We offer free legal services to the indigent in the Mangaung area and we serve the following courts:

  • Bloemfontein District Court;
  • Bloemfontein Regional Court;
  • Bloemfontein High Court.

Types of matters we assist with:

  • Divorces and related matters;
  • Evictions;
  • Referrals to CCMA and Department of Labour;
  • General civil matters/claims – contractual and delictual;
  • Collections and bad debt cases, which includes rescission of judgements;
  • Drafting of Wills;
  • Protection of children and their rights;
  • Applications for Interdicts and Mandament van Spolie;
  • Maintenance and Family Violence matters.

We cannot handle the following matters, but will only advise on them:

  • Administration of Estates;
  • Transfer or Mortgaging of Immovable property;
  • Lodging or processing of RAF claims.
Office Hours:   08:00 to 16:30

Kindly schedule appointments beforehand, in order to avoid disappointment.

Please note: We are also unable to assist juristic persons or businesses and we only assist with one matter per client, at a time.


T: +27 51 401 2451
F: + 27 51 401 3043

E: law@ufs.ac.za

Equitas Building
UFS Bloemfontein Campus

Law photo for next to contact block

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