The Advocacy Division promotes transformation through human rights education and advocacy on the UFS campus and more broadly in the Free State Province and Lesotho.
We currently run the following projects:
Human rights ambassadors
Each UFS student residence has a designated human rights ambassador with the dual role of monitoring respect for and promoting a human rights culture within their respective residences, to achieve transformation in the residences.
Public lectures / workshops / seminars / conferences
Various guest speakers and experts in the field of human rights are invited to address interested participants on a variety of topics within the human rights field.
Campaigns and activities to raise awareness
Through the student assistants employed by the Centre and our volunteers, the Advocacy Division hosts a number of human rights awareness raising activities throughout the year within the UFS and/or surrounding community.
Collaborations and partnerships
The FSCHR works in strong partnership with the provincial office of the South African Human Rights Commission. All interested local and national NGOs and human rights organisations are welcome to contact the Centre to build partnerships and collaborate on mutually beneficial projects.
Human rights-related queries and assistance
We also assist any student, staff member or member of the public who contacts the Centre with human rights-related queries.
The Advocacy Division is coordinated by Dr Annelie de Man ( | T: +27 51 401 7216)