Hundred roses were planted in front of our Main Building
Photo: Duard Grobbelaar
The Health and Wellness Centre at our university recently planted roses on the Main Campus in memory of people who passed away in the past year due to some illnesses and other personal issues.
Each rose represented 2 550 South Africans who have passed away and 100 roses were planted in front of the Main Building on our Main Campus. There were 51 red roses which represented deaths due to HIV, 14 yellow roses for those who passed away due to ischemic heart disease, 13 white roses for deaths caused by stroke, 11 orange roses for deaths caused by turbeculosis and 11 pink roses for deaths caused by interpersonal violence.
The rose garden managed to draw a lot of attention and people, many of which were members of our own staff and several students, actually took time from their busy schedules to have a look at its spectacular beauty.