Robb L, Joubert G, Walsh CM. Diet quality indexes for use during pregnancy: a scoping review. Nutr Rev. 2023;00(0):1-9. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/nutrit/nuad138.
Van den Berg VL, De Beer S-M, Claassen T, Meyer J, Strydom I, van Rooyen C, Spies E. 2023. Job satisfaction and perception of workloads among dietitians and nutritionists registered in South Africa. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/16070658.2023.2237827.
Greyvensteyn D, Walsh CM, Nel M and Jordaan EM. 2023. Nutrigenomics: Perceptions of South African Dietitians and General Practitioners. Lifestyle Genomics, DOI: 10.1159/000526898.
Ranneileng M, Nel M and Walsh CM. 2023. Impact of a nutrition education intervention on nutrition-related self-efficacy and locus of control among women in Lesotho. Frontiers in Public Health. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389%2Ffpubh.2023.1060119.
Van Zyl S, Kruger WH, Walsh CM. 2023. Chronic diseases of lifestyle curriculum: students’ perceptions in primary healthcare settings. Afr J Prm Health Care Fam Med. 2023;14(1). DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102%2Fphcfm.v15i1.3775.
Robb L, Jordaan EM, Joubert G, Ngounda J and Walsh CM. 2023. Reported health, social support, stress and associations with choline intake in pregnant women in central South Africa: the NUEMI study 2018-2019" Archives of Public Health, 81(1):48. DOI: 10.1186/s13690-023-01061-y.
Najam W, Walsh CM and Oldewage-Theron W. 2023. Nutrition knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and practices: a comparison of urban and rural adults in the Free State province of South Africa, South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, DOI:10.1080/16070658.2023.2175456.
Van den Berg L and Walsh CM. Household food insecurity in South Africa from 1999 to 2021: A metrics perspective, Public Health Nutrition, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/s1368980023001878.
Jordaan EM, Joubert, G, Robb L, Ngounda J and Walsh CM. Associations between indicators of socio-demography and birth outcomes of pregnant women attending an antenatal clinic at a regional hospital in Bloemfontein, South Africa: The Nutritional status of Expectant Mothers and their newborn Infants study, Child: Care, health and development, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/cch.13181.
Congress: International Dairy Federation (IDF) World Dairy Summit, Chicago, 16-20 October
Title: Dairy's Building Blocks for Nourishing Prenatal Brain Development: Helping Children Reach their Full Potential
Author: Robb L
Congress: Biannual Nutrition Congress, Summerset West, 18-20 April 2023
Title: Evaluation of the ImpENSA technology enabled behaviour change module for healthcare professionals to improve early life micronutrient nutrition in South Africa
Authors: Choi S and Walsh CM
Congress: Biannual Nutrition Congress, Summerset West, 18-20 April 2023
Title: Adherence to the Mediterranean diet of pregnant women in central South Africa: The NuEMI study
Authors: Spies HC
Congress: Biannual Nutrition Congress, Summerset West, 18-20 April 2023
Title: Biochemical indicators of nutritional status of South African adults: A systematic review of the literature from 1997 to 2019
Authors: Van Den Berg VL and Walsh CM
Congress: Biannual Nutrition Congress, Summerset West, 18-20 April 2023
Title: Anthropometry of South African adults: A systematic review of the literature from 1997 to 2019
Authors: Van Den Berg VL and Walsh CM
Congress: Biannual Nutrition Congress, Summerset West, 18-20 April 2023
Title: Energy and nutrient intakes of South African adults: A review of the literature from 1997 to 2019
Authors: Walsh CM and Van Den Berg VL
Congress: Biannual Nutrition Congress, Summerset West, 18-20 April 2023
Title: Dietary diversity and eating patterns of South African adults: A review of the literature from 1997 to 2019
Authors: Walsh CM and Van Den Berg VL
Congress:10th International Conference on Nutrition and Growth (N&G 2023) 30 March- 1 April 2023 in London, UK
Title: Health care professionals’ experiences when treating children with malnutrition in a rural health care setting in central South Africa
Authors: Meko NML, van den Berg VL, de Figueiredo NAB and Nel M
Wenhold F, Nel S, van den Berg VL. 2022. Hands-on Anthropometry: A South African Handbook for Large-Scale Nutrition Studies. Training and standardisation manual. Pretoria. Available online at https://www.up.ac.za/centre-for-maternal-fetal-newborn-and-child-healthcare
Erasmus HE, Walsh C, Nel M, van den Berg VL: Predictive value of different body segments to estimate height in a South African adult hospital population, Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, 74: 177-182, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clnesp.2021.12.022.
Walsh CM & van den Berg VL. 2022. The nutritional status of South African Adults: A review of the literature published from 1997–2019. In FOODS PROCURED, NUTRITIONAL STATUS AND DIETARY INTAKE OF PEOPLE LIVING IN SOUTH AFRICA: DESKTOP REVIEW (PROJECT NDOH 45/2018/2019). Cape Town, South Africa: National Department of Health & University of the Western Cape: Centre of Excellence in Food Security
Ngounda J, Baumgartner J, Nel M and Walsh CM. 2022. Iodine status of pregnant women residing in the urban Free State Province of South Africa is borderline adequate: The NuEMI study. Nutrition Research, 98: 18–26. DOI: 10.1016/j.nutres.2021.12.002.
Turkson R, Ngounda J, Nel, M and Walsh CM. 2022. The nutritional status of community-dwelling elderly in Lesotho and factors associated with malnutrition. Nutrition and Health, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/02601060221082368.
HC Spies, M Nel, CM Walsh. 2022. Adherence to the Mediterranean diet of pregnant woman in central South Africa: The NuEMI study. Nutrition and Metabolic Insights, 15: 1–8, DOI: 10.1177/11786388221107801.
Robb L, Jordaan EM, Joubert G, Ngounda J & Walsh CM. 2022: Sociodemographic Indicators, Household Food Security and Associations with Choline Intake in Pregnant Women: The NuEMI Study, Ecology of Food and Nutrition, 61(6). DOI: 10.1080/03670244.2022.2118734.
Moyo GT, Stickley ZL, Little TD, Dawson JA, Thomas-Jackson S, Ngounda J, Jordaan M, Robb L, Walsh CM, Oldewage-Theron W. 2022. Effects of nutritional and social factors on favorable fetal growth conditions using structural equation modelling. Nutrients, 14(21). DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/nu14214642.
Hansen T, du Toit E, van Rooyen C, Lategan-Potgieter R. 2022. Sociodemographic variables affecting caregivers ’attitudes towards the provision of healthy breakfast and lunchboxes to children in their care. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/16070658.2022.2048444.
Haasbroek C, Lategan-Potgieter R, van Rooyen FC and Jordaan M. 2022. Do lifestyle choices influence the development of overweight and obesity in the South African Air Force, Bloemfontein? South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 35(2):59-68. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/16070658.2021.1948810.
Spies HC, Frey MA and Karstens B. 2022. Nutrition and vasoactive substances in the critically ill patient. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 35(4), 177-182. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1080/16070658.2022.2147663.
Congress: 9th International Conference on Nutrition & Growth Virtual Conference, 17-19 March 2022
Title: Food security and the onset of menarche in teenage schoolgirls from an urban setting in South Africa
Authors: Walsh CM, Jordaan EM and Nel M. Paper presentation at (NGC22).
Congress: 9th International Conference on Nutrition & Growth Virtual Conference, 17-19 March 2022
Title: The diet quality of pregnant women in public health care in a middle-income country
Authors: Van den Berg VL, Robb L, Jordaan M, Ngounda J, Nel M, van Bosch L and Walsh CM
Congress: The European Society for Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition (ESPEN) 2022 Virtual Congress, Vienna, Austria, 3-6 September 2022
Title: Reported health, social support, stress and associations with choline intake in pregnant women: the NuEMI study
Authors: Robb L, Joubert G, Jordaan M, Osei Ngounda J and Walsh CM
Congress: The European Society for Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition (ESPEN) 2022 Virtual Congress, Vienna, Austria, 3 – 6 September 2022
Title: Knowledge, attitudes and practices related to overweight/obesity in adult women in Mangaung, South Africa
Authors: Jordaan EM, Robb L, van Rooyen FC and Walsh CM
Congress: Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior (SNEB) 2022 Conference. July 29 – 31, 2022 at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis
Title: Nutrition Knowledge, Attitudes, Beliefs, and Practices among Adults in Urban and Rural Areas in the Free State, South Africa
Authors:Najam W, Oldewage-Theron W and Walsh CM
Congress: The 22nd IUNS-ICN International Congress of nutrition in Tokyo, Japan, 6-11 December, Tokyo, Japan
Title: Dietary Diversity and associated factors of pregnant women from the Free State Province of South Africa: The NuEMI study
Authors: Walsh CM
Congress: The 22nd IUNS-ICN International Congress of nutrition in Tokyo, Japan, 6-11 December, Tokyo, Japan
Title: Food environment issues that perpetuate food insecurity among university students
Authors: Van den Berg VL, Mabena N, Nel M and Robb L
Congress: Child Priorities Conference. Wits University, 24 – 26 November 2022
Title: Feeding practices of mothers with children attending early childhood development centres in the Xhariep District
Authors: Carson-Porter A, van den Berg L and Meko NM
Robb L, Joubert G, Jordaan EM, Ngounda J, Walsh CM. Choline intake and associations with egg and dairy consumption among pregnant women attending a high-risk antenatal clinic in South Africa: the NuEMI study. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2021; 21:1–9.
Williamson H, Walsh C, Nel M, van den Berg L. 2021. Agreement between measured height, and height predicted from published equations, in adult South African patients. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition: doi.org/10.1080/16070658.2021.19
du Toit E, Lategan-Potgieter R. 2021. Health benefits and nutrient composition (Chapter 27) in Production guidelines for pecan. Edited by AD Sippel and H du Toit. South Africa: ARC-Tropical and Subtropical Crops.
Hansen T, du Toit E, van Rooyen C, Lategan-Potgieter R. 2021. Breakfast and lunchboxes provided to foundation phase learners: do caregivers’ knowledge and attitude reflect their practices? South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 13 July 2021. https://doi.org/10.1080/16070658.2021.1946247
Haasbroek C, Lategan-Potgieter R, van Rooyen FC, Jordaan EM. 2021. Do lifestyle choices influence the development of overweight and obesity in the South African Air Force, Bloemfontein? South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, July. https://doi.org/10.1080/16070658.2021.1948810
Siro SS, Baumgartner J, Schoonen M, Ngounda J, Malan L, Symington EA, Smuts CM & Zandberg L. 2021. Characterization of genetic variants in the SLC5A5 gene and associations with breast milk iodine concentration in lactating women of African descent: The NUPED Study. Frontiers of Nutrition-Nutrigenomics, 22 June 2021. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2021.692504.
Siro SS, Zandberg L, Ngounda J, Wise A, Symington EA, Malan L, Smuts CM, Baumgartner J. Iodine status of pregnant women living in urban Johannesburg, South Africa. Maternal and Child Nutrition 2021:1-9. https://doi.org/10.1111/mcn.13236.
Walsh CM & Haasbroek C. 2021.The interaction between the microbiome, diet and health, South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 34:3, i-ii, DOI: 10.1080/16070658.2021.1966226
Congress: ESPEN 2021 Virtual Congress, September 2021
Title: Refeeding syndrome in children 0 – 59 months diagnosed with severe acute malnutrition in a South African setting
Authors: Van Den Berg L, Fourie N, Nel M
Congress: The 8th International Conference on Nutrition and Growth - Virtual Conference, Aug
Title: Double burden of malnutrition among toddlers (1 to 3 years) attending day care centers in a SA urban setting.
Authors: Van Den Berg L, Rauch C, Raubenheimer J
Congress: International Congress of Dietetics, Virtual Congress, 1-3 September 2021
Title: Job satisfaction and perception of workload among dietitians/nutritionists in South Africa
Authors: Van Den Berg LV, Spies E, Nel M
Congress: ESPEN 2021 Virtual Congress, September 2021
Title: Iodine status of pregnant women residing in urban and rural areas of the Free State province, South Africa
Authors: Ngounda J, Baumgartner J, Nel M, Walsh CM
Congress: International Congress of Dietetics, Virtual Congress, 1-3 September 2021
Title: Dietary intake of micronutrients in pregnant women in Urban Free State
Authors: Ngounda J, Jordaan EM, Robb L, Nel M, Walsh CM
Congress: ESPEN 2021 Virtual Congress, September 2021
Title: Diet quality and associations with choline intake in pregnant women in Bloemfontein, South Africa
Authors: Robb L, Joubert G, Jordaan EM, Ngounda J, Walsh CM
Congress: The 8th International Conference on Nutrition and Growth - Virtual Conference, Aug
Title: Sociodemographic indicators, household food security and associations with choline intake in pregnant women in Bloemfontein, South Africa
Authors: Robb L, Joubert G, Jordaan EM, Ngounda J, Walsh CM
Congress: International Congress of Dietetics, Virtual Congress, 1-3 September 2021
Title: Reported health and macronutrient intake of pregnant women attending an antenatal clinic at Pelonomi Hospital in Bloemfontein, South Africa
Authors: Robb L, Joubert G, Jordaan EM, Ngounda J, Walsh CM
Congress: ESPEN 2021 Virtual Congress, September 2021
Title: A nutrition screening tool for predicting birth outcomes at an antenatal clinic at a regional hospital in urban South Africa
Authors: Jordaan EM, Joubert G, Robb L, Ngounda J, Walsh CM
Congress: The 8th International Conference on Nutrition and Growth - Virtual Conference, Aug
Title: Birth outcomes of neonates born to mothers who received antenatal care at a regional hospital in urban South Africa
Authors: Jordaan EM, Joubert G, Robb L, Ngounda J, Walsh CM
Congress: International Congress of Dietetics, Virtual Congress, 1-3 September 2021
Title: Associations between reported health, lifestyle and birth outcomes of pregnant women attending the antenatal clinic at Pelonomi Hospital, Bloemfontein
Authors: Jordaan EM, Joubert G, Robb L, Ngounda J, Walsh CM
Congress: International Congress of Dietetics, Virtual Congress, 1-3 September 2021
Title: Nutritional status of patients receiving maintenance haemodialysis in Bloemfontein, South Africa.
Authors: Spies HC, Van den Berg VL, Nel M
Abu BAZ, Raubenheimer JE, van den Berg VL. 2020. Iron-focussed nutritional status of mothers with children (6–59 months) in rural northern Ghana. Heliyon, 6 (6): e04017.
Walsh CM, Fouché MS, Nel M & Booysen F. 2020. The Impact of a Household Food Garden Intervention on Food Security in Lesotho. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
Jordaan EM, van den Berg VL, van Rooyen FC & Walsh CM. 2020. Obesity is associated with anaemia and iron deficiency indicators among women in the rural Free State, South Africa. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 33 (3), 72-78.
Jordaan EM, van den Berg VL, van Rooyen FC & Walsh CM. 2020. Anaemia prevalence and dietary diversity among women in the rural Free State, South Africa. Health SA Gesondheid,25:1-8.
Le Roux M, Nel M & Walsh C. 2020. Determinants of Stunting at 6 Weeks in the Northern Cape Province, South Africa. Frontiers in Public Health.
Siziba LP, Chimhashu T, Siro SS, Osei Ngounda J, Jacobs A, Malan L, Smuts CM, Baumgartner J. 2020. Breast milk and erythrocyte fatty acid composition of lactating women residing in a peri-urban South African township. Prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and essential fatty acids.
Spies HC, van den Berg VL, Nel M. 2020. Knowledge, attitude and practices of patients receiving maintenance haemodialysis in Bloemfontein, South Africa, South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1-7
Robb L, Walsh C & Nel M. 2020. Knowledge, perceptions and practices of HIV-infected mothers regarding HIV and infant feeding. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
van Zyl S, van Rooyen FC, Joubert G, Kruger WH & Walsh CM. 2020. A Comparison of the Socio-Behavioral-Metabolic Risk Profiles and Associated Factors for Chronic Diseases of Lifestyle in Urban and Rural Communities in Central South Africa. Frontiers in Public Health.
Walsh, CM. & van den Berg, VL. 2020. Chapter 5:The nutritional status of South African adults: a review of the literature published 1997–2019 (narrative review based on reference tables). In: Ffoods procured, nutritional status and dietary intake of people living in South Africa: desktop review. DSI-NRF Centre for Excellence in Food Security, University of the Western Cape: 228-388.
du Toit E. Slaaie en bykosse: maak lekker, nog lekkerder! In Voel goed, lyk mooi, lief die lewe.
Congress: European Society for Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition (ESPEN) Virtual Congress on Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. 17 – 19 September 2020
Title: Household Food Security and Exposure of Stress Amongst Pregnant Women Attending the Antenatal Clinic at Pelonomi Hospital.
Authors: Jordaan EM, Robb L, Joubert G, Ngounda J, Walsh CM
Congress: European Society for Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition (ESPEN) Virtual Congress on Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. 17 – 19 September 2020
Title: Dietary intake and food sources of choline in pregnant women in Bloemfontein, South Africa.
Authors: Robb L, Joubert G, Jordaan M, Ngounda J, Walsh CM
Le Roux M, Walsh C, Reid M & Raubenheimer J. 2019. Diabetes-related knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) of adult patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in the Free State province, South Africa. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Van den Berg L, Mokhehle M & Raubenheimer J. 2019. Nutritional status, glycaemic control and barriers to treatment compliance among patients with type 2 diabetes attending public primary health clinics in Maseru, Lesotho. Journal of Endocrinology, Metabolism & Diabetes of South Africa.
Pienaar M, van Rooyen FC & Walsh CM. 2019. Physical activity levels of HIV-infected individuals in rural and urban communities in Free State Province, South Africa. Physical activity levels of HIV-infected individuals in rural and urban communities in Free State Province, South Africa.
Rothman M, Ranneileng M, Nel R & Walsh C. 2019. Nutritional status and food intake of women residing in rural and urban areas of Lesotho. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Wessels J, Walsh CM & Nel M. 2019. Smoking habits and alcohol use of patients with tuberculosis at Standerton Tuberculosis Specialised Hospital, Mpumalanga, South Africa. Health SA Gesondheid.
van den Berg L, Walsh C. 2019. Searching the lipidome for answers to prevent and treat non-communicable diseases – editorial. Cardiovascular Journal of Africa, 30 (4), 191 – 192.
Van den Berg-van Antwerpen V.L., Nel, M., & Meko, N.M.L. 2019. Health Message preferences of adult women from a peri-urban area in South Africa. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, vol. 119.
Congress: 7th Asian Congress of Dietetics, Hong Kong, July 2019
Title: Lifestyle and environmental risk factors associated with overweight/obesity in women in a rural farming community, central South Africa
Authors: Van den Berg L, Leyel I, Raubenheimer J
Congress: ESPEN 2019, Krakow, Poland, August 2019
Title: Correlation between body segments and height amongst adults in a South African hospital population
Authors: Van den Berg L, Williamson H, Nel M