De Man, A

Reconsidering corruption as a violation of the rights to equality and non-discrimination based on poverty in South Africa Journal for Juridical Sciences 47:52-76

Strengthening the fight against corruption through the principle of accountability Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal 25

De Man A & Ngang, CC

Natural resources extraction during colonialism and the impact on the right to development in Africa. In C Ngang (ed) National resource sovereignty and the right to development in Africa Routledge 2022

Du Plessis, GA

Critical considerations on the legal protection of adherents to the Christian faith in the European legal framework. In AJ Beck; J de Kock and SC van den Heuvel (eds) The Vitality of Evangelical Theology: Celebrating ETF Leuven at 40 Peeters Publishers 2022

Du Plessis, GA & Portaru, A

Restrictions to religious worship during Covid-19: A bird’s-eye view of court decisions from selected European countries and the European Court of Human Rights Journal of Church and State 64:641-622

Du Plessis, GA & Sauer, C

Safeguarding freedom of religion or belief: Assessing the recommendations of the CRL Rights Commission in the light of international human rights standards Alternation: Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of the Arts and Humanities in Southern Africa (Formerly International Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature and Languages)

Kamga, GE

Insights into illicit financial flows from South Africa. In SD Kamga (ed) Illicit Financial Flows and South Africa. Decolonial Perspectives in Political Economy and Corruption Routledge 2022

Seychelles African Disability Rights Yearbook 10:187-201

Violence against women and the quest for a sustainable solution in Africa: Reflections on rediscovery of the due diligence standard. In ME Addadzi-Koom; M Addaney and LA Nkansah (eds) Democratic Governance, Law, and Development in Africa. Pragmatism, Experiments, and Prospects Palgrave Macmillan

Kamga, GE & Kamga, SD

The nexus between illicit financial flows and the recent downgrade of South Africa's ratings by credit rating agencies. In SD Kamga (ed) Illicit Financial Flows and South Africa. Decolonial Perspectives in Political Economy and Corruption Routledge 2022

Kruger, HB

Op soek na regsekerheid in die warboel van abduksie, menseroof en mensehandel LitNet Akademies

Okpaluba, MC

Damages for injuries arising from unlawful shooting by police and other security agents: South Africa, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia and Swaziland/Eswatini (1) South African Journal of Criminal Justice 35:34-57

Damages for injuries arising from unlawful shooting by police and other security agents: South Africa, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia and Swaziland/Eswatini (2) South African Journal of Criminal Justice 35:175-197

Damages for injuries arising from unlawful shooting by police and other security agents: South Africa, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia and Swaziland/Eswatini (3) South African Journal of Criminal Justice 35:331-355

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Does the prescription act apply to claims under the Labour Relations Act? Obiter Law Journal 43:436-466

Okpaluba, MC & Maloka, TC

Recusal of a judge in adjudication: Recent developments in South Africa and Botswana  Journal of Comparative Law in Africa 9:67-93

Okpaluba, MC & Nwafor, AO

Habeas Corpus as a remedy for deprivation of the right to personal liberty: Contemporary developments in Lesotho African Journal of Legal Studies 14

Pretorius, JL

Independent candidacy and electoral reform: New Nation Movement NPC v President of the Republic of South Africa Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal 25

Populist conceptions of the "people" and multi-party democracy Stellenbosch Law Review 33:3-24

Westman, CS

Precarity, ungrievability, and thinking beyond the law: A framework for understanding the position of LGB individuals in South Africa Acta Academica 54:1-20






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