Due to the unforeseen closing of the campuses of the University of the Free State from 20 to 23 September 2016, substantial changes had to be made to the venues and schedules of The Liesbeth Schlumberger Organ Chair (presented by the Odeion School of Music at the UFS) and the Annual Southern African Church Organists Society (SAKOV) Meeting and Bursary Competition.
The event, scheduled for 22-29 September 2016, will now take place at the following venues:
Wednesday 21 September 2016
15:00-18:00 DRC Onze Rust Rehearsals SAKOV Bursary Candidates
Thursday 22 September 2016
08:00-21:00 DRC Onze Rust, Rehearsals SAKOV Bursary Candidates
14:00-16:30 DRC Langenhoven Park, Organ Marathon
17:30-18:30 Lutheran Church St Paulus, Liesbeth Schlumberger Concert
18:00-21:00 DRC Universitas SAKOV EXCOM Meeting
22:00 Sacred Heart Catholic Cathedral, Late Night Concert with works by Olivier Messiaen
Friday 23 September 2016
08:00-10:15 DRC Onze Rust, Bursary Candidates Competition
12:00-15:00 DRC Onze Rust, Bursary Candidates Competition
15:00-16:30 DRC Langenhoven Park Masterclass: Church music (Dr Jan Beukes)
17:00-19:00 DRC Universtas, SAKOV Regional Representatives Meeting
19:30 DRC Universtas, Liesbeth Schlumberger Gala Concert
Saturday 24 September 2016
DRC Langenhoven Park
08:00-08:30 Registration
08:30-09:00 Opening and singing, Rev Jaques Louw and Margaret van der Vegt
09:00-09:15 SAKOV Honorary membership award
09:15-10:00 General Assembly
10:00-11:00 G Cillié Memorial Lecture, Prof Elsabé Kloppers
Klinkende ruimte: Reformasie deur die kerklied
11:00-12:00 Lecture (Liesbeth Schlumberger): L'Art de Toucher / Die kuns van musikale aanslag/The Art of Touch
12:00-13:00 Lunch
14:30-17:00 Organ Safari, DRC Langenhoven Park starting point
19:30 DRC Onze Rust, SAKOV Bursary Gala Concert
Sunday 25 September 2016
Lutheran Church St Paulus 10:00
Morning Service accompanied by Liesbeth Schlumberger
Monday 26 to Thursday 29 September 2016
Masterclass series Liesbeth Schlumberger - Kurpershoek, Odeion School of Music
For any inquiries please contact Marius Coetzee on +27 51 401 3152, +27 72 338 2240 or CoetzeeML@ufs.ac.za.