Explore CTL

How to contact us

Critical Academic Literacies courses:

Bloemfontein Campus:
Annamarie Otto
E: ottoA@ufs.ac.za

Qwaqwa Campus:
Palesa Selepe
E: selepePM@ufs.ac.za 

South Campus:
Linda Sparks
E: sparksLA@ufs.ac.za 

Write Site

Bloemfontein Campus
E: writesite@ufs.ac.za

Qwaqwa Campus
E: writesiteQQ@ufs.ac.za 

South Campus
E: writesiteSC@ufs.ac.za 

Where are we?

The Academic Language and Literacy Development (ALLD) focus area is situated in the Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL). 

On the Bloemfontein Campus: the ALLD is in the Sasol Library on Level 3.
On the Qwaqwa Campus: the ALLD is in the Intsika Building on the ground floor.

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