Bloemshelter-UFS Partnership
Programme description
Bloemshelter is a non-profit organisation (NPO) providing shelter to the homeless, catering for women, women with children, the elderly, men, and vulnerable persons. A long-term community-university partnership has been established in 2009. Over the years, students and academics from the following faculties were involved:
- Faculty of Health Sciences service-learning modules, including:
a. Medical Health and Diseases in Populations;
b. Undergraduate and Postgraduate Practical Nursing Education;
c. Clinical Occupational Therapy; and
d. Clinical Physiotherapy.
- Faculty of the Humanities service-learning modules, including:
a. Social Work and Political Governance.
Such engagement enables students to:
- grow professionally by learning more about the profession through practical experience;
- grow personally and develop their social responsiveness; and
- contribute to the achievement of community development goals.
This partnership provides a reciprocal collaborative learning and engagement platform for diverse faculties at the UFS.
Programme content
Bloemshelter involves:
- community service-learning;
- participatory action learning action research projects;
- social enterprises; and
- an annual action-orientated engaged learning festival for the past seven years.
For more information, contact:
Bishop Billyboy Ramahlele
T: +27 51 401 2822
C: +27 82 401 3279
Karen Venter
T: +27 51 401 3732
C: +27 83 310 3715

A long-term community-university partnership has been established in 2009.