Their style combines classical music with influences of jazz, pop and world music and is aimed at the curious listener. In their latest programme, they perform music of Bach, Grieg’s Peer Gynt Suite and new arrangements of ABBA, and Paul Simon. The trio comprises Charl du Plessis (piano), Werner Spies (bass) and Peter Auret (drums).

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750): Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach: Menuet, BWV Anh. 116
Edward Grieg (1843 – 1907): New Peer Gynt Jazz Suite
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750): Brandenburg Concerto No. 3, BWV 1048
ABBA: Suite á Jazz
Paul Simon (*1941): 50 Ways to leave your lover

4 May 2023
Venue: Odeion Auditorium
Time: 19:30

For more information, please contact:
Ninette Pretorius 
T: +27 51 401 2504


Preconcert Lecture and Piano Recital


Preconcert Lecture and Piano Recital
“Apartheid in Search of Black Musical Dignity” - The 'unknown' legacy of Milton Oersen (1918-2016), South Africa's first black concert pianist".

John Theodore (Born 1956) – pianist
Johann Buis (Born 1955) – musicologist, preconcert lecturer
JS Bach (1685 - 1750) - Prelude and Fugue in B-flat minor, BWV 867
L van Beethoven (1770 - 1827) - Piano Sonata No. 21 in C major, Op. 53, Waldstein
AN Scriabin (1872 - 1915) - Études (Op. 8 nos. 4, 5; Op. 42 nos. 4, 5)
B Ndodana-Breen (Born 1974) - Umdlalo Emlanjeni (”Games by the River”)

25 April 2023
Time: 17:30
Venue: Odeion Auditorium

For more information, please contact:
Ninette Pretorius 
T: +27 51 401 2504




Onnies en Ouers / The Happiest Days of Your Life

Translation:  AJB de Klerk
Original text: John Dighton
Language: Multilingual (Afrikaans & English)
Director: Thys Heydenrych

Dates: 4 - 6 April 2023
Time: 18:30
Venue: Wynand Mouton Theatre
R40.00 Adults
R30.00 Scholars and Students
R25.00 Pensioners and group bookings of 10+
Age restriction: 14L

Bookings Tickets available at the door

Onnies en Ouers is a hilarious comedy set in the “platteland”. After their school burned down, the teachers and students of Rosendal (an all-girls English school) are relocated by the department to other accommodation. Due to confusion at the department, Rosendal ends up at Keiserkroon (an all-boys Afrikaans school), and chaos erupts. With the help of both schools’ teachers, the headmasters desperately try to keep the visiting parents (a pastor and a farmer) from discovering the truth. Read more ...

A delightful comedy in Afrikaans and English for a fun-filled evening.

This amateur production of The Happiest Days of Your Life is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals Ltd. on behalf of Samuel French Ltd. 




inspired by the medieval morality play
Text: Annebelle Smit
Director: Annebelle Smit

Dates: 12 - 14 April 2023
Time: 18h00
Venue: Scaena Theatre
R25.00 p/p
R20.00 Group bookings of 10+

: Tickets available at the door. 

The classic play, Everyman, has been reimagined for a modern audience with a powerful message about the importance of being prepared for death. The production places the story in a contemporary context, following the journey of a successful businessman forced to confront his mortality. Read more ...


German Piano Trios 13 April 2023



inspired by the medieval morality play
Text: Annebelle Smit
Director: Annebelle Smit

German Piano Trios

Three celebrated musicians, Samson Diamond, Anmari van der Westhuizen and Nicolene Gibbons will collaborate in presenting an exquisite programme of German Piano Trios by composers Beethoven and Schubert.

Nicolene Gibbons was born in Bloemfontein. She studied piano at the University of the Free State with Catharina Struthers while also taking composition classes with Prof Johann Potgieter. Nicolene played on radio and television, especially her own compositions, from a very young age.  She obtained her BAMus qualification at the UFS with Nettie Immelman as piano lecturer.  She also won the overseas study bursaries of SAMRO, UNISA and ABRSM. Nicolene obtained a BMusHons cum laude at the University of Cape Town under the tutelage of Lamar Crowson.  She then studied at the Royal College of Music (London) where she received her master’s degree in piano as well as a master’s degree in composition from the University of Cambridge. Nicolene has worked for almost 30 years as pianist, composer and teacher in England, including the University of Cambridge and the Uppingham School. Later she specialized in chamber music and lied accompaniment. She moved back to South Africa five years ago and is now working and staying in Philippolis. She recently took part in the Klein Karoo Klassique with cellist Anmari van der Westhuizen. Her solo concert in Bloemfontein as part of the Vrystaat Klank & Klassik was met with great enthusiasm.

Samson Diamond has been appointed leader of the award-winning Odeion String Quartet since 2013.  He enjoys an association with the London-based Chineke! Orchestra founded in 2015.  In April 2022, he appeared as leader of this orchestra for performances and recordings in London and in 2019 toured as concertmaster with performances at prestigious venues in England, Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany.  He appears as soloist with major orchestras in South Africa, and recently alongside Jeanne-Louise Moolman performing Mozart’s Sinfonia Concertante with the KZNPO. In 2021, Diamond recorded Beethoven’s Romances with the JPO.  He studied with Rosemary Nalden, the founder-director of the internationally acclaimed Buskaid Project, and further with Richard Ireland, Pauline Nobes and Philippe Griffin. 

Anmari van der Westhuizen graduated from Stellenbosch University (BMusHons), from the Mozarteum, Salzburg (Grosses Diplom), and from the Hochschule für Musik (Cologne) with Maria Kliegel (Konzertexamen). In 2013 Anmari received her PhD from the University of Pretoria.  She has won prestigious competitions including, the ATKV Forte Competition, the SABC Competition and the Oude Meester Competition. Anmari has performed in Australia, Austria, Belgium, the Faroe Islands, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Poland, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the USA, Zambia and Zimbabwe.   


Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 – 1828): Trio, Op. 97 (Archduke)

Franz Schubert (1797 – 1828): Piano Trio in E-flat major, Op. 100


13 April 2023  |  Odeion  |  19:30



CoR 16 March 2023



inspired by the medieval morality play
Text: Annebelle Smit
Director: Annebelle Smit

City of Roses

The City of Roses (CoR) Jazz Ensemble will present its launch concert on the 16th of March 2022 at 19:30 in the Odeion Concert Hall. Entrance to the concert will be free.

The founding of the City of Roses (CoR) Jazz Ensemble was inspired by the recently appointed Dr Joseph Kunnuji at the Odeion School of Music. Kunnuji’s profound knowledge and experience of jazz as a trumpeter and arranger opened the way for establishing a quality jazz ensemble, thereby renewing the quest for jazz at the OSM.

The ensemble’s focus for this concert will be on mainstream jazz as represented by the so-called Classical or Bebop period in its history (the mid-1940s to mid-1960s) characterised by the music of prominent figures of the time such as Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, Dizzy Gillespie and John Coltrane.  The ensemble consists of five versatile and seasoned musicians, namely Joseph Kunnuji (trumpet), Claire Röntsch (saxophone) Nicol Viljoen (piano and keyboard), Marc Röntsch (bass; also newly appointed at the OSM) and John Smit (drums).

JOSEPH KUNNUJI (PhD, University of Cape Town) is a Senior Lecturer in Ethnomusicology and African Musics at the Odeion School of Music. With a background in jazz studies, the orthodox church hymn-singing tradition and a few cosmopolitan African genres, Kunnuji’s teaching, research, compositions and performances reflect the inherent intersection of different worlds.

MARC RÖNTSCH is a musicologist, guitarist and bassist originally from Cape Town, and was recently appointed as a Senior Lecturer in Musicology at the Odeion School of Music, University of the Free State. Marc has performed with bands such as Black Moscow, The Hot Club of Cape Town and Tape Hiss and Sparkle, and has appeared as a soloist with the University of Stellenbosch Symphonic Orchestra and the Stellenbosch University Jazz Band.

CLAIRE RÖNTSCH (neè de Kock) is a saxophonist, session musician, composer, arranger, music lecturer and educator. She graduated with a BMus in Jazz Performance at the South African College of Music (SACM) in 2014 with distinction and has recently received her master’s degree in Jazz Composition from SACM under the tutelage of renowned local composers Dr Mike Campbell and Professor Amanda Tiffin.  In 2015, Claire won the Fine Music Radio Jazz Performance competition and has performed internationally in Europe and locally at the Cape Town International Jazz Festival. She is currently performing with The Swing Collective, The Lady Day Big Band and her own progressive jazz quartet (who perform her own compositions). Claire has recently been appointed as a conductor and arranger for the Free State Youth Wind Ensemble at the Odeion School of Music. 

JOHN SMIT has been involved in the music industry since 1994. Through the years he has recorded, sessions as kit-drummer/bassist and audio mixed numerous national and international music productions ranging from classical to rock, traditional to jazz recordings and live performances. For the past seventeen years, he has been lecturing in Music Technology at the Odeion School of Music.

NICOL VILJOEN is a Professor Emeritus and a Research Fellow at the Odeion School of Music. Viljoen’s versatile activities include those of a music theorist, concert pianist, chamber musician, jazz pianist, and church organist. Viljoen’s research during the past decades has focused on theoretical Schenker studies and their application within musical performance practice.



ENQUIRIES: Ninette Pretorius
T: +27 51 401 2504



Sonkanise Nkosi lecture recital 23 March 2023



inspired by the medieval morality play
Text: Annebelle Smit
Director: Annebelle Smit


Jeanne-Louise Moolman and Elna van der Merwe
23 February 2023  |  Admission FREE
Odeion  |  19:30

Two special friends and musicians, Jeanne-Louise Moolman, and Elna van der Merwe will join forces and present this programme with exquisite varied pieces as well as a special commissioned work by Peter McLea. 

Jeanne-Louise Moolman was appointed as violist of the Odeion String Quartet and Senior Lecturer at the Odeion School of Music in 2008. She studied under Alan Solomon at the University of Pretoria, where she obtained the BMus and BMus Hons degrees with distinction, and also studied in Salzburg under Thomas Riebl. She won the ATKV Forté and Oude Meester competitions. In 1985, she won the University of Natal 75th Anniversary Prize. She regularly performs with some of our country's foremost musicians and has given numerous solo performances in South Africa and Zimbabwe. In 2012, she was invited to perform at the International Viola Congress in Rochester (New York). Elna van der Merwe was a full-time accompanist and part-time Piano Lecturer at the Conservatory of Stellenbosch University until 2001. Since then, she has been an ad hoc pianist and sought-after collaborative artist for local and international artists. She studied piano and organ at Stellenbosch University and has won several awards, stipends and competitions. She performed as soloist with various national orchestras. As an accompanist, she has appeared in all the UNISA International Singing, Strings (since 1990) and recently the Flute and Clarinet Competitions. She has also recorded many CDs and DVDs.


Johannes Brahms: Sonata Op. 120 No. 2
George Enesco: Concert Piece
Peter McLea: Commissioned work for the concert – World première
Mokale Koapeng: Boabab Dance
York Bowen: Romance


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