Purpose of CLASSE
CLASSE comprises a pair of survey instruments that provides information on engagement practices in a single module. The two surveys are administered among students (CLASSE Student) and the lecturer (CLASSE Lecturer) of a specific module. CLASSE Student data offers quantitative information on the time and effort students spend on educationally purposeful activities. CLASSE Lecturer data allows lecturers the opportunity to reflect on how important they consider effective educational practices to be in their module.
The two CLASSE surveys
CLASSE-Lecturer asks the lecturer of a particular module/course how important the various educational practices are for facilitating student success.
CLASSE-Student asks students how frequently they engage in various educational practices within that specific course.
How the CLASSE data can be used
One of the most important ways in which the data can be used is to identify student behaviours that occur with below-average frequency, but that the lecturer considers as important for academic success. Therefore CLASSE data can be used to improve teaching and learning practices, with the ultimate goal of improving student success rates. Together with CLASSE data,
Student Engagement Techniques (SET): A Handbook for College Faculty written by Elizabeth Barkley,
provides useful techniques that can be used to improve the student experience within your classroom. Refer to
data and results guides.
Please see video below for more information.