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01 July 2020 | Story Thabo Kessah | Photo Supplied
Breathtaking views of the misty Bvumba mountains.

While the Afromontane Research Unit (ARU) will always have a core focus on the sustainable development of the Maloti-Drakensberg (Lesotho-South Africa), the Southern African region is also very important to the unit. The primary reason for this is that Southern African mountains – the most important water-production landscapes in our drought-prone region – have no collective voice for their sustainable management. As such, there is no regional science-policy-action pipeline to secure these mountains for interventions to ensure that they can still produce key ecosystem services under global change. This is in contrast to East Africa where there is a much better-established community of practice for the charismatic African giants such as Mount Kilimanjaro. 

ARU-Southern African collaboration
To this end, the Director of the ARU, Dr Ralph Clark, revealed that the ARU has close links with academics, practitioners, and lay experts in Zimbabwe for the careful documenting of mountain biodiversity in the Manica Highlands. This is a trans-national mountain system critical for water supply to both Zimbabwe and Mozambique. The Bvumba (‘mist’ in Shona) Mountains are situated in the centre of the Manica Highlands. The name Bvumba is derived from the regular mist covering these mountains.

“The Bvumba has a complex socio-political history extending far back, before the arrival of the Portuguese in the 1400s. Despite this history of human occupation, and despite a century of botanical exploration in the 20th century, a comprehensive list of plant species – including endemic species – has never been published for the Bvumba. Such basic lists are essential for foundational knowledge that can drive sustainable development and responsible management of natural resources,” Dr Clark said.

The ARU and partners have collaborated to compile records of the first comprehensive species list for the Bvumba. “This project was done in partnership with the Harare Herbarium, Belgium’s Meise Botanical Gardens, the Flora of Zimbabwe and Mozambique projects, the Biodiversity Foundation for Africa, and the UK’s Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew. It was recently completed with a publication in the journal PhytoKeys.”

Bvumba’s hundreds of species
The Bvumba has a plant species complement of 1 127 native taxa in an area of only 276 square kilometres. “There is remarkable fern and orchid diversity in these mountains, with 137 fern species that is considered to be the richest fern locality in Southern Africa.  There are also 125 orchid species that make it exceptionally rich for this group. The only local Bvumba endemic is a critically endangered epiphytic forest orchid. Six other near-endemic plant taxa occur in the Bvumba, all of which are endemic to the Manica Highlands from Nyanga to Chimanimani,” added Dr Clark.

Low levels of local endemism are likely to be an effect of the Bvumba having limited natural grassland compared to forest. “Second to fynbos, grassland is the most endemic-rich habitat in Southern African mountains. Montane forests are poor in local endemics by comparison, which is contrary to what many would suppose. As in mountains across Southern Africa, invasive species are a major risk to water security, biodiversity conservation and livelihoods. The Bvumba is no exception, with Australian blackwood (Acacia melanoxylon), ginger lily (Hedychium gardnerianum), and bee bush (Vernonanthura polyanthes) being the most problematic species of the 123 naturalised introductions. While the Zimbabwean side of the Bvumba is the best explored, the Mozambican side of Serra Vumba offers exciting opportunities for further botanical research,” he emphasised.

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Alumni in the financial sector: money talks!

Description: Marina Marinkov Tags: Marina Marinkov 

Marina Marinkov, Economist at the
International Monetary

Description: Evangelina Nailenge Tags: Evangelina Nailenge

Evangelina Nailenge, General
Manager: Investment Institutions at
Namibia Financial Supervisory Authority.

Description: Vuyelwa Vumendlini Tags: Vuyelwa Vumendlini

Vuyelwa Vumendlini, Chief Director:
Global and Emerging Markets, National

Description: Meshach Aziakpono Tags: Meshach Aziakpono

Prof Meshach Azaikpono, Professor of
Development Finance, University of

Description: Anton Nicolaisen Tags: Anton Nicolaisen

Anton Nicolaisen, Provincial Head for
the Free State Province, Standard Bank.

Where are they now?

On good days, most of us battle to set our personal finances straight,  let alone be responsible for a large enterprise. So we are extremely proud of the well-trained and talented Kovsie alumni who fill prominent shoes. Operating mostly away from the public eye, they make decisions to improve the economy on various levels. It is heartening to know that the UFS contributes to financial matters and training all across the globe.  

Marina Marinkov

Courses: BCom (Economics), BCom Hons (Money and Banking), and MCom (Economics) (2000-2004)
Current position:
Economist at the International Monetary Fund
Biggest career obstacle: I once worked for an organisation with poor leadership which negatively affected employee morale and job performance. It still proved to be a great learning experience, though. Bad bosses can teach us powerful lessons.
Best career advice:
Stop doubting yourself, work hard and be humble.
Fondest memory of UFS: Time spent on campus with my classmates, whether studying for finals at the library or just catching up between classes. The UFS was also my first employer and I have plenty of wonderful memories with colleagues at the Department of Economics.

Evangelina Nailenge

Courses: BCom Hons (Money and Banking) MCom (Money and Banking) (2005-2006)
Current position: General Manager: Investment Institutions at Namibia Financial Supervisory Authority
Biggest career obstacle: At times, being one of the youngest requires you to work twice as hard to earn your voice and cue at the decision-making table.
Best career advice: “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.” Eccl. 9:10
Fondest memory of UFS: Walking around the campus. Its well-manicured lawns and gardens had a calming effect in the midst of academic pressures. I will forever treasure the moment I first saw my name engraved in the walls of FGG, as the best postgraduate student for both 2005 and 2006.

Vuyelwa Vumendlini

Course: BCom Hons (Economics) (1996-1999)
Current position: Chief Director: Global and Emerging Markets, National Treasury
Biggest career obstacle: Doubting your own capabilities.
Best career advice: The sky is the limit, go for it all out, but most importantly, do something that you are passionate about it. It makes your work much more meaningful.
Fondest memory of UFS: Working as a tutor in my honours year and being able to help other students. I also enjoyed hanging out at Mooimeisiesfontein on Saturday afternoons.

Prof Meshach Azaikpono

Course: PhD in Economics (2004-2008) “The Depth of Financial Integration and its Effects on Financial Development and Economic Performance of the Southern African Customs Union Countries”. He received the Founders’ Medal for the best PhD dissertation in Economics in South Africa.
Current position: Professor of Development Finance, University of Stellenbosch.
Biggest career obstacle: I was fortunate to never have experienced a major career obstacle.
Best career advice: Pursue and focus on your passion.
Fondest memory of UFS: Being a part-time student, I had very limited interaction with the broader university environment. But I really enjoyed the support provided by the library staff and the staff from the Department of Economics. It was always like coming to see friends.

Anton Nicolaisen

Course: BEcon (1986-1989), MBA (1999-2003)
Current position: Provincial Head for the Free State Province, Standard Bank
Biggest career obstacle: Earlier in my career, I fell into a comfort zone and had to acquire the willingness to change.
Best career advice: Continuously challenge yourself to be the best possible person you can be, and run your own race. Learn through difficult times, and be open to change.
Fondest memory of UFS: Although I was not the biggest academic, I enjoyed interacting with lecturers … their stories and unique characteristics. Back then, I interpreted some as funny or awkward, only later did I realise how much I had learned from them. And of course, I’ll always remember the team spirit at athletics meetings and intervarsity.

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