UFS senior professor serves on panel that investigates conversion of algae into biofuels
Prof. Johan Grobbelaar, senior professor at the University of the Free State's (UFS) Department of Plant Sciences, has been invited by the Arizona Public Service (APS) to be part of a panel of experts who will be attending a series of meetings in the United States of America (USA) on CO2 fixation via algae for the Department of Energy Coal to Substitute Natural Gas (SNG) Project. Prof. Grobbelaar has extended knowledge of and is one of the leading researchers in algal biotechnology. APS is investigating the possibility of recycling CO2 emissions into biomass for the successful conversion of algae into biofuels. Prof. Grobbelaar will be visiting the USA from 8-15 September 2009 where the meetings will take place in Phoenix, Arizona.
Photo: Hannes Pieterse |