Rovena Troqe is a research fellow at the University of the Free State (South Africa) and lecturer at the University of Geneva (Switzerland). She has been studying the translation product and process from a generative semiotic perspective. She is the author of the book Traduttologia e semiotica generativa. Per un nuovo approccio interdisciplinare (Translation studies and generative semiotics, a new interdisciplinary approach) and her work has appeared in Semiotica, TTR, Signata, The Translator and Actes sémiotiques, among others. Her current research interests include translation studies applied, intercultural communication, and community translation.
1. Scientific Articles
- (2019) Translation in the Albanian communist and post-communist context from a semiotic perspective. Co-authored with A. Pema. The Translator, 24:4, 335-352
- (2018) Traduction interlinguistique et intersémiotique: le cas de la langue des signes. Co-authored with I. Straly, Actes Sémiotiques, 121. URL:
- (2016a) A Model for Defining the Concept and Practice of Translation, from the Perspective of Greimassian Semiotics. TTR : traduction, terminologie, rédaction, 29(1), 217-244.
- (2016b) Who Said It? Voices in News Translation, from a Semiotic Perspective. Semiotica. Co-authored with J. Fontanille. DOI
- (2015) Approche sémiotique à la traduction pour le grand public. Parallèles (27)1. 26-35.
- (2014) On the Concept of Translation. A Perspective Based on Greimassian Semiotics. Semiotica. DOI:
- (2011) La questione dell’espressività in traduttologia. la libellula (3) 150-166.
2. Book chapters
- (2017) News Translation: Text analysis, fieldwork, survey. Co-authored F. Marchan. In Silvia Hansen-Schirra, Oliver Czulo & Sascha Hofmann (eds.), Empirical modelling of translation and interpreting, 277–310. Berlin: Language Science Press. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.1090974
- (2017) Expliciter l’implicite en traduction: pour qui et à quel degré? In Sophie Anquetil, Juliette Elie-Deschamps & Cindy Lefebvre (eds), Autour des formes implicites, 181–194. Rennes : Presses Universitaires de Rennes. ISBN : 978-2-7535-5467-2
- (2015) Explicitness-Implicitness: Translation Strategies and Text Typologies. In Francesca Benocci & Marco Sonzogni (eds), Translation, Transnationalism, World Literature. Essays in Translation Studies 2010-2014, 341–366. Novi Ligure: Edizioni Joker. ISBN-13: 978887536210-2
3. Collective Works
4. Book Reviews
5. Books
Grants, Funds, Research Positions
- 09.2017-ongoing. Research fellowship. University of the Free State (South Africa)
- 01-12 2016. Postdoctoral fellowship, Centre de Recherches Sémiotiques (CeReS), Université de Limoges (France)
- 09.2013-02.2015. Early Postdoc Mobility FNS (Switzerland)
- 2013. Subside Tremplin. Université de Genève (Switzerland)
Main conferences
- 11. 2017. Presentation: “Translating fear into reality, from a Semiotic perspective – A short story, a film and a village: the case of Sleepy Hollow.” Conference: The first international interdisciplinary conference on Intersemiotic Translation, Adaptation, Transposition: Saying Almost the Same Thing? University of Cyprus.
- 08. 2015. Presentation: “Translation is a Delicate Dance: Unpredictable Trajectories in Normative Environments. Anticipative and Configurative Translational Practice for National Geographic.” Conference/Summer School : Tartu Summer School of Semiotics. Intersemiosis: (un)predictability versus (un)translatability (Estonia).
- 11. 2014. Presentation: “Expliciter l’implicite en traduction pour qui et à quel degré ?” Conference: Autour des formes implicites. Limoges (France)
- 06 2014. Presentation: “A Semiotic Approach to the Study of Translation.” Conference/Summer School. The Nida School of Translation Studies, “Translation as Interpretation”, San Pellegrino University Foundation (Italy).
- 04. 2014. Presentation: “Who Said It? Voices in News Translation, from a Semiotic Perspective.” Conference : ATISA VII: “Where Theory and Practice Meet”. The Seventh Biennial Conference of the American Translation & Interpreting Studies Association. New York City (US).
- 09. 2013. Presentation: “Les aspects sémiotiques de la traduction pour le grand public.” Conference: Traduire pour le grand Public, Geneva (Switzerland)
- 08. 2013. Poster: “Generative semiotics applied to the enunciation in translation.” Conference: 7th EST Congress “Translation Studies: Centres and Peripheries”, Germersheim (Germany)
- 05. 2013. Presentation: “Sémiotique et traduction: pour un nouveau modèle descriptif.” Conference: Traduction : nouvelles destinations, Istanbul (Turkey)
- 06. 2012. Presentation: “La question épistémologique en traductologie : pour une perspective basée sur la sémiotique greimassienne.” Conference/Summer School: 27th International Summer School for Semiotic and Structural Studies, Imatra (Finland)
- 11. 2011. Presentation: “Tipologie testuali e strategie traduttive: una nuova prospettiva.” Conference: ASTII équivalence, Berne (Switzerland)
7. Organising and scientific committee