Resulting from the closure of the campuses of the University of the Free State this week, the following decisions regarding the academic calendar have been taken by the university management:
1. Students who missed tests and/or lectures during the week of 19 to 23 September 2016 are requested to contact their respective faculties as from Monday 26 September 2016. This arrangement is also applicable to students whose tests and/or classes were disrupted on Monday 19 September 2016.
2. All tests and lectures scheduled for the week of 26-30 September 2016 will continue as normal.
3. The recess will take place as scheduled in the official university calendar (i.e. 3-7 October 2016).
4. Exams will continue as scheduled in the official university calendar. The main exam will still take place from 24 October to 12 November 2016, and the additional exam will take place from 14 November to 2 December 2016.
All academic and administrative services will resume on Monday 26 September 2016.
The above arrangements are applicable to all three campuses of the UFS.