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CAT 44 Group Instructional Feedback Technique
Estimated Levels of Time and Energy Required for:
Faculty to prepare to use this CAT Medium
Students to respond to the assessmentMedium
Faculty to analyze the data collected Medium to High

"This technique has many names and many variations, but they all center on getting student responses to three questions related to their learning in the class. However they are worded, these three questions basically ask, “What works? What doesn’t? What can be done to improve it?” In an ideal administration of the Group Instructional Feedback Technique (GIFT), someone other than the teacher quickly polls students on these questions, determines which are the most frequent responses, summarizes them, and then reports back to the instructor.
This feedback is a GIFT in two senses. First, it is already at least partially summarized and analyzed by the time it reaches the instructor. And second, it allows the instructor to see his or her course through the eyes of a detached but sympathetic observer. If no outside “information gatherer” is available, instructors can collect useful data from their own classes by giving students more responsibility in the process and adopting a few safeguards."

 Purpose"The Group Instructional Feedback Technique (GIFT) is designed to provide instructors with a quick, rough summary of the most frequent responses to three questions: (1) What do students think is helping them learn? (2) What is hindering their learning? (3) What specific suggestions do they have for improving learning in the classroom? This process gives students a chance to compare responses with those of their classmates." — Classroom Assessment Techniques, Angelo, TA and Cross, KP, 1993

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