De Man, A
‘The Sustainable Development Goals and the rights-based approach to development: Compatible or missing the point?’ 2019 African Human Rights Law Journal 19:445-469

De Villiers, I
‘Events, lines and interruptions: the production of university space’ 2019 Acta Academia 51(1):53-71

Du Plessis, G
‘The constitutionality of the regulation of religion in South Africa - untoward restrictions of the right to religious freedom?’ 2019 South African Law Journal 36(1):131-164 

Kamdem Kamga, GE
‘The political (in)dependence of the judiciary in Cameroon: fact or fiction?’ 2019 Africa Review 11(1):46-62
‘Technique of empire: Colonisation through a state of exception’ 2019 African Studies 78(3):1-19
‘Fees must Fall. When camp(us) becomes the matrix of state security’ 2019 Acta Academica 51(1):89-109

Kombo, B
‘Emerging voices: Doing regional integration better? The possibility of reinvigorating the relationship between international human rights law and international economic law through the African continental free trade area’ 2019 Opinio Juris

Kruger, B
‘Breaking bondages: Control methods, “Juju” and human trafficking’ in J Winterdyk & J Jones (eds.) The Palgrave International Handbook of Human Trafficking (2019) Palgrave Macmillan

Ngang, CC
Ngang CC, Djoyou Kamga SA & Gumede V (eds) Perspectives on the Right to Development (2019) Pretoria: PULP
‘Unsettling colonial paradigms: Right to development governance as framework model for constitutionalism in Africa’ 2019 Africa Studies Quarterly 18(2):67-86
‘Radical transformation and a reading of the right to development in the South African constitutional order’ 2019 South African Journal on Human Rights  35(1):29-49
‘Intellectual property protection of African traditional medicine with the framework of the right to development’ 2019 African Journal of International and Comparative law 27(3):426-445

Nkhata, MJ
‘Emerging trends from the resentencing of capital offenders in Malawi: Should post-conviction factors matter?’ 2019 New Criminal Law Review 22(2):164-199

Pretorius, JL
'The constitutionality of the hate speech provisions of the Equality Act: A response to Botha and Govindjee' 2019 PER/PELJ 22:1-37 (Co-author ME Marais)

Ramakhula, T
Tutlam, CK; Akech, JG; Mutambasere, SC; Ramakhula, T & Assim, UM ‘Africa’s democratic deficit: The role of the diaspora in bridging the gap between citizens and government’ 2019 Global Campus Human Rights Journal 3:28-51
‘In but out in Lesotho: Women’s representation dilemma’ 2019 Policy briefing: Women, Power & Policymaking

Wolf, L
'’n Kritiese betragting van die Gijima-uitsprake' 2019 LitNet Akademies (Regte) 16(1)


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