Prof. Helena van Zyl
According to a recent survey published in the Financial Mail, the MBA programme presented by the School of Management at the University of the Free State (UFS) was rated best by its graduates in terms of enjoyment of the course, the quality of the curriculum and the level at which the programme met graduates’ expectations in terms of business education.
The school was rated third by its graduates in terms of the quality of its lecturers and second for the value for money graduates obtain from the programme. The subjects Strategy (second) and Finance (third) received good ratings according to the graduates, while the programme was rated second in terms of the expectations it fulfilled in the development of graduates’ personal skills.
“The School of Management celebrates its tenth year of existence this year and I am very proud that our school has been rated so high by our graduandi. It is important to have satisfied clients. The school aims to offer high-quality business education, combined with developing the softer skills of MBA students,” said Prof. Helena van Zyl, Director of the UFS School of Management.
Media Release
Issued by: Lacea Loader
Deputy Director: Media Liaison
Tel: 051 401 2584
Cell: 083 645 2454
E-mail: loaderl.stg@ufs.ac.za
21 September 2009