UFS-Qwaqwa staff members move from being securityguards to academic graduates

Mrs S D Lebone and Mr M J Vezi
Photo: Jabulile Dakile
Mrs Lebone and Mr Vezi started working for the University as security guards. The University environment, characterized by different role models served as an inspiration that made them to consider furthering their studies. Unlike Mrs Lebone, Mr Vezi started working for the University without Matric.
The potential of these two employees was identified and supported by their families, friends and colleagues. Their success story bears testimony to the commitment of the University to staff development.
Mrs Lebone and Mr Vezi received their B Com and B Admin degrees respectively on 08 May 2004 during an auspicious graduation ceremony held at the Qwaqwa Campus’ Rolihlahla Mandela Hall. Mrs Lebone is currently working for the Finance Section of the University and Mr Vezi as the Student Development Officer. “I am confident that one day we will have a cleaner who will rise to be a Head/ Dean of one of the Faculties” Mr Vezi said.
Contribution By Jabulile Dakile