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CAT 18 Annotated Portfolios
Estimated Levels of Time and Energy Required for:
Faculty to prepare to use this CAT Medium
Students to respond to the assessment High
Faculty to analyze the data collectedHigh

"In the fine and applied arts, assessment of portfolios is a common and well-accepted practice. Painters, photographers, architects, and graphic artists – as well as orthodontists, plastic surgeons, and fashion models – submit select samples of their work to potential employers, admissions committees, galleries, and foundations. Fiction writers, poets, composers, and journalists also use portfolios of their work. In a somewhat different though related way, academic programs that grant credit to adult students for experiential learning often require portfolios of personal narratives, usually supplemented by supporting documentation. Annotated Portfolios used for Classroom Assessment contain a very limited number of examples of creative work, supplemented by the students’ own commentary on the significance of those examples."

 Purpose"Annotated Portfolios provide the teacher with a limited sample of students’ creative work, along with the students’ explanation of that work in relation to the course content or goals. In this way, the technique allows teachers to assess students’ skill at making explicit connections between their creative work and the course content. In other words, it helps faculty see how well students can apply what they have learned and how well they can explain those applications. Annotated Portfolios prompt students to show and tell their instructors – and themselves – how their creative and self-evaluative skills are developing." — Classroom Assessment Techniques, Angelo, TA and Cross, KP, 1993

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