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Kamdem Kamga, GE
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‘Technique of empire: Colonisation through a state of exception’ 2019 African Studies 78(3):1-19
‘Fees must Fall. When camp(us) becomes the matrix of state security’ 2019 Acta Academica 51(1):89-109
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‘Emerging voices: Doing regional integration better? The possibility of reinvigorating the relationship between international human rights law and international economic law through the African continental free trade area’ 2019 Opinio Juris
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‘Radical transformation and a reading of the right to development in the South African constitutional order’ 2019 South African Journal on Human Rights 35(1):29-49
‘Intellectual property protection of African traditional medicine with the framework of the right to development’ 2019 African Journal of International and Comparative law 27(3):426-445
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