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20 July 2020 | Story Leonie Bolleurs | Photo Supplied
The view from one of the offices in the Marion Island research station, with fresh snowfall in the interior of the island in the background.

Liezel Rudolph, lecturer and researcher in the Department of Geography at the University of the Free State (UFS), is strongly convinced that the Southern Hemisphere’s past glacial cycles will provide valuable insights to help predict and prepare for future climate change. Climate is changing fast and the magnitude of change we have seen over the last 30 years has taken a hundred or several hundred years to occur in the past. 

It is not only temperatures that are rising, but changes in wind patterns, rain cycles, oceanic circulation, etc., are also observed. As we do not know how the earth will respond or adapt to such rapid and drastic changes in climatic patterns, this poses various threats.

Link between landscape responses and climate change

Rudolph focuses her research on reconstructing the past climate of Marion Island. 

She had the wonderful opportunity to visit the island for the past three years with study and project leaders, Profs Werner Nel from the University of Fort Hare and David Hedding from UNISA, she departed on a ship to Marion Island to conduct fieldwork.They published their research findings of fieldwork conducted in 2017 and 2018.  

According to Rudolph, research in Antarctica, the Southern Ocean, and islands such as Marion Island is very important. South Africa is the only African country with research stations that have the ability to explore these regions.

“Marion Island has many landforms that could only have been created by glacial erosional or depositional processes, with glaciers currently absent from the island. To determine when the island was last in a full glacial period, we date the formation ages of these landforms.”

“In the short time we have been visiting the island, it was impossible to notice any drastic changes in the island climate. That is why we use these very old landforms to tell us more about periods before humans visited the island,” she says. 

Rudolph believes that understanding the link between landscape responses and climate change of the past can help to better predict some of the climate change processes that are currently threatening the planet.

“There’s a principle in geography called ‘uniformitarianism’, whereby we assume that the earth-surface processes we observe today, are the same as those that have been active in the past,” says Rudolph.

As scientists, they thus look at evidence of past geomorphic processes (which remain in the landscape in various forms, e.g. residual landforms, stratigraphic sequences, etc.) to piece together what the past climate was like. In the same way, they also use this principle to predict how certain earth processes will change in the future, along with climate changes.

“In return, we understand how the climate and the earth’s surface interact, and we can better predict how the earth will respond to climate change,” Rudolph adds. 

Society to play its part in climate change

In the long run, we as the public should play our part in readying society for the effects of climate change. 

Rudolph says society can play a positive role in terms of climate change by educating themselves with unbiased, scientifically sound information on the true state of climate change and by responding within their own spheres of influence.

“Don’t leave everything up to politicians and policy. As the public, you can start to make progress by assessing the effects that climate change may have on your industry, business or society, and strategise on how to adapt your processes to deal with these changes.”

“Be responsible with our natural resources, reduce your waste, support local businesses that are sustainable, and volunteer at a local environmental protection/clean-up organisation. All the small efforts will eventually add up to substantial change,” she says. 

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UV belê in gehalte met strategiese fokusgroepe - Volksblad

DIE Universiteit van die Vrystaat (UV) gaan vanjaar R10 miljoen beskikbaar stel om sekere van sy akademiese en navorsingsaktiwiteite in strategiese fokusgroepe te bedryf.


Volgens prof. Frederick Fourie, rektor en visekanselier van die UV, is hierdie ’n belegging in gehalte wat sal help om die UV nasionaal en internasionaal van ander universiteite in die wêreld te onderskei.

Tydens die amptelike opening van die UV verlede week het Fourie beklemtoon dat die strategiese fokusgroepe veel meer behels as net ’n herorganisering van gevestigde navorsingsgebiede.

“Sulke fokusgroepe behels ’n gefokusde deskundigheidsgebied en nie slegs navorsing nie, maar ook sterk voorgraadse en veral nagraadse onderrig en ’n potensieel sterk wetenskaplike grondslag vir samelewingsdiens.

“Strategiese fokusgroepe sal georganiseer word op die grondslag dat hierdie kennisgebiede op kort termyn die vlagskepe van die UV kan word. Dit beteken dat hierdie die gebiede is waarin die UV nou of in die toekoms waarskynlik ’n kompeterende voorsprong sal hê.”
Hy het gesê dit is belangrik dat die UV hom in die volgende fase van sy ontwikkeling posisioneer, nie net as ’n goeie onderrig- en navorsingsuniversiteit nie, maar ook as ’n universiteit wat in strategies belangrike kennisgebiede uitblink. Dit is noodsaaklik om energie en hulpbronne so te rig.

Nie alle akademiese en navorsingsaktiwiteite gaan egter hierdeur geraak word nie. ’n Breë ondersteuningsgrondslag is die afgelope paar jaar geskep vir uitnemende navorsing deur alle akademiese personeellede in hul eie navorsingsgebiede. Dié inisiatief sal naas die nuwe fokusgroepinisiatief steeds voortgaan.

Fourie sê die strategiese fokusgroepbenadering sal in lyn wees met die benadering wat ontwerp word deur die Nasionale Navorsingsraad (NNR) om nasionale prioriteite in berekening te bring. Breedweg is die vyf strategiese gebiede vir die UV voorlopig die volgende:
1. Voedselproduksie, voedselgehalte en voedselsekuriteit vir Afrika.
2. Ontwikkeling en streeksontwikkeling binne die Afrika-konteks.
3. Maatskaplike transformasie binne die Suider-Afrikaanse en Afrika-konteks.
4. Waterhulpbron- en ekostelselbestuur.
5. Tegnologie vir die toekoms. (’n Aparte fokusgroep rakende die chemiese nywerheid kan dalk bepaal word).

“Binne elk van hierdie gebiede kan ’n aantal nisgebiede geïdentifiseer word. Die fokusgebiede dek sowel die geestes- as die natuurwetenskappe, maar uiteraard kan en moet dit nie alles vir almal probeer wees nie,” sê Fourie.

Die presiese formulering en inhoud van die fokus- en nisgebiede sal nog bepaal word tydens gesprekke op die kampus. Dit sal met die hulp van kundiges buite die UV geskied.
Hy sê dit het sin dat ’n mediumgrootte universiteit soos die UV sy menslike hulpbronne, infrastruktuur, finansiële hulpbronne en intellektuele kundigheid sal konsentreer om te verseker dat ’n bydrae gelewer word tot Bloemfontein, die Vrystaat, die land en die Afrika-vasteland.

Hy sê van die uitvloeisels kan ’n belangrike impak op nywerheidsontwikkeling hê, byvoorbeeld in die chemiese bedryf, en dit mag ook ’n grondslag skep vir samewerking met provinsiale, nasionale en internasionale vennote.

Behalwe die R10 miljoen vir die vestiging van die fokusgroepe is daar die afgelope paar jaar groot bedrae beskikbaar gestel vir talle projekte om gehalte in onderrig en leer, in navorsing en ander gebiede te verbeter.

Berig verskyn in Volksblad - Dinsdag, 7 Februarie 2006

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