UFS lodges appeal against judgment handed down on 12 September 2016 regarding its new Language Policy
The University of the Free State (UFS) takes cognisance of the decision of the High Court in Bloemfontein on Monday 12 September 2016 in respect of the AfriForum and Solidarity application to halt the implementation of the UFS’ new Language Policy, pending the finalisation of the appeal process.
The legal advice received by the university management is that the 21 July 2016 judgment, with respect, errs in a number of areas and thereby sets legal precedent which is problematic. Furthermore, the Full Bench stated on Monday in a second application that they had been persuaded that compelling reasons existed that another court might come to a different decision, thereby granting the UFS leave to appeal the 21 July 2016 judgment.
The UFS has, under the circumstances, lodged an appeal in the Supreme Court of Appeal against the order and reasons therefore handed down on 12 September 2016, which allows the implementation of its earlier judgment.
The UFS further intends to lodge an appeal to the Supreme Court of Appeal against the judgment of 21 July 2016, if direct access is not granted by the Constitutional Court, in order to protect its interests as well as the interests of its community.
Related articles:
Implications of new Language Policy for first-year students in 2017: 17 October 2016
UFS to proceed with appealing to Supreme Court of Appeal regarding new Language Policy: 29 September 2016
UFS to lodge application to appeal judgment about new Language Policy: 22 July 2016
High Court ruling about new UFS Language Policy: 21 July 2016
UFS Council approves a new Language Policy: 11 March 2016
Released by:
Lacea Loader (Director: Communication and Brand Management)
Telephone: +27 51 401 2584 | +27 83 645 2454
Email: news@ufs.ac.za | loaderl@ufs.ac.za
Fax: +27 51 444 6393