Associate Professor
Books / chapters in books
- Roelofse, F. (2012) Mineralogical, geochemical and isotopic constraints on the evolution of the lower Main Zone and Platreef on the Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex. Bulletin 141, Council for Geoscience, Pretoria (ISBN 978-1-920226-43-5)
Submissions to peer-reviewed journals
- Maier, WD., Roelofse, F., Barnes, S.-J. (2003) The concentration of the platinum-group elementsin South African komatiites: implications for mantle sources, melting regime and PGE fractionation during crystallization. Journal of Petrology 44 (10) 1787-1804.
- Roelofse, F., Horstmann, U.E. (2008) A case study on the application of isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) in determining the provenance of a rock used in an alleged nickel switching incident. Forensic Science International 174 63-66.
- Roelofse, F. (2007) An exploratory study into the multi-dimensional nature of quality in analytical laboratories – managerial implications. Quality Management Journal 14(3) 7-14.
- Roelofse, F., Ashwal, LD. (2008) Symplectitic augite from the Platreef – textural evidence for fluid/rock interaction in the Northern Sector of the Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex? South African Journal of Geology 111 21-26.
- Roelofse, F., Ashwal, LD., Pineda-Vargas, CA., Przybylowicz, WJ. (2009) Enigmatic textures developed along plagioclase-augite grain boundaries at the base of the Main Zone, Northern Limb, Bushveld Complex – evidence for late stage melt infiltration into a nearly solidified crystal mush. South African Journal of Geology 112 39-46.
- Roelofse, T., Roelofse, F. (2011) On the occurrence of loughlinite (Na-sepiolite) in pans of the Northern Cape Province, South Africa. South African Journal of Geology114 201-206
- Roelofse, F., Ashwal, L.D. (2012) The lower Main Zone in the Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex – A >1.3 km thick sequence of intruded and variably contaminated crystal mushes. Journal of Petrology53: 1449-1476
- Zintwana, M.P., Cawthorn, R.G., Ashwal, L.D., Roelofse, F., Cronwright, H. (2012) Mercury in the Bushveld Complex, South Africa, and the Skaergaard Intrusion, Greenland. Chemical Geology 320-321: 147-155
- Roelofse, F, Saunders, I (2013) A first report on meteor generated seismic signals as detected by the SANSN. South African Journal of Science 109(5/6) Art#0022, 6 pages
- Lehloenya, PB, Roelofse, F (2013) Mercury distribution amongst co-existing silicates within the Bushveld Complex. Chemie der Erde (Geochemistry)73: 261-266
- Roelofse, F. (2013) Comments on the paper “Mineralogical and geochemical analyses of the healing elements in clayey soils from Isinuka traditional spa in Port St Johns, South Africa”. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 68(3): 175-176
- Tredoux, M, Roelofse, F, Shukolyukov, A (2014) A Cr isotopic study of the Bon Accord NiO body in the Barberton greenstone belt, South Africa. Chemical Geology 390:182-190
- Roelofse, F, Mulder, K (2015) Die invloed van verpoeiering op die kwikinhoud van verskeie gesertifiseerde verwysingsmateriale. Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie34(1) Art#1290, 4 pages
- Roelofse, F, Ashwal, LD, Romer, RL (2015) Multiple, isotopically heterogeneous plagioclase populations in the Bushveld Complex suggest mush intrusion. Chemie der Erde – Geochemistry75: 357-364
- Mangwegape, M., Roelofse, F., Mock, T., Carlson, R.W. (2016) The Sr-isotopic stratigraphy of the Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa. Journal of African Earth Sciences 113: 95-100
- Kovaleva, E., Huber, M.S., Roelofse, F., Tredoux, M., Praekelt, H.E. (2018) Pseudotachylite vein hosted by a clast in the Vredefort Granophyre: characterization, origin and relevance. South African Journal of Geology 121: 51-68
- Magson, J., Tredoux, M., Roelofse, F. (2018) Association of platinum-group elements with chromitite within the Merensky reef, Western Bushveld Complex: Results of a high resolution mineralogical and geochemical study. Journal of African Earth Sciences 144: 161-175
- Kovaleva, E., Huber, M.S., Roelofse, F., Tredoux, M., Praekelt, H. (2019) Reply to the comment made by W.U. Reimold on “Pseudotachylite vein hosted by a clast in the Vredefort granophyre: characterization, origin and relevance” by E. Kovaleva et al., South African Journal of Geology, 2018, 121, 51-68. doi:10.25131/sajg.121.0002. South African Journal of Geology
- Roelofse, F., de Bruiyn, H., Cornell, D., Kristofferson, M. (2020) Lithostratigraphy of the Palaeoproterozoic Verena Granite. South African Journal of Geology 123: 117-128
- Beukes, J.J., Roelofse, F., Gauert, C.D.K., Grobler, D.F., Ueckermann, H. (2021) Strontium isotope variations in the Flatreef on Macalacaskop, northern limb, Bushveld Complex: implications for the source of platinum-group elements in the Merensky Reef. Mineralium Deposita 56: 45-57
- Keet, J.J., Roelofse, F., Gauert, C.D.K., Grobler, D.F., Butler, M. (2021) A comparative study of sulfur isotope variations within the Flatreef and Merensky Reef of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa. The Canadian Mineralogist 59(6): 1363-1380
- Kotze, E., Roelofse, F., Grobler, D., Gauert, C., Purchase, M. (2022) Geological setting and concentration of scandium in the Flatreef and Eastern Limb chromitites of the Bushveld Complex. Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy 122(9): 517-526
- Magson, J., Roelofse, F., Bybee, G., Bolhar, R. (2023) Constraints on the Nd-isotopic composition and nature of the last major influx of magma into the Bushveld Complex. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 178: 14 (17 pages)
- Cairncross, B., Harris, C., Roelofse, F., Van Huyssteen, C. (2023) Who’s who in mineral names: Marian Tredoux (1952-2019). Rocks & Minerals 98(2): 187-189
- Keet, J.J., Roelofse, F., Gauert, C.D.K., Iaccheri, L.M., Grobler, D.F., Ueckermann, H. (in press) Neodymium isotope variations in the Flatreef on Macalacaskop, Northern Limb, Bushveld Complex. Mineralium Deposita
- Roelofse, F., Cairncross, B. (in press) Who’s who in mineral names: Johannes Willemse (1909-1967). Rocks & Minerals
Peer-reviewed conference proceedings
- Shaat, SKK., Roelofse, F., Swart, HC., Ntwaeaborwa, OM. (2011) Synthesis and photoluminescence properties of Tb3+-doped Sr0.5Zn0.5Al2O4 phosphor prepared via combustion process; in: Proceedings of SAIP2011, the 56th Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Physics. Basson, I. & Botha, A.E. (eds.). University of South Africa, Pretoria: 285-290
- Coetzee, H, Kotoane, M, Atanasova, M, Roelofse, F (2013) Interactions between dolomite and acid mine drainage in the Witwatersrand basin – Results of field and laboratory studies and the implications for natural attenuation in the West Rand Goldfield; in: Reliable Mine Water Technology Volume 1. Brown, A, Figueroa, L, Wolkersdorfer, C (eds.) Publication Printers, Denver, Colorado: 307-312
- Huber, M.S., Roelofse, F., Koeberl, C., Tredoux, C. (2021) New field, geochemical and petrographic evidence from the Bon Accord nickel body: Contamination of a komatiite by deep mantle or meteorite source?; in: Reimold, W.U., Koeberl, C. (eds.) Large meteorite impacts and planetary evolution VI: Geological Society of America Special Paper 550: 333-349
Publications (Short List)
My current research is aimed at quantifying the extent of isotopic and trace element disequilibrium within the Bushveld Complex and also at what the presence of disequilibrium features within the Bushveld Complex (and other layered intrusions) can tell us about a variety of processes operational in large magma chambers (e.g. magma chamber dynamics, interaction between mantle-derived magmas and the crust into which they are emplaced, the origin of layering and the construction of large layered intrusions in general).
Post-graduate students with excellent academic records are encouraged to contact me should they want to become involved in my research endeavors.
For more information, please see my Google Scholar and ResearchGate profiles:
Google Scholar
- Trace element and isotopic disequilibrium in the Bushveld Complex
- Textural studies in large layered complexes
- Forensic geology
- Igneous Petrology 3714
- Advanced Igneous Petrology 6853
- South African Committee for Stratigraphy: Chairman (Paleoproterozoic Task Group): 2014-*
- IMA Commission on Gem Materials: SA Representative: 2021-*
- SA National Committee for the International Continental Scientific Drilling Programme: Member: 2022-*
- Member of the ICDP Bushveld Project (BVDP) Steering Committee
- Geological Society of South Africa: Member of Council for the Free State Province (2017-*)