Explore SASSE

What is LSSE?

The Lecturer Survey of Student Engagement (LSSE) measures lecturers' experiences of their students’ engagement in effective educational practices and complements the SASSE. The survey also collects information on how lecturers spend their time on professional activities, such as teaching and research, and the kinds of learning experiences their institutions emphasise.

LSSE results can be used to identify areas of institutional strengths and aspects of the undergraduate experience that may warrant attention. The data could also contribute to a greater understanding of the impact lecturer activities have on student learning and involvement. The information is intended to serve as catalyst for discussions related to teaching, learning, and the quality of students’ educational experiences.

Why should institutions participate?

The data from the LSSE can be used for:

  • Staff development programmes;
  • Scholarship of teaching and learning (SOTL) initiatives;
  • Assessment and improvement;
  • Institutional research; and
  • Curriculum reform.

LSSE results, which, when used to substantiate SASSE results, could lead to an improved understanding of student engagement at institutions.

Quick facts about LSSE

LSSE focuses on:

  • How often lecturers use effective teaching strategies;
  • How much lecturers encourage students to collaborate;
  • The nature and frequency of staff-student interactions;
  • Opportunities for students to engage diverse perspectives;
  • The importance lecturers place on institutional support for students;
  • The importance lecturers place on various areas of learning and development; and
  • How lecturers organise their time, both in and out of the classroom.

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