Prof Prakash Naidoo has been appointed
as Vice-Rector: Operations
Photo: Stephen Collet
The Council of the University of the Free State (UFS) approved the appointment of Prof Prakash Naidoo as Vice-Rector: Operations, during its quarterly meeting held on the South Campus in Bloemfontein on 8 September 2017.
Prof Naidoo is a former Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Resources and Planning at the Vaal University of Technology (VUT). He has also been the Executive Dean: Faculty of Management Sciences at VUT. Prior to this, he was a lecturer in the Department of Accounting at the Durban University of Technology (DUT), and Vice-Dean and Acting Dean of the Faculty of Commerce at DUT.
“Prof Naidoo is a seasoned senior manager and an excellent appointment in this vital position. He understands the higher-education sector, and the Council is satisfied by the quality and extent of experience which he will bring to the position,” said Mr Willem Louw, Chairperson of the UFS Council.
He holds a PhD in Management Accounting, MComm in Management Accounting, Honours in Accounting, Honours in Economics, BComm (Acc), and a University Diploma in Education.
Prof Naidoo is a registered professional accountant with the South African Institute of Professional Accountants (SAIPA), an associate of the Chartered Institute of Business Management (CIBM), and an Internationally Certified Fraud Examiner (ACFE). He was also an international associate of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA).
He served as member and chairperson on various boards and forums, including the Investment Committee of the National Tertiary Retirement Fund (NTRF); Audit Committee of the National Institute on Higher Education in Mpumalanga (NIHE); Audit Committee of the Higher Education Purchasing Consortium (PURCO), and other task teams in higher education. He also served as a former director of ACFE (SA Chapter), where he received a commendation for his work in fighting fraud and corruption in the country. He has written and published numerous papers, supervised research, presented papers at conferences, and published one book.
Prof Naidoo is currently the Campus Principal of the university’s Qwaqwa Campus. He will start in the new position as from 1 January 2018, following the subsequent retirement of Prof Nicky Morgan, current Vice-Rector: Operations at the end of December 2017.