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Postdoctoral fellow at ISG focuses on environmental and human conflicts
Dr Noel Ndumeya is a born historian who became interested in his research field through reading the works of historians while still at secondary school. Dr Ndumeya feels it is important to study the relationship between societies, institutions, and their interactions with the environment. This might help societies to understand the present clashes between humans and the environment, providing insight into future developments.
His specific research field is the environmental history of Southern Africa, with an additional interest in the land and agricultural history of the region.
Dr Ndumeya has worked as a History lecturer at Mutare Teachers’ College, the Belvedere Technical Teachers’ College in Zimbabwe, and at the University of Zimbabwe.
His present research, which is being conducted under the auspices of the International Studies Group (ISG) at the UFS, focuses on wildlife resources and people-vs-parks conflicts in Southern Africa. His future research plans include comparative histories of land, agriculture, and nature reserves in Southern Africa.