1. Master’s and PhD degrees
    The Department of Communication Science offers three Master’s degrees*:
    • 1.1 MA (Communication Science)
    • 1.2 MA (Communication Science) with specialisation in Media Studies and Journalism
    • 1.3 MA (Communication Science) with specialisation in Corporate and Marketing Communication
    • The Department of Communication Science offers the following doctoral qualification*:
      1.4 PhD
    *For complete curriculum information and duration of study for each degree, see point 6 below.
  2. Course structure
    • 2.1 The Master’s and PhD degrees are research-based and students are required to attend regular meetings with their supervisor on the Bloemfontein Campus of the University of the Free State.
    • 2.2 The Master’s degrees are NOT available as structured or course-work degrees.
    • 2.3 Master’s degree students are expected to complete a comprehensive dissertation.
    • 2.4 PhD students are expected to complete a comprehensive thesis or three interrelated, publishable articles.
  3. Selection requirements
    The minimum selection requirements for the Master’s degrees:
    • 3.1 The minimum requirement for possible selection for a Master’s degree is a minimum average of 65% in an applicable honours degree (NQF exit level 8) with a minimum of 70% in a thesis/research project/mini-dissertation at honours level that comprises at least 25% of the total credits of the honours degree.
    • 3.2 Due to the research-based nature of the Master’s degrees applicants who have not completed an applicable thesis/research project/mini-dissertation at honours level cannot be taken into consideration for possible selection.
    • 3.3 The Programme Committee of the Department of Communication Science retains the right to set additional requirements for possible selection, which could include, but is not limited to, a research proposal or oral examination.
    • 3.4 Admission to the Master’s degrees is subject to permission from the Programme Committee of the Department of Communication Science.
    The minimum selection requirements for the PhD:
    • 3.5 The minimum requirement of possible selection for the PhD programme is a minimum average of 65% in an applicable, research-based Master’s degree (NQF exit level 9).
    • 3.6 Applicants must include a research proposal of 1500 words with their application.
    • 3.7 The Programme Committee of the Department of Communication Science retains the right to set additional requirements for possible selection, which could include, but is not limited to, an oral examination or proof of publication of an article in an accredited academic journal in the field of Communication Science.
    • 3.8 Admission to the PhD is subject to permission from the Programme Committee of the Department of Communication Science.
    • 3.9 Admission to the PhD is subject to availability and competency of a qualified member of staff in the field/discipline of choice of the student.
  4. Application procedure
    • 4.1 The deadline for applications for the Master’s and PhD degrees is the last work day of September of each year. Applications are done online through the UFS website (www.ufs.ac.za – click on the Students tab and then on Postgraduate Studies).
    • 4.2 For information regarding fees, please contact the Administration Department via the switchboard at +27 51 401 9111 or visit www.ufs.ac.za > Students > Tuition Fees
  5. International applicants
    • 5.1 If you are interested in postgraduate studies at the UFS, and hold a non-South African first degree, honours degree or Master’s degree your qualification must be evaluated by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) and submitted together with your application form to the UFS.
    • 5.2 Please note that all foreign qualifications must be evaluated by the South African Qualifications Authority before application. It is the responsibility of the prospective student to forward his/her documentation to SAQA. Please visit www.ufs.ac.za for more information.
  6. Module information and duration
    • 6.1 Duration (applicable to all three Master’s degrees): The minimum registration period is one year and the maximum period is three years.
    • 6.2 MA (Communication Science
      MA (Communication Science)
      (programme code B1817; degree code 18171; academic plan code BC181717)
      The course requires the following compulsory module:
      COMD8900 Dissertation (Communication Science) 180 credits
    • 6.3 MA (Communication Science) with specialisation in Media Studies and Journalism
      MA (Communication Science) with specialisation in Media Studies and Journalism
      (programme code B1817; degree code 18171; academic plan code BC181743)
      The course requires the following compulsory module:
      JCOD8900 Dissertation (Media Studies and Journalism) 180 credits
    • 6.4 MA (Communication Science) with specialisation in Corporate and Marketing Communication
      MA (Communication Science) with specialisation in Corporate and Marketing Communication
      (programme code B1817; degree code 18171; academic plan code BC181738)
      The course requires the following compulsory module:
      ICOD8900 Dissertation (Corporate and Marketing Communication) 180 credits
    • 6.5 Duration (PhD): The minimum registration period is two years and the maximum registration period is four years.
    • 6.6 PhD
      (programme code B1906; degree code 19061; academic plan code BC190617)
      The course requires the following compulsory module:
      COMT9100 Thesis 360 credits
      COMA9100 Three interrelated, publishable articles 360 credits
  7. Contact Details
    For further academic enquiries regarding the Master’s and PhD degrees of the Department of Communication Science, please contact:
    Prof Nyasha Mboti
    T: +27 51 401 9643
    E: mbotin@ufs.ac.za 


T: +27 51 401 2240 or humanities@ufs.ac.za

Marizanne Cloete: +27 51 401 2592

Neliswa Emeni-Tientcheu: +27 51 401 2536
Phyllis Masilo: +27 51 401 9683

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