Discussion forum held for the establishment of an Institute for Diversity
A discussion forum for the establishment of an Institute for Diversity was recently held on the Main Campus of the University of the Free State (UFS). According to Rev. Kiepie Jaftha, Chief Director: Community Service, the forum discussed issues such as the proposed niche areas and recommendations for the development of these niche areas, as well as the institutional placement and functioning of the institute. Attending the discussion forum were, from the left, front: Mr Willem Ellis, International Institute for Development Ethics (IIDE); Dr Andries Odendaal , consultant; Prof. Jonathan Jansen, Rector and Vice-Chancellor of the UFS; Prof. Melissa Steyn, University of Cape Town; Mr John Samuel, consultant; Prof. Mokubung Nkomo, University of Pretoria; Rev. Jaftha; and Prof. Anwar Osman, Centre for African Studies at the UFS; back: Prof. Teuns Verschoor, Vice-Rector: Academic Operations; Prof. Neil Roos, University of Pretoria; and Prof. Piet Erasmus, Department of Anthropology at the UFS.
Photo: Dalene Harris |