Evolution of information and communication technology discussed as part of Darwin lecture series
Lectures on the evolution of the information and communication technology were recently presented by the University of the Free State's (UFS) Departments of Communication Science, Chemistry, Physics and Computer Science and Informatics. The lectures form part of the lecture series entitled The story of life and survival to celebrate 200 years since the birth of Charles Darwin presented by the UFS, Central University of Technology (CUT) and the National Museum. The lectures focused on communication in a manufacturing environment, the knowledge explosion and the broadband universe. It was preceded by an exhibition and demonstrations of various information and communication technologies, which was visited by about 1 000 secondary learners from schools in and around Bloemfontein. Here are, from the back: Prof. Jorrie Jordaan, CUT, Prof. Pieter Meintjes, Department of Physics at the UFS, Prof. Jannie Swarts, Department of Chemistry at the UFS and Ms Mercia Coetzee, Department of Communication Science at the UFS.
Photo: Lacea Loader |