The Department of History at the University of the Free State (UFS) has initiated an exciting research project to produce a critical institutional history of the UFS. The initiative is part of a wider national project, the Research Project on the Histories of Universities (RPHUSA) in South Africa. Prof Saleem Badat is leading this undertaking, which involves several other universities.
According to Prof Badat, the aim of the UFS project is to produce a volume on the overall history of the UFS and possible additional volumes on specific themes and issues, depending on the nature and extent of scholarly contributions.
The emphasis of this project will mainly be on critical reflections on
• learning-teaching, research, and community engagement at the UFS;
• the history of disciplines or fields or departments, centres, and institutes;
• governance, leadership and management, and finances;
• student politics and unionism;
• work on issues such as the UFS’ location, architecture, and planning; and
• its crest, regalia, and visual imagery.
“The Department of History hopes that the project will stimulate broad participation,” says Prof Badat.
He invites current and former UFS scholars, students, support staff, and alumni to contribute to research, writing, publishing, and related activities. To discuss the history project, the Department of History will convene a seminar:
Date: Monday, 6 May 2024
Time: 14:00
Venue: Flippie Groenewoud Building (FGG), Room 202
Please confirm attendance with Nicole Masalla.
After the seminar there will be an opportunity for potential contributors to participate in a workshop to consider the nature, extent, and range of possible contributions and to develop protocols, time frames, and timelines for research, writing, and publishing.