CLASSE guide
Click here for a guide to understanding, interpreting and using CLASSE data.
The 2017 book, Engaging Students: Using Evidence to Promote Student Success includes a chapter on the CLASSE. To access Chapter 10 ‘Using Engagement Data for Change and Empowerment at Course Level’ click here.
Module Report
Participating modules receive a report containing module-specific results. CLASSE’s participation agreements prevent module-specific results being made public, but a sample report is available for review. A breakdown of each of the report sections is provided below.
The Respondent Characteristics Report provides details of the demographic profile of the CLASSE Student sample. Reflecting on the demographics of students can help lecturers to think about whether different groups in their courses have different experiences and different needs and how these needs can be addressed.
The Frequency Distribution for the CLASSE report is based on the responses of students in a specific module. The frequency (count and percentage) on each item is given for the overall sample of students. The frequency of student response options can be compared to lecturer ratings to determine whether students participate to the extent that the lecturer considers it to be important.
The CLASSE data is displayed by means of a quadrant analysis. The CLASSE Lecturer importance results are represented on the vertical axis. The two upper quadrants represent items that lecturers valued as either important or very important. The two left-hand quadrants represent items that students participated in at below average frequency. The two right-hand quadrants represent items that students participated in at above average frequency.
If the practices that staff value as important and those that students perform often are aligned, all of the CLASSE items would fall into the upper right and lower left quadrants (see Figure below).