Graduates during the graduation ceremony.
Photo: Johan Roux
The conferment of a degree is an experience one is bound never to forget. Students from the University of the Free State (UFS) once again experienced these unforgettable moments.
The Spring Graduation ceremony enlightened the spirits of Kovsie graduates as they walked across the stage in the Callie Human Centre on 15 September 2016. With a new season comes new opportunities, and the 442 graduates made sure they grab this opportunity with both hands.
A total of 91 diplomas/certificates, 313 bachelors, and 38 honours degrees were conferred on graduates from six faculties of the UFS.
The guest speaker at both graduation ceremonies (09:00 and 14:30) was Dr Molapo Qhobela, Chief Executive Officer of the National Research Foundation (NRF). Dr Qhobela was appointed in this post in January 2016. He obtained a PhD in Plant Pathology from Kansas State University in the United States and a BSc in Botany and Zoology from the University of Zimbabwe.