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Melber, H. (2017). The African middle class(es) – in the middle of what?. Review of African Political Economy, 44(151):142-154.
Melber, H. (2017). Genocide Matters - Negotiating a Namibian-German Past in the Present. Stichproben: Wiener zeitschrift fur kritische Afrikastudien/Stichproben: Vienna journal of african studies, 17(33): 1-24.
Melber, H. (2017). How Democratic Is Namibia’s Democracy?An Anatomy of SWAPO’s Political Hegemony. Taiwan journal of democracy, 13 (1): 143-161.
Melber, H. (2017). Genocide Matters - Negotiating a Namibian-German Past in the Present. Stichproben: Wiener zeitschrift fur kritische Afrikastudien/Stichproben: Vienna journal of african studies, 17 (33), (2017): pp. 1 - 24.
Melber, H. (2017). Heroic narratives, patriotic history and Namibian politics: The case of (Herman) Andimba Toivo Ya Toivo(1924–(2017)). Journal of Namibian studies, 22 (2017): pp. 45 - 58.
Melber, H. (2017). Heroic narratives, patriotic history and Namibian politics:The case of (Herman) Andimba Toivo Ya Toivo(1924–(2017)). Journal of Namibian studies, 22 (2017): pp. 45 - 58.
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Melber, H. (2015). Where and what (for) is the middle? Africa and the middle class(es). European Journal of Development Research, 27(2): 246-254.
Melber, H. (2015). Post-liberation democratic authoritarianism: The case of Namibia. Politikon-South African Journal of Political Studies, 42(1): 45-66.
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Melber, H. (2015). Faith as politics – and politics as faith: Beyers Naudé and Dag Hammarskjöld. Journal for Contemporary History, 40(2): 96-109.
Melber, H. & Kössler, H. (2015). Der Völkermord in Namibia und die deutsche Debatte. WeltTrends, Das aussenpolitische Journal, 23(105): 14-17.
Mlisa, N.L. & Nel, P.J. (2015). Umbilini experiential knowledge and indigenous healing praxis in Ukunyanga tradition. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD).
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Hudson, J. (2014). Gendercidal violence and the technologies of othering in Libya and Rwanda. Africa Insight, 44(1): 103-120.
Hudson, H. & Melber, H. (2014). Contextualising African identities, othering and the politics of space. Africa Insight, 44(1): 1-6.
Krenceyova, M. (2014). Who is allowed to speak about Africa? A reflection on knowledge, positionality, and authority in Africanist Scholarship. Africa Insight, 44(1): 8-22.
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Melber, H. (2014). 'Othering' and structural violence in former Settler Colonies Liberation Movements as governments in Southern Africa. Africa Insight 44(1): 191-207.
Melber, H. (2014). Mission, Kolonialismus, Kultur und Entwicklung. Die Reise von Missionsinspektor Spiecker durch Deutsch-Südwestafrika (1905-1907). Stichproben: Wiener zeitschrift fur kritische Afrikastudien/Stichproben: Vienna journal of african studies 14(26):
Melber, H. (2014). Tod eines UN-Generalsekretärs. Neue Erkenntnisse im Fall Hammarskjöld. Welt Trends: internationale Politik und vergleichende Studien, 22(94):
Melber, H. (2014). Bleibt alles beim Alten? Südafrika nach den Wahlen. Welt Trends: internationale Politik und vergleichende Studien, 22(97):
Melber, H. (2014). Der Hype um die Mittelklasse(n). Welt Trends: internationale Politik und vergleichende Studien, 22(99):
Melber, H. (2014). The death of Dag Hammarskjöld. Review of African Political Economy, 41(141):
Melber, H. (2014). South Africa's elections (2014): more than more of the same? Review of African Political Economy, 41(142):
Melber, H. (2014). Whose world? Development, civil society, development studies and (not only) scholar activists. Third World Quarterly, 35(6):
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Melber, H. (2013). Aus dem Osten was Neues? Chinas Rolle in Afrika. WeltTrends. Zeitschrift für internationale Politik, 21(88): 61-68.
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Melber, H. (2013). Der Süden und die Mittelschichten. Zum Human Development Report (2013). WeltTrends. Zeitschrift für internationale Politik, 21(91): 27-31.
Melber, H. (2013). Der Gerichtshof der SADC. Regierungsinteressen vor Bürgerrechten? WeltTrends. Zeitschrift für internationale Politik, 21(92): 65-72.
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Hudson, H. (2012). A double-edged sword of peace? Reflections on the tension between representation and protection in gendering liberal peacebuilding. International Peacekeeping, 19(4): 443-460.
Coetzee, E. & Hudson, H. (2012). Democratic peace theory and the realist-liberal dichotomy: the promise of neoclassical realism? Politikon, 39(2): 257-277.
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Hudson, H. (2011). Inhabitants of interstices? Feminist analysis at the intersection of Peace Studies, Critical Security Studies and human security. Strategic review for Southern Africa/Strategiese oorsig vir Suider-Afrika, XXXIII (2): 26-50.
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Hudson, H. (2010). Continuity and change: an evaluation of the democracy-foreign policy nexus in post-apartheid South Africa. Journal for Contemporary History, 35(2): 108-130.
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Hudson, H. (2009). Peacebuilding through a gender lens and the challenges of implementation in Rwanda and Côte d'Ivoire. Security Studies, 18(2): 287-318.
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