The Unit for Professional Training and Service in the Behavioural Sciences (UNIBS) at the University of the Free State (UFS) will be presenting an academic support course for seven weeks from 23 July-7 September 2007 for grades 10 to 12 learners. This course develops important thinking skills which enable learners to reach their academic potential. Thinking skills include reading and learning skills.
These skills are also referred to as study reading skills. Study reading skills are important if learners want to improve their academic performance and plan to study at higher education institutions later in their lives. The cost of the seven-week course is R 830.00. Academic performance opens up opportunities such as applying for selection courses as well as applying for bursaries at higher education institutions. For more information and reservations, please contact Ms Rika Oosthuizen at UNIBS, telephone number 051 4012775 during office hours. The course will be presented at UNIBS on the Main Campus in Bloemfontein.