We treasure our community and eagerly participate in a variety of community projects.
MoU with the Dihlabeng Local Municipality
Through an MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) between the UFS and the Dihlabeng Local Municipality, we help train office-bearers and support schools with social-engineering projects. A Social Cohesion Project to promote reconciliation and nation-building also forms part of the memorandum.
Maluti-a-Phofung Annual Youth Dialogue
We partnered with the Maluti-a-Phofung Municipality to form an annual Youth Dialogue Platform.
Through the Wealth Creation Programme, UFS staff train and equip small entrepreneurs in their area of speciality, such as manufacturing (sewing, making furniture, etc.) agriculture, construction, training and development, and NPOs.
Via our Community Engagement Food Security Project, a vegetable garden on campus supplies vegetables to the NSH and Team Spirit Care Centre (Place of safety for vulnerable children) in Qwaqwa.
Kagiso Trust Resilience Network
Students are mentoring and training high-school learners to become resilient in life with the Kagiso Trust Resilience Network. For the past five years, UFS students have also been involved in language-proficiency development for high-school learners through public speaking. They act as trainers and adjudicators in parliament-style debates for regional and national competitions.
Sasol TRAC Laboratory
A Sasol TRAC Laboratory was established in 2006. Grade 10, 11, and 12 learners and educators from the Maluti-a-Phofung Local Municipality use the laboratory to do experiments. It introduces learners to the latest technology used by engineers and other scientists. The aim is to stimulate learners’ interest in the field of science, which would hopefully prompt more learners to pursue a career relating to science.
For more information, please contact:
Moodi Matsoso
T: +27 58 718 5070
E: matsosoMS@ufs.ac.za